In dealing with other humans, I find that I can't relate to any. I feel as if they're bein... |
6 Posts 8891 Views |
I see a object/back yard with my eyes. My brain interprets it from my memory. What does my mind thin... |
3 Posts 2770 Views |
If I get a headache it's in the brain. If I think it's in the mind. What relationship does... |
5 Posts 2659 Views |
Sometimes people correlate a symbol directly with meaning. For example, perhaps something geometric... |
9 Posts 3924 Views |
I am starting this thread in order to clarify what we all believe self-acceptance to be. I want ever... |
8 Posts 4312 Views |
How is the afterimage-fatigue effect, explained by opponent-process theory of vision, attributable t... |
1 Posts 2390 Views |
Can anyone provide direction in learning about the physiology that underlies the afterimage effect e... |
1 Posts 2540 Views |
Ask yourself this question... Am I listening to myself?
Surely to be aware of what's going,... |
7 Posts 5659 Views |
So I'm seventeen and a Junior in High School. I have always been I guess what you can ca... |
4 Posts 10542 Views |
I wasn't sure under which section should I post this, so I apologize if I made a mist... |
17 Posts 7224 Views |
This is probably the most amazing optical illusion I have ever seen. It's a must watch.
My b... |
1 Posts 7006 Views |
One of the main problems I encounter on the web is preconceived notions. That is people reading some... |
8 Posts 11337 Views |
The assertion of dominance is theme commonly expressed in the natural world.
The concept is flaw... |
7 Posts 3412 Views |
I just feel like I need to get some things off of my chest and vent my frustration and anger. So her... |
15 Posts 4704 Views |
Look around at everything that we think in terms of, our concepts and our systems of social structur... |
5 Posts 2807 Views |
Generally we predict where we will be (I'd guess) usually for the next second or two (this may... |
4 Posts 2492 Views |
I just wanted to know if anyone knows why a persons face would feel like it is melting every so ofte... |
4 Posts 2708 Views |
It occurred to me today, that certain things can only be put in context by knowledge of certain topi... |
1 Posts 2661 Views |
going through one of those spells where you start getting new understandings really fast.
i relat... |
5 Posts 3047 Views |
"Energy flows where the attention goes - be focused"
This I read outside a Hawaiian Massa... |
1 Posts 2289 Views |
Not sure of the best way to get across this idea, so might be a bit hazy.
I was thinking recently h... |
10 Posts 2683 Views |
Light disturbs darkness (reflected light hits the dark retina) and thus we see.
Noise disturbs quie... |
5 Posts 2620 Views |
Something I keep wondering about and what started me on my magical journey of seeking out truth is t... |
5 Posts 2863 Views |
At first, this might seem like a stupid question, as its answer is pretty obvious in many situations... |
7 Posts 3442 Views |
Well the story goes…
I was looking for and trying to think of different kinds of perception... |
6 Posts 6572 Views |