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Is Jail a mild form of torture - Page 2

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Police brutality happens everyday. Power trips. Just look at what officers do on camera on the show cops, just imagine what they do off the camera.

Police officers often break the law, such as planting evidence. Ask any criminologist police officers have a bad track record.

The United States has a particularly bad track record of racism amongst police officers and still to this day conduct racial profiles. Which does not work.

With that said the justice system is designed to be fair but in actuality it is not. Without a doubt the justice system favors the wealthy. Someone who can afford a high profile lawyer has a better chance at defending themselves against charges than someone who has a public attorney. Not to mention most public attorney's tell you to plead guilty.

I don't know how someone can't see jail as mild torture. Restless minds whole assumption is that they deserve it which is the why question and not the what question. What is exactly happening here. People are being put through an unpleasant experience that has psychological consequences.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 59yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that MsLisa is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Exactly, Jacker!!!!! I was told by a jailer that there are different laws in the jail as outside the jail. The 12 hrs i spent miserable and sick. I saw a big I men big man Jailer take a girl by the neck and slam her head into the cement wall for not moving as fast as he wanted her to ... and the bunks that we had to lay on had no matresses. The toilet was ffull of crap and sat in the middle of the floor.. If you asked, the guards for anything they instantly assumed as our Dear Restless Mind did that since they we ar in jail you must have done something... So. they never talk talk directly to you and treated you like your were scum .Yes , Police Brutality is common. But, I believe the reason that they think they are above the law is that the "fair judicial sytem allows them to do as they want. I know an officiers job is dangerous I have had friends killed in the line of duty... But, it doesn't mater what happens when an officier judges you an incident and writes it down on his report. Of course , if he was wrong he wont report anything to mak ehim look wrong. The judicial system was designed to be fair but man's coruption ha sit taintted. .Jail is for a form a torture and anyone who dont see it has never been wronged,,,,,basically they are living in a bubble...!!!!!!

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 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Punishment, like Santa Claus is made up. Only thing is, cops and jails aren't kindly like Santa is. Jail is a monstrosity and a grotesque mar on our society! That so few people have woken up from the primitive religious tribalism of the punishment-cult is truly scare. Trying to justify the prison system today is no different from how insane the past's justifications of burning-at-the-stake, the drowning pit, crucifixion, or branding. In answer to the OP: "Is Jail a mild form of torture?": prison is a deranged and sadistic tribal ritual about eqall in it's vileness to female-genital-mutilation, child-sex-murder, or the use of the Atom bomb.

awakendwraith and MsLisa thank-you for speeking up.

Wake up people! Keeping human beings in tiny cement boxes for years on end is NOT OK!

No one deserves to be in prison -- ever. The practice should go the way of slavery!

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 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
HERE! HERE! Lets let out all the murderers and rapists and gangbangers and crack dealers and child molesters and give them their freedom!

They should be free!

....and when they come to your house to show you what REAL torture is, I'll be laughing at you and your whacko ideals.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Chained wings, shame on you!

Time to wake up from primitive tribal slumber.

No you won't find this story on CNN. Yet this is not something new. The Dutch, the Quakers, and post-structuralists have been saying this for decades.

We are smart enough and we have wealth and resources enough that the prison system is in no way necessary for public safety in any way. You know very well that most people in prison would easily have been acquitted if they hadn't been Black, or hadn't shop-lifted with two prior felonies, etc. 90% of people in prison are not there because they did anything violent. The vast majority of people in prison are what to the mind of a more civilized future will surely be called political-prisoners.

The idea that prison and punishment must follow from some action is magical thinking, fallacy, it does not follow.

You need to seriously start deconstructing the lies you've absorbed from society and more importantly start analyzing the sadism in your heart that would make you think to even try to justify the in-justice-system.

Here's some homework for you to read:

A day will come when prison will be widely regarded as a disgrace for the human race just as slavery is today.

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well yeah murderers should not be let out. In fact all violent criminals deserve to be in jail. It would be a modest punishment for them, it should be worse. But, what about someone who is born in the ghetto, has no opportunity, and sells weed for a living? Not all people deserve to be in jail just because the government says it is right!

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

"deserve to be in jail"!

"all violent criminals deserve to be in jail"!

Do you understand what reason means?

Do you understand what the dark-ages means?

Have you ever had a look back in history, at the history of punishment? If you did, did it phase you at all? Did you get the part about how those were people? At all? Burnt at the stake? Punishment is completely imaginary and made up. It is like Santa Claus. They were only fooling. Being in prison for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, being raped and beaten YOURSELF, ever have a think about that? Punishment does not follow. Do you know what that means in logic? It means that the matter in question is not necessary.

Humans have build rockets to the moon and recorded the genome, are we not creative enough to think of something better? Did you look at Foucault on prison at all? There are millions of people right now in the world living in chains and cages. WAKE UP!

The psychopathic maniacs that control the media and state and their brain-washed zombies all think the criminal justice 'system' is real, it isn't: It is a cultural invention; it is a massive torture machine.

Who are you?! Who are you to judge?!

"the police and the prosecutor represent the people", (Law & Order US TV show). Nothing could be further from the truth! The police and the prosecutor are the enemy of the people; sadistic psychopaths who prey on the people, they are 'priests of pain', teaching a religion of imaginary retribution.

An eye for an eye -- or a toothbrush or a water melon? In no 'logical' way does anyone deserve to be in prison. It is a cultural invention that is ruining if not ending the lives of millions. What you are saying is in the league of 'slaves deserve to be whipped', 'women deserve to be raped': 'he deserved to be chained in a gaol'. Wake up you sadistic perverted statists!

History will vindicate what I say!

Blast all prisons apart with dynamite! Pour them full of concrete! They are worse than Chernobyl!

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 36yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that vigil is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

What would you propose to do with violent criminals, who will likely offend again and again if they were able to roam freely?

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 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Who are these people you are thinking of? You? Me?

Murderes and sex-offenders are likely the two you are thinking of; in the most extensive stufy of recindivism rates in the US ever: these two groups were found to actually have the, the, very lowest rate of re-offence. (Car theives have the highest.)

Frankly, very rarely should anyone have their free-will taken from them, it should be the very last resort. Frankly, I am only one thinker and I can not resolve the who thing for you here now on Captain Cynic, but at the least, how about some decent accomodation; how about an environment without fear? In most of Asia the idea of prisoners being pitted against eachother and raping eachother as in Western prisons does not exist.

This is a crisis so serious that anyone who has any sense of humanity at all needs to get involved this minute, that means getting onto a jury and acting as a "ringer", getting involved in legal-aid and Christian or Anarchist anti-Prison movements. Of course we should never advise any one to break the law, but someone might even consider harboring a so-called 'fellon' just as Anne Frank was hidden during the German fascist period.

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 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The important thing isn't the ready made answer; it's to wake up and see that prison is not logically necessary. People assume this; it is ingrained deeply in our thinking because there is so much emotion tied up in it, but from the perspective of logic there is no necessity. It is fist and most important to deconstruct this idea that crime = prison. It does not, it is irrational, illogical, and what's worse sadistic and monsterous. The criminal justice system is essentially a human-sacrafice ritual that has lived on into modern times. Enlightened people do not tolerate such barbarity.

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 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Hedgehog is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

You are avoiding an important question. If we abolished jails, what are we to do with the criminals that are dangerous and who will repeat their crimes? What system to you propose we implement in place of jails? If you can't answer this question, then it must be assumed that for now, the best solution we have for criminals, is jail.

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 36yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that vigil is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
There mightn't be a solution right now, but if we do not consider CheeChee's ideas, there won't ever be a solution.

I suppose this also depends upon whether or not you think the system needs to change.

I feel I very much understand where you are coming from CheeChee, I find your points are valid. I will think on this topic more.

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 44yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that CheeChee is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
1. Define these so-called dangerous criminals. They are far fewer than most believe. Your average murderer knows what he did took forever and ever the life of another person and he would be the last person to kill anyone else -- the least likely to murder again!

2. Put these incurable monsters in high security plush hotels with cable TV and lovely green parks. If some crazy maniac is so dangerous he is not even able to walk the streets then he must have a problem beyond his control, he must be a victim of nature, himself, disease, fate, whatever. Put him on a wonderful tropical island (surounded by sharks). Cement boxes for twenty, forty years is not okay, it is medeval!

3. Beware of false imprisonment, retrospective laws, and manditory minimums. Don't think you're safe: this effects you seriously now today. Thousands of people are being released after DNA evidence proves they were innocent etc every single year! It could be you!

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 36yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that vigil is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Have you ever had a look back in history, at the history of punishment? If you did, did it phase you at all? Did you get the part about how those were people? At all? Burnt at the stake? Punishment is completely imaginary and made up. It is like Santa Claus. They were only fooling. Being in prison for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, being raped and beaten YOURSELF, ever have a think about that? Punishment does not follow. Do you know what that means in logic? It means that the matter in question is not necessary.

I think CheeChee has a point here though. I agree with her when she says that there is no such thing as punishment for such horrendous crimes, and I do not think that an eye for an eye is the humane way to deal with things. Dangerous people need to be removed from society & put somewhere they won't hurt anyone and no one will hurt them.

Although I do not agree with you CheeChee, that murderers and sex offenders should be put away in plush hotels and given all of the comfort in the world, I do think that they should be protected against other inmates and not be subjected to brutal treatment. I do not know much about how prisons are run, but am inclined to think that they should protect inmates against the very things that they are condemning them for. I mean, simple, humane treatment, prisoners not being put in situations where they will be harmed.

However at the same time, I can imagine that prisons are probably expensive things to run (I truly have no idea of the costs of these things), and that it may be true that we simply do not have the available resources to construct environments within prisons that will be safer for inmates.

Whatever the case, the ideal in itself is one that I find valid, regardless of whether or not it can be implemented in reality.

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Without a doubt violence created them. To unleash them upon the world would only unleash more violence and corruption continuing the cycle. Perhaps it is the imprisonment of other types of offenders that allows for more violence to be aware too. But, we can't just unleash the most violent serial killers for the very fact that they will create worse people in the world.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
Is Jail a mild form of torture - Page 2
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