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Why Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?

User Thread
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Methuzula is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Why Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
For every action there is some product or effect. Homosexual activity produces no off-spring but engages the reproductive organs. What are the effects?

This is against the Natural Order, which normally uses sexual stimulation "ques." to effect procreation, hence no extinction of the human species.

Psychologically the homosexual is fixated on the opposite sex, and their every attempt to mimic the targeted roles are effectively acts of self negation.

For the male to imitate the female is to say, mentally, "I am not a male." Since the act of imitation does not "make" him a female, and there are no other options, subconsciously he has un-made himself and is now become no one or nothing.

This sets up a self-perpetuating persecution complex, where the homosexual has become an individual and special. Being ostracized is bemoaned but subconsciously welcomed because it validates the self negation by providing further antagonists or enemies of the self, which the homosexual is the premier one.

Homosexuals are escapists, avoiding the rigors of hetero-relationships which are comprised of a great deal of compromise and effective communication skills. Relating to the same sex is essentially relating to the self, a stagnant introverted act.

The homosexual is identified by his sex-act, which is in contradiction to his fundamental natural existence. This act of social deviance is supported by all subsequent behavior.

The homosexual social order is produced from a contrary set of societal norms undergirded by a contrary moral value system.

In their society they are comfortable in the knowledge that no children should come from any sexual acts. Opting in stead for artificial insemination or cloning perhaps to perpetuate the species.

Homosexual society arrives at completely different logical ends in everything from child rearing to global economy. Any acceptance of this by mainstream society will be on a superficial level only.

Homo-society depends on mainstream hetero-society for its new members. There is no reciprocation in this parasitic relationship. Recruitment is as intense as the perverted sex-drive.

Some homosexuals admit sexual molestation or emotional horrendous breakups triggered the first instances of their new found deviance, but fail to see their lifestyle as a form of dishonesty developed out of poor coping skills.

At their best they are industry leaders in various fields of endeavor, (they occupy every level of society in America). At their worst they are predator prison rapists forcing conversion on their prey.

Accept it as a part of life that needs to be responded to with intelligent repudiation. Approving of it is to condone self destructive patterns of behavior, which instead need to be modified.

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"You are affected by 3 generations and you affect 3 generations, and every third generation a major change takes place in the family."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Homosexuality produces love, and that should be all that matters.

Societal gender roles are not definitive and change given circumstance, we are basically androgenous with a body that forms either set of organs very easily during formation, and we both make gender defining hormones at differing degrees.

Your idea of deviant sex acts are limited and rediculous, and therefore would include any non reproductive sex act, like masturbation or sex without reproduction or even protection against, I guess we are all deviants then.

What it also adds is non procreating humans, maybe you didn't ever stop to think that at some point it would be good for humans (like any animal) to slow down on procreation. Perhaps to adopt all these homeless, starving, and or abused children.

Communication with any person is of any sex is not just relating with the self, unless you define yourself by a stereotype in which case you are not yourself anyway.

I'm sure there are just as much rigors to a homosexual relationship, mush assumption in this post, but I'm guessing little knowledge.

In their society? Are they on mars? Its our society, that is just another part of it, always has been, maybe you didn't realize that either, homosexuality is nothing new. It has been both condoned and condemned in the past.

"Homosexual society arrives at completely different logical ends in everything from child rearing to global economy."

And what would that be? What sense does this make, it doesn't make a point but another generalized assumption. Do you have data on this somewhere or something?

"At their best they are industry leaders in various fields of endeavor, (they occupy every level of society in America). At their worst they are predator prison rapists forcing conversion on their prey."

Yep, the same as heteros, which is why this is all nonesense, biased, and phobic, you fear the girly man.

The only destructive part of that behavior is other people acts and thoughts against it.

Homophobia is far more disgusting and disturbing than homosexuality.

People may want the world to be a certain way or even think that it is or should be, but that doesn't make it so, and if homosexuality has existed since the begginings of man, then perhaps it is supposed to be for whatever reason. I wouldn't claim to know.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well..sure love is a good thing, i suppose.

..but the love of what?

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Of one another, love at all, instead of fear and hate, I understand that our culture is entirely devoid of understanding that concept, as your question demonstrates, but surely you don't question such same sex love as brothers and family.

Sexual attraction is the only difference, what sex you are attracted to apparently has accountable factors like everything else, be it because of nature/nurture, abuse, god, whatever.

It exists as a form of loving relationship, Those people who act like their is no possible way for a "normal" loving homosexual relationship are saying so why? Because you have any idea? Or because you don't like the thought or specifically were taught not to? What?

I see dysfunctional and abusive hetero relationships everywhere, does that mean we shouldn't have them? What if those are people who are meant to be gay but because of pressure from society go against god's wishes and nature perhaps and end in tragedy.

Hypocricy seems the blinding standard. Leading the way for hating, fearing, judging everyone but one's self for as long as the illusion holds.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
We could ask what-if questions all day if we wanted...

but the truth is that those people are not "gay"...and apparently dysfunctional and abusive hetero..etc.

and im guessing..you associating this with a homosexual relationship-is quite funny and contradictory in itself.

Hypocricy indeed.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Mostly I think people support this "Fruitless Deviant Behavior" is because they are afraid of being set apart and ridiculed for being able to think on their own instead of buying into what the media tells them.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Methuzula is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Dear Leftwood:

Love is no more a product of homosexuality than it is of heterosexuality. I could never deny that deep sincere Loving relationships exist on both sides of the equation.

Of course societal gender roles have been nearly completely interchangeable for years upon years now. Perhaps I was too vague... the roles imposed by gender in a phisiological sense are the roles in question. Homosexual stereotypes asside, we are differing by more than a few degrees of hormone production. During formation we arrive in this world sexual opposites based on different templates altogether.

And deviation again is not so rigid a term. For instance the Law's definition changes to suit the modern times. Again I am referring to deviation from our natural designs, the laws of nature are resilient under examination. It stands true that there is not the remotest chance of procreation that was my basis.

Emotional and physical energetic exchanges between people in the act of coiti, and the subsequent sexual satisfaction from it, must be acknowledged on both sides. I do not seek to remove anyone's humanity by way of my discourse.

Sex for pleasure is not deviant in and of itself. That which is deviated from is not pleasure seeking but the structure of the basic family unit. As I'm sure you gather now that I was referencing. So no I'm not suggesting we are all sexual deviants, nor am I making such a base argument rooted only in the sex act.

But I maintain that the psychological foundation for acts that will never be productive (of a human life), are drastically different from its counterpart in heterosexual intercourse.

The fact of the matter is I never suggest that the differences between the two represent polar opposites. Though the variances are many, most are subtle and require honest examination in as dispassionate a manner as humanly possible.

For you to deny that relations between men and between women are markedly more relaxed than the differences between men and women suggests a lack of experiences. This isn't based in sterotypes, but in thousands of years of human history where it was established, 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'. It's an established fact that women and men think differently. This is not manufactured here, by me, for my convienience. My character remains intact throughout my treatment of this issue.

But if I need to explain what generally happens when you instead place two like-minded individuals together in a relationship, then eliminate the age old 'Battle of the Sexes', you've got a good foundation for compatability already in place. There are too many more benefits of the similarities to mention here. I shouldn't have to defend such a point. Again I entreat you, put aside your emotions in favor of logical linear thought.

Again by way of education, we have several societies in this country. You have societies based on wealth, then you have the influence and power brokers, and adult fraternities like the Masons, all of these and many more social orders offering alternatives to the mainstream. You see, these societies exist side by side not all of them opposed to any one of the others, necessarily . We are collectively represented by our common culture and civilization which provides the cohesiveness we experience and I think you may have been referring to, when you 'corrected' me saying we all share one society.

Directly, no they are not, 'from Mars'. But they are separate enough from mainstream social order that their alternative lifestyle represents another society. As you stated there are thousands of years recording the existence throughout known history of these people as separate group.

There is nothing 'phobic' about any of my comments. In stark contrast I have not been shy in my analysis at all and risk the most by brokering the topic in the first place. I have exposed my perspective in cold analytical style. The response is to call me names. Also (by nature) cultures that vary, when they coexist, encroach one upon the other influencing each other. Eventually given enough time, the dominant culture absorbs and assimilate the weaker of the two, (or destroys it). Some on both sides would deem this influence as harmful and intrusive, regardless of which culture they belong.

Without claiming to know the grand design behind this social deviance, I can still call a spade a spade.

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"You are affected by 3 generations and you affect 3 generations, and every third generation a major change takes place in the family."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
But I maintain that the psychological foundation for acts that will never be productive (of a human life), are drastically different from its counterpart in heterosexual intercourse.

Its no different then masturbation or other non reproductive sex, its no different then being a bachelor.

And coming from a culture that used to promote families and communities staying together it was more than just child rearing hetero's raising children. Which is still the case since all public schools and daycare's already house gay and lesbian tutors and temp. guardians.

For you to deny that relations between men and between women are markedly more relaxed than the differences between men and women suggests a lack of experiences.

Perhaps a lacking of your experiences, the roles are almost always clearly defined, "male" "female" even in gay unions, the hardships are equal all manners and exaserbated by outside prejudice, especially from families. Communication is difficult across sex and sex relation lines. Some individuals are charismatic while some are shy, this is non gender bias.

Your reliance on "proven" facts about men and women's differences is still narrow minded. The difference within a single gender span the spectrum of differing behaviors including masculine, feminine, and even gay, which is directly proportionate to the spectrum within the opposing sex.

"It's an established fact that women and men think differently."

Even within their own respective sexes, creating a greater relation to behavior where you see separation.

I think its time to remember there is such a thing as a grey area, an in between, as there has always been.

"There are too many more benefits of the similarities to mention here. I shouldn't have to defend such a point. "

You factor in nothing else, your point is undefendable. You assume sexual similarities outway idividual difference, you are wrong.

"You see, these societies exist side by side not all of them opposed to any one of the others, necessarily ."

An assumption to large to calculate.

The response is to call me names.

Did anyone refer to you by name, don't assume a response in a thread is directed to anyone without saying so.

Also (by nature) cultures that vary, when they coexist, encroach one upon the other influencing each other. Eventually given enough time, the dominant culture absorbs and assimilate the weaker of the two, (or destroys it).

Malarchy, this would surely mean that there would be one unified society by now, you underestimate nature's ability to balance.

Directly, no they are not, 'from Mars'.

You don't know that.

Without claiming to know the grand design behind this social deviance, I can still call a spade a spade.

What spade are you calling a spade? What is your point in that? And if it has always existed in society, how is it a deviance, your procreation point does qualify for a social deviance, nor a relevant point against homosexual behavior.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Methuzula is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
First let me remind you that my main point is not merely non-productivity. I stated that the homosexual's decision to participate in these relationships acting or mimicking the opposite sex's role was equivelent to self negation. I'm saying that it is a symptom of and a producer of pathology in the individual.

In response to your first point I've drawn on quotes from
The Psychology of Homosexuality By Paul Cameron, Ph. D. find it at this website for a full read: http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet6.html

You said that homosexuality was comparable to masturbation or other non reproductive sex equivelent to bachelor living.
Then you suggested that homosexual school faculty and temp gaurdians promote family and community and aid in the rearing of the children of the community.

Here's a quote from the paper:

"homosexuals have been considered non-productive and hence inimical to the well-being and even the survival of the community. In addition, they have been regarded as dangerous, because they preyed on the young and perverted them from normal, healthy, productive lives. In their selfish preoccupation with genital pleasure, they sought to rebel against the natural order of human life itself –– the mutual responsibility of one for all that forms the basis of the social contract. Anyone who opts out of that contract for reasons other than illness or disability is "wrong headed," "worthless," "immoral."

Next you make the ""Egalitarian social-psychiatric theory" argument which holds that if society would compel its members to accept everyone "for what they choose to do or be," everybody (including homosexuals) would come to feel good about themselves. In this 'brotherhood of humankind,' the job of creating adequate material wealth and rearing a sufficiency of well-socialized children would flow 'naturally' out of the general spirit of cooperation, decency, and acceptance that would prevail.

Traditional social-psychiatric theory argues that productive people will enjoy life, feel good about themselves, earn the respect of friends and co-workers, and feel connected with their families and society. The non-productive will also have personalities shaped by their character and experience, namely, their worthless or counterproductive activities and life choices. They are expected to feel dissatisfied with life and themselves, be stung from social scorn, and seek excessive distraction (through amusements, risk-taking, drugs, sex).

But then you ended by charging me with making immense assumptions about the societies that coexist here in America. I am a member of such a fraternal order comprised of upstanding citizens screened and selected to participate in charitable events related to the Shriner's Hospitals. We have our secrets our rituals our academia or scholarship. There is rank dicipline and support. The Order I speak of is thousands of years old and world wide has membership in the millions. I have personally benefitted from their influence which reached me all the way into the Marine Corps when I ran into trouble with my chain of command. So counter cultures and entire societies do co-exist with the mainstream society.

As to your rebuttal to my statement that the nature of a dominant culture anywhere it encounters the weaker is to absorb, assimulate or destroy it.

It's not Malarchy, it's World History and Current Events. It's called Colonization. As to the confrontation between Cultures Sun Tzu The Art of War is a treatment on strategem and is standard reading in Officers Candidates School at Quantico, VA. It is also reportedly standard reading for most of the CEO's in this country. The Military Strategy is converted into Business Strategy. Hence the saying Business is War. It's good reading, don't skip it.

I assume they are not from Mars.

Now for the spade being what it is. I am stating that homosexuality is as much a sympton as it is a product of pathology, and experience. In support of my calling a spade a spade,

Here's some more quotes from the Dr.'s paper:

The rebellious are expected to have "adjustment problems" because they don''t follow society''s prescription. They will feel angry at and at odds with their family and society, even while blaming them for their problems. Rebels, such as thieves and gays, will tend to "feel comfortable" only in the company of their kind. Though they may get satisfactions within their subcultures, their lifestyles preclude full participation in things that "really count" psychologically (e.g., parenthood, social honor). In reaction, traditional theory holds that rebels will mock those who are productive, even as they envy and resent them.

Here's a doozy:

Besides gays'' preoccupation with sex, traditionalist psychiatrists have catalogued a higher incidence of personality characteristics suggesting psychological disturbance and an inability to interact successfully with others. Dr. Edmond Bergler, (1) who treated over a thousand homosexuals, concluded that gays tended to: provoke attacks against themselves and then count these "attacks" as injustices they had suffered
display defensive malice toward others,
exhibit a flippant attitude in order to cover underlying depression and guilt,
display extreme narcissism and superciliousness,
refuse to acknowledge accepted standards in non-sexual matters, on the assumption that the right to cut moral corners is due homosexuals as compensation for their "suffering," and
"be generally unreliable, also of a more or less psychopathic nature.

It's really good reading and gets statisticle soon :

Several lines of evidence suggest that the personality problems of gays are not a consequence of societal rejection, but ''part and parcel'' of living the homosexual life. Furthermore, discrimination against those with homosexual inclinations, like discrimination against the able-bodied who refuse to work, is both necessary for the greater good of society and the individual himself. In fact, such discrimination is an attempt to prevent persons tempted by homosexuality from suffering the pathologies it induces.

Becoming a homosexual involves a tremendous amount of reverse socialization. Almost every child is taught to avoid feces. Potty training explicitly teaches one to regard feces as ''dirty,'' disgusting, and unhealthy. Yet most homosexuals eventually learn to immerse themselves in feces. Past surveys suggest the following typical sequential development of gay activity. The median age for gays when their genitals are first manipulated by another male is 13. In about two more years the anus is first used for sex rather than biological relief; and in another year or two the anus is licked for ''sexual fun.''

By age 21 most gays "have come a long way." They have learned to seek and enjoy activities that would have sickened them as children. Some go on to "bigger thrills" like sadomasochism, fisting (where the fist is placed up the rectum), or eating feces or drinking urine. (4,5,6,7) Medically speaking, it doesn''t matter whether you pursue such activity for "fun" or ingest waste because your salad wasn''t washed –– exposure to feces is unhealthy. Psychologically, to undo the hygienic training of childhood in pursuit of adult sexual pleasure literally "turns all the rules upside down."

Given the biologically and psychologically unhealthful nature of such activity, it is not surprising that the younger a person "locks into" a gay identity, the more disturbed he is apt to be. Remafedi performed two studies of "gay youth." A 1987 study (8) of 29 such youngsters led him to conclude that the "very experience of acquiring a homosexual or bisexual identity at an early age places the individual at risk for dysfunction. This conclusion is strongly supported by the data." His 1991 study (9) of 137 gay and bisexual youth aged 14 to 21 reinforced his previous finding: "For each year''s delay in bisexual or homosexual self-labeling, the odds of a suicide attempt diminished by 80%. These findings support a previously observed, inverse relationship between psychosocial problems and the age of acquiring a homosexual identity."

Over the past 50 years, 5 studies have compared substantial numbers of homosexuals and heterosexuals –– all generated results suggesting greater social disruption by gays. In the Kinsey survey, general prison inmates (excluding those incarcerated for sexual offenses) were over 4 times more apt to have extensive homosexual experience than his control group.
(11) Saghir & Robins (12) compared 146 gays with 78 heterosexuals and reported less stability (more lovers, more job-changing) and more criminality among homosexuals. Bell & Weinberg (5) contrasted 979 gays with 477 heterosexuals and found more instability (psychiatric, marital) and more criminality among gays. Cameron & Ross (13) questionnaired 2,251 randomly-obtained respondents and reported that heterosexuals evidenced more social cohesion (numbers and kinds of intimate relationships), less self-destructive behavior (smoking, drug use, suicide attempts), and less endangerment of others (via driving habits, deliberate killing).
The largest comparison of gays and straights on a wide range of topics and based on a random sample involved 4,340 adults in 5 U.S. metropolitan areas. (6) Comparing those of both sexes who claimed to be bisexual or homosexual versus those of both sexes who claimed to be exclusively heterosexual:
Homosexuality was linked to lowered health
–– homosexuals were about twice as apt to report having had a sexually transmitted disease (STD); and over twice as apt to have had at least 2 STDs;
–– homosexuals were about 5 times more apt to have tried to deliberately infect another with an STD;
–– homosexuals were about a third more apt to report a traffic ticket or traffic accident in the past 5 years;
–– homosexuals were 3 times as likely to have attempted suicide, 4 times more apt to have attempted to kill someone, and about twice as likely to have been involved in a physical fight in the past year;
–– homosexuals were about 5 times more apt to have engaged in torture-related sex (sadomasochism, bondage); and
–– homosexuals were about 4 times more likely to report having been raped.

In response finally: No there must not have been a unified world government by now though the Automan Empire and Ghangis Khan and his decendants occupied most of the known world with the largest Empire in History. He even held Russia. The seperation of Continents by Oceans alone accounts for the abscence of World Government. Sun Tzu The Art of War says the state cannot sustain a war at great distance for a prolonged period because of the strain on the population taxes would go too high for them to bear and the states reserves would be exhausted. So Battles are to be carefully calculated and decided quickly. This treatment on Warfare is nearly 10,000 years old from China.

Sorry for the deluge of quotes but I thought if you heard it from some one else you might reconsider your position.

Why condone fruitless deviant behavior?

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"You are affected by 3 generations and you affect 3 generations, and every third generation a major change takes place in the family."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wholly is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
sure homosexuality is deviant behavior relative to contemporary mainstreem culture. but deviations from the norm are the essence of biological evolution. traits benificial to the survival of the species are continued, those that promote exxtinction are eradicated. the more negative an effect a trait has on a species survival the quicker it becomes extinct from the population. homosexuality has existed in the hominid population, and the populations of many other species as well, for millenia. the mere fact that this deviation is still prominent within these species suggests that it has some benificial element, or, at least, is survival neutral. either way it cannot run in direct opposition to the evolutionary process, or be considered fruitless behavior on a grand scale

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"dont got one"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well, serial killers also exist...-generally affected by mental illness..

I honestly cant see how homosexuality can be beneficial to the survival of our species.

and if infact..we did adapt to form some kind of A-sexual reproductive human beings...it then would no longer be "homosexuality".

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
There are plenty of things that exist including forms of behaviors that are not well enough understood, often due to unwarranted fear and ridecule, but that both exist and perhaps serve purposes we either won't accept or cannot see or fathom.

How is the behavior of a homosexual relatable to the behavior of a serial killer?

If it were a disease or symptom of abuse, is the general treatment and attitude towards homosexuals warranted? Is this not abusing the abused or "special". Is this how we treat retarded children who beat themselves and others is spasmatic fits, too dangerous to be let loose outdoors while drooling on and shitting themselves?


So then, given God's rule of not judging, the golden rule of doing unto others, claims that peace and love are about acceptance and understanding, why is this even a concern?

Homosexuals exist to fill an inbetween gap of society perhaps, to be with other homosexuals who are homosexuals for whatever reason, which untill determined should be given kinder assessment. These are feeling human beings not morbid abominations or unproductive anything.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i concur.

oh-and i was inebriated when i typed that post.

and what serial killers and homosexuals have in common are psychological afflictions which caused them to..extensively express their personal..psychological, unsound ...desires.

Its funny how you think comparing a retard with a homo is better than comparing a serial killer with one.

Serial killers and homos are both-potientially capable of coexisting as all others do. Whilst "retards" are not.-given they are confined to their mental incapabilities.

all bs aside-i agree. but given theres an argument ..and we dont know of pro--or---"no pro" is the right..

both sides are as valid as a retard smokin a joint and confined in a plastic cube filled with doo doo and connect four game pieces...

niether being politically correct.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
and what serial killers and homosexuals have in common are psychological afflictions which caused them to..extensively express their personal..psychological, unsound ...desires.

Its funny how you think comparing a retard with a homo is better than comparing a serial killer with one.

I was going off your line of logic to make examples you could better relate to. If homosexuality has any basis or even form relation to a mental "disorder", then yours and my examples are applicable, though many homosexuals have proclaimed abusive pasts many have not, the same goes for hetero, that means that abuse or mental disorder is not even the likely cause let alone definitive.

And the distinctive difference I like to emphasise when the unusualy highly referrenced serial killer is used in relation to a homo, is that one kills, the other simply tries to have a loving relationship.

Yes, there are sick homos just as there are far too many sick heteros, this does not make them all bad or in need of scrutiny.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that rancidkitty26 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i dont see how two people who love eachother can be wrong,as long as they are consenting adults peoples sex lives should be personal, who you have sex with makes no difference to me as long as you're a good person.
i belive that most people are born gay and that you cant change that and shouldnteven try,you're not hurting anyone by sleeping with someone of the same sex.......and as for you who think that sex is only meant for procreation, first of all, you must have pretty boring sex lives, second...you never had sex while useing some form of birth control??????
and last.....maybe some people aren't supposed to have children, don't you think there are enough needy children in this world already???
Leftwood....you said it all perfectly......you're a wise man

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"we are the music makers, and we, are the dreamers of dreams"
Why Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
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