StoriesAn All-American Man Having an All-American Experience
1 Posts • 2340 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
An All-American Man Having an All-American Experience
a short story by Wolf Larsen
The pains in his lower abdomen area had been going on for months when Mark decided he finally had to do something... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20692 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hello all. Gem here in New Mexico, USA.
Why why why asks why we should continue living, and what is the purpose of "existence"?
For me, as Erik has stated, the purpose of living is to... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
however that newly wed couple down the street that just gave birth to their first child would be pissed the fuck off.
Carly's poem -- A Nation Rocked to Sleep
by Cindy Sheehan
Carly Sheeha... |
Serenity of a New World
6 Posts • 2418 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Serenity of a New World
Beyond the seas of purple,
And past a field of red,
Around a mountain of cerulean,
Is where I'll rest my head.
A valley of green awaits me,
Far from whe... |
Relationships & LoveRelationships kill, slowly.
5 Posts • 3015 Views Psychology Forum |
I've never known or seen a relationship where the male wasn't subsumed by the female. I have tried to be the domocile male but too much of me has to die in order to make it work. It feels li... |
Ethics & MoralityGood vs. Evil
14 Posts • 5998 Views Philosophy Forum |
'If people forgive and forget their misfortunes, they can go on and do good things. I dont know this for sure, but i think its probobly true.'>>
'To forgive is to live'
I truly believe that... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32945 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Chill out - quit being so emotional. Geez lol"
No, our discussions are always the same. As soon as I say a "maybe" you don't agree with you dismiss it and forget that you... |
Emotions & FeelingsSpiritual Solution for Tensions and Anxiety
2 Posts • 2090 Views Psychology Forum |
Spiritual Solution for Tensions and Anxiety
Realisation and repeated memorization of the true knowledge is the only one solution for this problem. The ignorance is responsible for all the anxiety... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30273 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As I stated in my post their system ultimately failed because of just such squabbles. It was here...
well we saw what happened when the clans didn't stick together.
It still had certain adv... |
The Definition of Smart
17 Posts • 6595 Views Talk Talk |
i do not have a good definitoin of "smart".
a freind asked me what i thought smart was. i gave my freind an explanation of why a mutual consultant was not smart. these were my reasons:she... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24974 Views Religion Forum |
It all comes down to humility.
As you age, and if you age and are observant of the universe around you, and you absorb facts and information about how everything around us has come to be, you learn... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Another distant scream...
Another shattered dream.
Lost another bet...
Another cigarette.
The world's only getting stupider...
Mother nature's crying, but no one hears her.
"Go... |
Ethics & MoralityIs there any ethical validation for inbreeding White Tigers?
3 Posts • 4758 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am not sure how many people are familiar with the White Tiger Dilemma; but to sum it up, there is an enormous debate centered upon how they are bred. White Tigers are not their own species, and do n... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views Philosophy Forum |
Depends on who you are these days, if your religious then the point of life is for it to end now or on root to the appocalypse. It's easy to find religous nuts on youtube go on and on about how n... |
Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7576 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'll try to be austere. You may not read this and almost certainly won't reply, but it just strikes me that bad communication from both of us is creating an unnecessary impasse.
First of... |
SpiritualityOn Awareness-Proactivty and Unconsciousness-Ego-Reactivity
2 Posts • 3002 Views Religion Forum |
Hi all,
I am Ajay.
My humble pranams and well-wishes to all of you here. :)
Quoted above are a list of teachings of various masters which I compiled myself for a better understanding and co... |
HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Theory, on your chimp fucking point. You make an assumption that forgets the likelihood that we were created "in their image" making them far more inticing than you suggest.
Not to menti... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
Sorry about the name misunderstanding Firebird....
Understanding religion requires the study of man, his cultures and belief systems which drive his ideas, superstitions, values and beliefs. I'v... |
Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10961 Views Talk Talk |
Ok i have played videogames since i was 10 or even younger. I was even called a gamefreak. I have played all types of games from the extremely violent Mortal Kombat to the Very Emotional Addictive fin... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13766 Views Religion Forum |
First I wrote so little and to me it seemed you pulled it out of context and misunderstood everything I wrote.
As I explained I commented beyond your statements, as they were, as I stated, ambiguou... |
How can we find that resonant synchronization?
3 Posts • 2657 Views Philosophy Forum |
Solitude is a valuable resource when changes of mental attitude are required-'solitude can be as therapeutic as emotional support from a friend'.
Our way of thinking about life and ourselves is so... |
God Person
1 Posts • 2254 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
http://peacefulvet.info/blog/2 008/08/28/poem-of-the-day-god- person/
Hey, God person
What you create today?
and where the hell were you yesterday
Telling me I would be more successf... |
Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2769 Views Psychology Forum |
Emotions are mostly tied to chemical responses in the brain, the release of endorphins. This can be a response to fear, or other stimuli, and serves a dual purpose. First, it can effect pain receptors... |
Can we change attitude?
4 Posts • 2579 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can we change attitude?
Solitude is a valuable resource when changes of mental attitude are required-'solitude can be as therapeutic as emotional support from a friend'.
Our way of thinking abo... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15222 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Pier Giorgio Di Cicco (1949-)
Brain Litany: Or, Overlooking the Existential Factor
*"Can it be that any man has the skill to fabricate himself?"
-- St. Augustine
The brain is a ne... |