'kill mom' thread is pretty extensive and I wanted to read more stories about people with abusive mothers and what forms of abuse they encounter. I came across this yahoo answers page titled 'What makes an abusive mother/daughter relationship', a snapshot is below so you can read the question and the best answer - which is a terrible answer, far from the truth and completely wrong. There are actually other better answers provided, but they were not voted as best so the poor young person who asked the question, could very well take the notions presented by the answer voted best, as truth.
But I don't think the problem is isolated to this one example. Many people hold this view, that unless a child is sexually/physically/overly verbally abused, that it does not constitute as abuse.
Perhaps slowly people are starting to understand that the circumference of abuse is much more wider than they would like to believe - there was post recently by Decius which pointed to a study which found belittling kids is just as bad as imparting violence on them.
An emotionally controlling/manipulative mother, or father, will have hazardous effects on her children, especially when the child is told it as normal and that it doesn't constitute as abuse. If a child is told the truth, that yes, your mom is causing you pain by manipulating you, that her behaviour is the source of your depression/anxiety/mental trauma, then that child will be better equipped to deal with the situation.
It's an injustice when a child, of their own accord, evaluates something correct about his/her situation, only to be told by someone who is considered an 'adult', that their conclusions are wrong.
Do any of you have abusive/manipulative mother stories? If you do have an abusive mother, how did/do you deal with it?