 43yrs • F • 
So tickets did not sell out within 5 minutes, I don't know why the booking system said that but now when I try to purchase tickets again I am able to. It's slightly disappointing to me that people aren't jumping at the opportunity, but at the same time, less people means a more intimate scene. But for Richard's sake, I hope it sells out. But then again, I come back to the thought that less people = more time for me to speak to Richard = better for both of us. I'm sure that will sound egotistical to most people. 'Oh, who are you to be so special Dawn, you're just a loser on this site all by yourself!' Well those of you who think that will think that and nothing will change that. I'm still smiling right now and so thrilled to have the chance to meet this extraordinary person.
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."