Two German scholars Karl Binding (jurist) and Alfred Hoche (psychiatrist) wrote 1920 the book called "Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens" ("Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Living"
, that set the ideological foundations for the Nazi program of extermination of disabled and incurably sick people.
Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche proposed that the lives of the chronically ill or of the mentally and physically disabled were "unworthy of being lived," and should be given a "charitable death."
Nazis' accomplished thoughts of Binding and Hoche by operation Action T4 (Aktion T4) during the second world war. Action T4 was Nazi Germany's euthanasia program that caused deaths of about 300,000 people. Part of them was condemned to death based on examination, in which they have diagnosed as incurably sick; some of them were mentally and physically disabled who were killed by medicine, starvation and in the gas chambers.
1939 Adolf Hitler signed a back-dated "euthanasia decree" to 1 September 1939 which authorised Philippe Bouhler and Karl Brandt to carry out the programme of "euthanasia". Certain physicians, designated by name, so that patients who, on the basis of human judgment are considered incurable, can be granted mercy death.
The present-day background of euthanasia is in terrible Nazi's ideology. People who allow euthanasia are ready at similar acts as Nazis did by their euthanasia program, in which they killed almost 300,000 people. Nowadays, euthanasia deaths are made by medicine, but the goal is the same as Nazis did when they killed sick people.
The roots of the euthanasia are in Nazi's ideology. Difference between Nazis and modern-day euthanasia is that Nazis ordered people to be killed and nowadays people can choose the euthanasia.
Nazis' euthanasia ideology based on there that certain people were unworthy of living and therefore, for them granted mercy death. In the modern-day euthanasia, people are also unworthy of living. People whom believed to be incurably sick are granted mercy death, because they are unworthy of continue living, because they are not useful to society; in a way thinks people who accept kill them. Modern-day euthanasia talks about ending of suffering by merciful death, but behind it is losing of human dignity and value, because they accept to kill people by the euthanasia.
Science of medicine improves and may come better and can find new remedies to difficult diseases, and God can heal incurably sick people. When a man has human dignity and value, so all possible is done for the life, and no one have the right to kill another man. Modern-day euthanasia represents the same murder spirit what affected on Nazis'. Point of view that allows euthanasia shows that part of Nazis terrible acts are still alive in the form of euthanasia. The mankind has not forsaken Nazi's ideology, because they keep it alive allowing practicing of euthanasia.