A guy walks into the sperm bank wearing a ski mask and a carrying a gun. He goes up to the nurse and demands that she open the vault.
"But, sir, this is a sperm bank!" she says.
"I don't care, open it now!" he says.
So she opens the door to the vault and inside are all the sperm samples.
The robber says, "Take one of those samples and drink it."
"But they're sperm samples!" she replies, shocked.
"Just do it," he growls.
So she sucks it back.
Then the guy removes his mas and the the woman, "see, honey, it's just not that difficult."
A gorgeous woman walks into a dr.'s office. The dr. is bowled over by how stunningly beautiful she is. As he begins to examine her, all of his professionalism goes right out the window.
He tells her to take off her slacks and he starts rubbing her inner thighs.
"Do you know what I am doing?" he asks.
"Yes, checking for abnormalities," she replies.
He tells her to take off her blouse and bra, which she does.
The dr. starts rubbing her breasts and asks her, "Do you know what I am doing now?"
"Yes, checking for cancer," she replies.
Finally, he tells her to take off her panties and puts her on the examining table. He gets on tope of her and starts having sex with her.
He says, "Do you know what I'm doing now?"
"Ofcourse," she replies. "You're gettin herpies. That's what I'm here to be treated for."