Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot - Hugo Weaving as "V"
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Tagged > Emotional pain
THREAD JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62343 Views
Jokes & Games
The most DANGEROUS Snake in the WORLD!!! NAME: "Expecteria Trouserius" (Trouser Snake) LOCATION: Throughout the world DESCRIPTION: One-eyed, with mushroom-shaped head (other types...
THREAD SocietyYour Veiw on Society
6 Posts • 3423 Views
Philosophy Forum
I hate and love society. I understand how it is create and how it is almost necessary. We strive towards a goal (as foolish as that goal may be) to distract ourself and give ourself purpose. We can&...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsThoughts by an Angel of Fire
5 Posts • 2500 Views
Psychology Forum
Devil of Desire ----- written Nov. 9, 2009 We layed there on my floor, each on our backs, forming a sort of human "t". On the bottom was I, I like a pillow; her head resting on my chest...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsRunning from Reality
1 Posts • 2222 Views
Philosophy Forum
Reality what is it? Is it something you work to maintain or achieve? Or is it the same for everyone that life and people in general are all the biggest joke of time? These are just some of the questio...
5 Posts • 3506 Views
Talk Talk
Love lyric sites.... Rebellion by the Arcade Fire Sleeping is giving in, no matter what the time is. Sleeping is giving in, so lift those heavy eyelids. People say that you'll die fa...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views
Psychology Forum
Sounds like she's just been listening to the latest Pink song too much. :P Seriously, I feel for you Al, as you and I are in the exact same situation. I think we need to meet down the local to...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67434 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I Geuss I'm The Enemy smile pretty take a picture play it silly stop and listen smell the flower dust the powder smile pretty smile pretty, yeah so im.. not just watch you thought...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12983 Views
Religion Forum
Ya what she said. :D Plus there are just tons of practical and conceptual similarities as well. Such as one you mentioned. Desperation. Both are often turned to in acts of desperation or pai...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views
Philosophy Forum
Here is the answer. First, understanding the nature of Truth must be addressed. Two types of Truth exist: Absolute truths and relative Truths. An example of an Absolute truth is "God exists...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views
Psychology Forum
Another great example of the extreme stupidity of some people: (September 2002, Germany) Three doctors from a Munich clinic published the following account in a highly respected medical journal. Th...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34666 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm a little shocked that your observations are so off base in respect to my posistion. Just as I was with your take on the woman hater. At least with him your main theme was very valid, but s...
THREAD Relationships & LovePhilosophy Robbed My Love
6 Posts • 2672 Views
Psychology Forum
Recently I've broken up with the only girl I'll ever have genuinely loved in my life. Admittedly, however, the break-up was somewhat one-sided. She was one of those philosophers. I'm...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views
Psychology Forum
You have not addressed anything I have said about why the world is bad which is what this thread is about. "I think we've constructed ideals and values that really hold us back in terms o...
THREAD SocietyExcerpt: From a wife and a mother and AN ANGRY MARINE
6 Posts • 3102 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I will say one thing. Rebuilding Iraq Is not the United States Job. That's precisely why I didn't Join the Army 3 years ago. I scored like a 92 on the asvab...Not sure how hard that is or an...
THREAD Drugson drinking
8 Posts • 3223 Views
Psychology Forum
One good reason to drink is that it makes you feel good. You know? Happy. There is nothing wrong with feeling good or happy. I think the problem is that because drinking makes you feel good, alot o...
THREAD Legacy of Kain series.
10 Posts • 2675 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Regarding my favorite game ever, I would have to say the Legacy of Kain series is by far my first choice. This series of games began in about 1996 over a decade ago, back on the fist playstation. (...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34666 Views
Psychology Forum
You are your own problem, no one else can give you happiness. They are their own problem, for the same rule applies. Your expectations of them, and yourself, will cause dissappointment for both...
THREAD Life & DeathLet's promise that we'll never ever commit suicide!!
1 Posts • 3356 Views
Philosophy Forum
I wrote this note, it's anti-suicide and about keeping hope in life, read and enjoy :)) There are more ways than ever to find out how much life is worth living, each time you feel so lonely,...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3814 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with most of what you're saying. Esspecially about needing to rid the self of guilt. Post orgasm guilt is very strogn in society these days, and I have spent a great deal of effort, while...
THREAD Why is Philosophy like General Motors?
4 Posts • 2526 Views
Philosophy Forum
Many non human creatures have emotions-'human emotions however have evolved to making connections to complex ideas, values, principles, and judgments'-thus human emotion is special-the impact of feeli...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27265 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
For every action there is some product or effect. Homosexual activity produces no off-spring but engages the reproductive organs. What are the effects? This is against the Natural Order, which norm...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49765 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This is a thing I put together for the WAM group at my school (Writers, Artists, Musicians.) I've had issues recording it due to the wonders of technology, but the rap is written down. I though I...
THREAD GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views
Philosophy Forum
I do not believe that Jesus is the son of God any moreso than we all are. I believe Jesus was a wise man, educated well, and should be congradulated for combining his energy with the talents he learnt...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views
Talk Talk
don't give me that shit--you and i both know that intentionally killing someone and intentionally letting them die are essentially the same thing. the only difference between the two is that the...
THREAD Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3114 Views
Talk Talk
It doesn't work to impose on people the way things are and to enforce it with fear because people ordinarily reject anything that could scare them with a shield. in spoken word like changing the...
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