I do not believe that Jesus is the son of God any moreso than we all are. I believe Jesus was a wise man, educated well, and should be congradulated for combining his energy with the talents he learnt and had naturally.
Tracing back; I come to a point where I ask myself; why do people ask if there is a God...why do we question whether we or God exist? t it is probably just our brains reacting to information. We, as humans, actually have consiously realised we exist...animals know they exist but never actually realise it.
I am fairly sure that the instict of a human, above all else, is to reject pain. It is to prevent ourselves suffering. Second to this is the idea we try and accept pleasure. Now Christianity actually advocates love first. Christianity teaches hope: positive attributes to go beyond this.
However, if you think about it, what Christianity actually does is:
To fill the void of the unknown with the idea of God---why? for comfort maybe (just one answer)
However, its greatest acomplishment is in Jesus' words:
'to love thy neighbour as thyself'..
Humans are selfish...they are animals...without education we are just more intelligent political animals....and when I say selfish of course it is more an extension of the self rather than just the self...i.e. protection of close friends and family/ people of similar kind etc.
What Christianity does is say; if you believe in God and do as He says then good things will come to you (now and) in the afterlife. By doing so it is doing this for the purpose of people helping other people out; a virtue which is of the greatest assets-if not the.
Now I don't believe that the Bible is God's love letter. I believe it was written by man, possibly inspired by God, but God's inspiration we can all touch if we open our eyes.
So it's a method for the sheep to give them comfort and to allow a good society to go on. But one which is necesaary because it does teach good and 'do unto others as you would want them to do to you' answers sufficently that it promotes good!
Now, as for me, I do not need Jesus between me and God because He is in me, and I in Him.
Satanism used to be seen as a belief in the self and still is sometimes.
However, I don't buy this either. I believe that the Bible's code of practice...to help others above all is the greatest thing. Beyond that I don't buy into its defintion of God or the afterlife: I see these as a method to help the average person feel comforted when bad things happen and to stop people going crazy!
Now realising this requires great strength becuase few people see past it once taught..again largely through mental blocking and fear. I recognised as a kid that just through the way of the words and what was being taught, that Biblical truths were probably just made up by man.
So I think the best religion for me...and one which allows my freedom is to go by the moral code of the Bible (would that not be spirtual guidance in a way?) but to always question things, to always be open, and to believe in myself too (even though this was seen as satanism) because after all that is my greatest true reference through time.