I WOULD risk violence a thousand times rather than risk the emasculation of a whole race.
I do be... |
3 Posts 7319 Views |
The moral hand is a metaphor of five basic ethical principles, one for each finger, summarizing a co... |
4 Posts 3565 Views |
I thought of this proverb years ago and I thought I'd share it here to see what you people thin... |
2 Posts 3223 Views |
How could we live within chaos? Chaos is disorder, no rules no order. Has any civilization ever exis... |
3 Posts 3164 Views |
Here is the scenario:
You, and many others are in a concentration camp. Not in any way belittle t... |
4 Posts 3059 Views |
I have been reading this book and the author states that Marx did not care about ethical values, but... |
5 Posts 3292 Views |
DISCLAIMER: This starts off by sounding kinda ridiculous, but I think it becomes much more reasonabl... |
1 Posts 2969 Views |
It is a principle of Drishtantoism. The philosophy follows the equation: God + Allah = there is noth... |
1 Posts 2410 Views |
Here's a question/dilemma.
It's regarding the ethics of taking stem cells from a baby w... |
5 Posts 4297 Views |
I have reduced my complete ethical system to five basic principles; the five fingers of ethics
Brie... |
2 Posts 9654 Views |
Is there any time at which it is ok to commit an act of revenge?
If someone kills your parents, i... |
18 Posts 33543 Views |
The Finnish medical association holds untimely death as the traditional enemy of medicine science, b... |
4 Posts 3409 Views |
I'm not completely finished with this thought so I thought I'd post it here and watch it b... |
10 Posts 3723 Views |
Morality was apply within only a particular tribe's agreements, and the rightness of action on its c... |
4 Posts 2708 Views |
Is prejudice ok in some instances? Most people off the top of their head would say no, but I want to... |
4 Posts 2963 Views |
I am not sure how many people are familiar with the White Tiger Dilemma; but to sum it up, there is... |
3 Posts 4764 Views |
What is Moral Folk Theory?
The attempt to seek knowledge presupposes that the world unfolds in a... |
2 Posts 2941 Views |
Can we connect philosophy with racism?
In Antebellum South the white man would not work for anyon... |
2 Posts 2544 Views |
Does meaning come before awareness?
I imagine that somewhere way back in time sapiens came to a c... |
5 Posts 2947 Views |
Is Morality an Open and Closed Matter?
I suspect most of us would agree that principles of morali... |
3 Posts 3019 Views |
What is the Association of Efficiency with Morality?
The principle of efficiency is an important... |
12 Posts 3680 Views |
Is there a Rational Ground for Morality?
There can be no morality without law but there can be la... |
1 Posts 3154 Views |
Are Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
Are AIG and Citibank too big and complex to fa... |
5 Posts 2701 Views |
Science of Morality, Anyone?
Where, in American culture, is the domain of knowledge that we would... |
1 Posts 2344 Views |
Ethics should be sung, not said. Ethics is the frail raft which the virtuous man trusts through chur... |
17 Posts 6161 Views |