Noun: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Gays are a race?
Read this,
http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/racism.asp and start following the reference materials by searching on amazon with the topics it covers. It's an oddly nice place to start learning. The very notion that racism is new, or in any way novel is just plain ignorant. It has been around since stone was the material of choice for tools.
Now demonizing men, to say that racism and violence are male issues is both offensive and ignorant. You might have been raised in a society that holds women up as unblemishable, but the facts tell an entirely different tale. As it turns out, when women have been in positions of power, they tend to act like any other human who lives without consequences, male or female.
Here are some books to go ahead and read on these topics.
The Myth of male power
Save the males
Edmund Curtis has also written alot about Irish History which provides a great deal of insight into the modern notion of race, especially compared to the same notion 400 years ago.
Once you finish that, I strongly recommend getting super familiar with Egyptian history as it pertains to race and gender. Then Nupe women warriors called Isadshi-Koseshi. Then the early African history around and before the time of Egypts rise.
I can save you the time and just tell you that racism is not just a white or male problem, nor is violence and sexual stupidity a purely masculine issue.
Almost forgot.
Male or Female racist tend to kill those of the other race that they most identify with, and seek to subjugate the other. Thus a Black panther would want to kill a white man and take his daughters off to rape, and a KKK turd would do the same with him and his daughters. The dragon getting his pooper stretched was likely a matter of taboo being exciting.
But yes, we did notice all the innuendo stating that whites are inferior and men should all die.