'As long as we think that animals don't feel, then we'll have to feel that humans don't think' - tangy-orange
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Tagged > Emotional pain
THREAD Life & DeathThe meaning of life
30 Posts • 8334 Views
Philosophy Forum
The paradox of life has proven that man has lived, man lives, but man will not live. We can stand still and look at our lives and say, “I have lived”. We have experienced our lives and see...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views
Talk Talk
Terri Schiavo, is in no pain at this time, and she deserves the right to die. I do not believe that any judge, politician, including our esteemed President, or right to life group has the right to tel...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyAbusive Mothers
2 Posts • 5291 Views
Psychology Forum
The 'kill mom' thread is pretty extensive and I wanted to read more stories about people with abusive mothers and what forms of abuse they encounter. I came across this yahoo answers page ti...
THREAD Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11427 Views
Psychology Forum
"deserve"! "deserve to be in jail"! "all violent criminals deserve to be in jail"! Do you understand what reason means? Do you understand what the...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18065 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm an American just like you guys are...but I don't understand your notions. I love USA and I hate Saddam, but Bush is a fucking idiot. There is actual proof that the election was rigged...
THREAD Child Abuse
1 Posts • 3116 Views
Talk Talk
Feel free to copy and paste this somewhere's if you wish to have others see this one. It's a tear jerker. My name is Sarah I am but three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see,...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42014 Views
Religion Forum
hi. Why not? keep this question in mind while reading this. i'll answer it at the end. When Man fell to sin God cursed the earth. The natural disasters you mentioned never happened until Man...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Paedophilia is another form of social deviation similar to homosexuality. Societal norms were established thru years of trial and error. A fully functioning member of both mainstream and sub-cultu...
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4701 Views
Psychology Forum
Really though, this is something I have had a problem with for a long time. The West's obsession with youth and beauty. I guess because the need to procreate is our second strongest desire aft...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7784 Views
Psychology Forum
I want to be able to step away from everything my parents, teachers, friends, and society has ever taught me and learn who I am. But I can't put everything away. A lot of what I have learned has becom...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57904 Views
Religion Forum
*lol* HAH!!! GW Bush as Christ! That's great. I guess you're right telling me that we disagree on where morals came from Crimson_Saint. And this is totally off the subject when it comes t...
THREAD ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views
Religion Forum
"It would be ludicrous if he was, like you wrongly state, innocent and ignorant. According to all accounts, Adam and Eve had full knowledge of what they could not eat. In fact they were told: �...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views
Religion Forum
DT: Anti-God is indeed not correct, and not what I said. However it is fully possible to be anti-religious. But it is definitely not a requirement of atheism. Like I said there are many aspects of wha...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Discussion Cirriculum for the Wisdome Institute of Understanding
2 Posts • 2718 Views
Philosophy Forum
Now that you've read the premise, this is the manifestation of all my philosophical writtings. Discussion Curriculum 1. Introduction 2. Reflection 3. Similarity 4. Pattern...
THREAD ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views
Religion Forum
I don't Hate christianity, or any other religion in the world...yet I'm not an atheist....I feel sorry for those in a relgion tho.:( If you don't believe in God, it's easier for...
THREAD Creative MusingsCan't We Bleed For Ourselves As Much As Any Other, Please?
3 Posts • 2261 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Lay It Down And Let It Teach You A Lesson It's a beautiful and overwhelming burden you're hiding under, more than enough to deflect the more pointed barbs and criticisms directed at yo...
THREAD Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4313 Views
Talk Talk
:( Cold, dual and so alone. Family and friend have become distant shadows. From the east to the west the sun never rises to set. Striking of a match to light my darkest nights. moon light burns...
THREAD PedophiliaPedophilia
27 Posts • 17667 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I am trying to understand this, not justify it. If we look to older cultures, even in England, not just places like Arabia, women were likely to be married at a younger age, and and for it to be a...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have made no such assumption of you. In big responses to big posts contexts get intertwined and convoluted. A statement you made about denying influence of society was the basis of my point ab...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Progression forming life in the ought most ways. Complex creatures who become parasites of the world. Resources drained, life gone. Turning the corner to see new roads of life ahead. A stampede of ani...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: zakary6 Last Login: 12:50 am – April 6, 2005 DATE OF POST (Topic Thread - Post #1): Why Do We Exist? 12:43: am - April 6, 2005 http://www.captaincynic. com/thread/39227/why-do-we-exi st.ht...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsHandbook For A New Paradigm
17 Posts • 16741 Views
Philosophy Forum
You're trolling this thread You're trying my patience. You're trying to deter the focus Most of the posts in this thread are simply stating that it is "interesting" o...
THREAD Drugscan you feel normal after heavy drug use?
4 Posts • 3298 Views
Psychology Forum
Well im just another person dealing with addiction. im 22 years old and tried drugs for the first time in middle school. iv been outa school now for years and trying to start a healthy clean respectfu...
THREAD ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13766 Views
Religion Forum
speaking evil of you Sir, if you are accusing someone here of speaking evil of a 13 year old girl without any truth to back such a statement, I'm afraid I will have to ask you to kindly go fuck...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57904 Views
Religion Forum
tanker: I can believe that God has been and will always be. That's not hard for me to believe. Because to me that makes sense even though its not possible and that doesn't make sense. In the...
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