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Tagged > Emotional pain
THREAD When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7162 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah old soldiers fade away... ha'! an you've got a yr on me..! ;) So you're my big brother in pain one caution... concentration IS an acquired thing... not at all natural or in equ...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19643 Views
Religion Forum
Have you ever watched a horror film when you were a small child? The films channels your thought to go into unkowns...places which are dark. The child born into Christstianity says God will be b...
THREAD Innocence.
4 Posts • 2577 Views
Talk Talk
As chris and i started a new topic within that thread i thought i would paste here the previous conversation and then carry on. her Children. I notice how when they walk into the c...
THREAD Riddles & PuzzlesSolve Buriden's Ass
6 Posts • 3967 Views
Philosophy Forum
AgentChaos, The argument about freewill is an age old philosophical one. If there is freewill, then you cannot have prophesy, prediction, nor a deterministic universe. Therefore a most of the world�...
THREAD Intelectual Conversation VS Intelectual Masterbation
4 Posts • 3595 Views
Talk Talk
That old thread cracks me up now. I've been trying not to make assumptions, but it's difficult for me still. It's tough to empathize with computer text, but on a forum such as this i...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
"Damn, it's Freezing." I'm quiet again, more so than usual. The heart's fine, it's the mind that's broken. How did I go wrong? or was I too right? To friendly...
THREAD Gender Psychologygirls who dont know how it feels...
7 Posts • 5101 Views
Psychology Forum
i hate the fact that even in civilized legal self defense classes teach girls to hita guy in the groin when they dont even know what it feels like? theres something about that i cant stand.. like my g...
THREAD Relationships & LoveHave You Been Wronged?
4 Posts • 3480 Views
Psychology Forum
im curious. i want to know. explain to me how you have been wronged. why you feel bad. if you feel bad, or anrgy. i want to know. please. http://www.captainc 322-u-frm...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Monolouges & Though processes
14 Posts • 12853 Views
Psychology Forum
IR Me, my first language was not English, but I think in English. I've was born, raised, and educated in English-speaking countries. But when I visit my parents' country, I have so much trouble transl...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17392 Views
Religion Forum
The very fact that four men had indeed wrote their accounts seperately, and from memory tells me they may differ in small detail, but the stories all corroborate. If they were a group of men sitting...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
back to the topic why do we seek reward and punishment? the easy way out is because we are all egotistical pricks. a less pessimistic approach would be to blame our ability to adapt and understand,...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I tried to kill the shadow within me. Years of analytical genocide has tempered my pen in the fire of calculation. Yet throughout all of it the nib has never burned though it has grown red-hot;...
THREAD The oldest question in the book.
3 Posts • 2173 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks chris, I think some of it stems from the fact that i dont feel in control of my life. It is in some way shaped by my circumstances, my financial dependance on my parents, my emotional dependanc...
THREAD PoetryUntitled Poem
3 Posts • 2832 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Wrote this after watching Seisouhen (an angst/drama-filled Japanese OVA) One hundred times I've almost drown Lost my breath, lost a pound One hundred times I've cried to sleep Lied aw...
THREAD ChristianityWhy does everyone have to be sinners
17 Posts • 5627 Views
Religion Forum
They had it all. They were perfect, they had God teaching them, talking to them, giving them what they wanted, and they had the pleasure of sitting next to a tiger and not being eaten for lunch. ;)...
25 Posts • 9283 Views
Philosophy Forum
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usuall...
THREAD Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7694 Views
Religion Forum
He has to give Satan time to reveal his true color so that all can see the difference between God's ways and Satan's way. This is why God does not intervene. He is not a God of force therefo...
THREAD Mental IllnessSelf-Medicated?
11 Posts • 3448 Views
Psychology Forum
I've been reading a book on tantric yoga and the author says that each emotion we experience is linked to a pattern of breathing. The breathing pattern for anger is usually curt and choppy. Th...
THREAD guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6034 Views
Talk Talk seem sort of tainted, like maybe you were in love with someone and invested a lot in the relationship and they left not trieing to be mean, thats just how it seems to
THREAD DreamsA Dream That's Been Bothering Me, please help...
1 Posts • 2553 Views
Psychology Forum
Hi everyone. First of all some background: I'm a senior in high school and I had this dream that's been driving me crazy for days! I think it's applicable to include that the last time...
57 Posts • 10417 Views
Talk Talk
would it be sad to say we're on here to meet pepole and chat lol? The thing with the food's you eat having such a big effect doesn't appear to hold much truth in it, I had quite bad...
THREAD ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views
Religion Forum
You are unable to fathom a God that escapes the social, emotional, and intellectual vices and insecurities that humans succumb to. I already brought up the point that God does not necessarily act...
THREAD 21st Century Breakdown
1 Posts • 2269 Views
Talk Talk
Yes it's finally here. After five years of waiting the new Green Day album has arrived and will hit shelves May 15th. Green Day has been developing their skills for as long as I have been lis...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24974 Views
Religion Forum
I just think that he/she/it is a tool to promote good will and obedience. God is not the tool you speak of, religion is. These are separate. People would wake up and live their lives like it�...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12241 Views
Psychology Forum
You should hate someone who causes extreme distress in your life because it is natural to counter with an extreme dislike. You accept the case that if someone is causing minor distress in your life to...
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