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What I'll Never Be - Page 4

User Thread
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
All this time i never believe
All you let me percieve
I knew there was more that you felt
But only held the cards you dealt
We could have played a better game
Only wish you believed the same
Your fortress walls never kept me out
I just didn't want to shout
I didn't want to make you cry
For that reason i wouldn't pry
I accept your reasons and make amends
Please let us now be friends
I'll try to give you the answers that you seek
Just give me a kiss on my left cheek
I hide too, there's no shame
Don't try to make yourself feels so lame
We'll help each other to stay open
There is no need to be only hopin'
We won't be sad that's for sure
'Cus together we can endure,
All the hardships we will face,
Let's run together its not a race.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
admitting you suck is the first step to not
so quit your justification for i fear that she will stop
right in her tracks, memories of wanting more elapsed
hurting is not making cry, but letting a freind roll over and die
she's not the dealer, she's the porr bloat testing chance
she isnt ashamend, she knows its not pain
i know that your trying, good enough for me to to step back
im glad that your tring, seeing your not alone
realizing everyone sucks, including me, i know
together we can help, but the weight is dispersed
all your pain will be hers, and all hers yours
all the hardships you will face?
hardly gmunk, hard would be a race

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
[  Edited by awakendwraith at   ]
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I will admitt I'm not the best
But on that fact i will not rest
I like your advice
I read it once, twice, maybe thrice
It makes sense i understand
But these words you type with your hand
Only seem to make me chafe
I dont seek to justify
Please believe it is no lie
I do what i can to aid
There is no chance I'd let her fade
I'd hold her strong
Not doing any wrong
She holds her feelings inside
To appease her I must abide
When she is ready she will tell
Till then she can sit in her shell
Your are right about the race
But of it there is no trace
There is no competition
To live in peace is my mission
The hard times they will arrive
Together we'll make them fall
Together, strong, we will thrive
I'm not sure when, not at all
But if thogether, you and me
From nothing we will have flee

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I just woke got out of bed,
During the night new thoughts in my head.
Now i feel i must reiterate,
Reword or simply restate
I am the switch, she has the hands
I can only do what she demands.
Shes in the darkness and im with her
Through me she can find a way to the answer.
I do not hold it, of that im certain,
But i can find it, open the curtain.
If need be, i will take force,
But i do not want to seem coarse.
Thats simply what i thought
While in bed, i gave it a shot.
Im done for now ive got school,
But come back soon, we'll be cool

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that IceMan04 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Stick and stones
will break my bones
but words will never hurt me!

yeah i know. im good

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"I always say the truth, even when Im lying"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
try something new not so trife
maybe try something unique in life
Don't just repeat the simple, and stale
Risk it, go for it, let go of the rail.
The sticks and stones damage physically
But the words may hurt you internally
Its common knowledge that this is true
But to stop the hurt they cause to you
Build a strong heart and sharpened mind
And in them no harm you will find
Back to the start
The initial remark
Repetition is no good
Its no better than rotten food
Unless its lyrical, in a song
Thats just fine, theres no wrong
And in addition don't butt in
Unless our admiration you can win
We are conversating can't you see
It is between him her and me
That is all i have to tell you now
Thats my queue now i bow

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
if i sound harsh i dont mean that way

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Your core is refracted and deflected from
the straight path which
continues to lead you here.

Your transcendence,
although well documented,
lacked any sub-stantial
or clues on how to break
your punctuated fall.


Fresh diffusal of cool silence
in this echoic theatre of beauty;
imitation of speech and gesture,
and personal.

You are replication,
my draft and fuzzy focus -
interpreted perfectly,
clearly defined fractal lines;
my better half
and improved reflection
lying in wait for me.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It's not that good but i think its so-so
What I'll Never Be

I'll never completely show my intellect.
I'll never acknowledge what i project
Never stand for what i am
Never appear as i am.
Always hold it back, in a vault
Always find and hide my own fault
Never manifest my feelings
Never show my hearts true dealings.
Always hide in masquarade
Always, never jade
I'll always be what people see
I'll never be me.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
always foolish
always fading
always falling
always tasting
always touching
always hurting
always nothing
always poorly

never happy
never quite
never hard
never hindered
never welcom
never ment to
never numb
never have you

always angry
never content
always maybe
never constant
always loving
never crazy
always ... never....

i'll never be sure
of why i adore
why i insist
why i need a cure

why i can't have you
why it's not fair
why i can't stand to
why i like my hair

i'll never be sure

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Another distant scream...
Another shattered dream.
Lost another bet...
Another cigarette.
The world's only getting stupider...
Mother nature's crying, but no one hears her.
"God" damns you America...
Open eyes see right through ya.
Everybody's fake...
Independence burnt at the stake.
Mass produced welfare...
Never ending warfare.
It's American to hate...
Forecasting your own fate.
Money is where the power's at...
An open minded minority disagrees with that.
Your God would be ashamed...
This world is satan tamed.
My life's lottery is one ###### up game...
Under your masks, you all look the same.
Discriminating, superficial, ignorant waste...
Never gonna give your life another taste.
Kill me more...
I'll never be your bitch.
Look at me, and you will see what's real...
A life your culture couldn't steal.
Close them eyes...
Another friend dies.
Be blind...
And no life is what you will find.
A world of rape, murder, and beer...
The outcasts are who you need to hear.
Nothing lasts forever...
But I, you will remember.
You blew your chance...
Let the chaos dance.
Emptiness feels no pain...
Sobriety's insane.
One day I'll be gone and dead...
Will you remember what I said?
End world, here's my one last breath...
Lets all watch America bring upon our death.
God, make this nightmare end...
We're alone my friend.
Misinterpreted and shoved aside...
Humanity has already died.
Say goodbye...
Time for us all to die.
Lost it all...
Watch me fall...
You'll all see...
The end of humanity.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Inspired by Celtic studies and myths.

Upon the cliff top stands a ruin,
That once did mock the storms.
And through this shattered skeleton,
A lost soul treads, wan and forlorn.
Here beneath this fallen, crumbled tower,
There weeps a softly trembling wild-flower.

She ghosts through roofless corridors,
Here she sings her sad song of loss.
As soft grasses come to reclaim the halls,
A phantom, she sees what once was.
A steadfast keep, thronging with lively game,
Yet much is now dust, and her people slain.

Mariel! Mariel!
Her name rings as the sweetly chiming bell.
That did once call, Lady and her Lord, to feast.
Now she sings her soulful dirge,
As a sad spectre she walks this earth.
Since the enemy came from across the turbulent seas.
She sings sadly of the days, before the invading horde,
Put this shining place to the fire, and to sword.

Now this once proud fortress, a sepulchre is,
Looted, destroyed, and wrecked upon the morbid coast.
As this last survivor, so fair with sad grace,
Does sing her soft songs to the ghosts.
A broken beauty, poor maiden, serenades the silent dead,
Seeing not the fallen towers but a sweet vision of what was instead.

And of the many and colourful, fanciful tales,
Of which old sailors are want to tell,
Is a legend of the dire curse
Of the melancholy Mariel.
And travellers beware lest thou art bewitched by her sad song,
For it\'s melancholy beauty may infect thy tender soul,
And thou would\'st from then be bound for all thy lifetime long,
To wander lost upon this earth, forevermore melancholy and alone.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Eternity doesn't seem so long,
When you're standing outside in the rain.
Unbreakable doesn't seem so strong,
When nothing is left the same.

Passionate doesn't seem so pure,
When all your wounds turn numb,
Violently doesn't seem so raw,
When your strength is overcome.

Entirely doesn't seem so much,
When your whole world falls apart.
Everything seems to lose its touch,
Now the end goes back to the start.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Apathy doesn't seem so wrong,
When you turn your cheek and let it go.
Puzzling doesn't seem so lost,
When qeustions take hours to answer.

Passive doesn't seem so holy,
When you keep losing your freinds.
Pain doesn't seem so bad,
When when you remember what it comes with

Entirely doesn't seem so much?
When you fall, my world is apart.
Everything seems to lose its touch,
Now the end goes back to start.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
That part of you, within, that I most know,
Looks altered by without, that I most see,
Which, altering my sight of that below,
Increased my love of you by changing me;
The rising sun is to itself the same,
Despite the mountain snow and ocean swell
That stole my breath as it in me became
Alive, as if t'was ne'er before beheld.
Blame not my love for this inconstancy,
Although affections seem to ebb and flow,
For though my eyes your changing looks can see,
My heart is blind, and sees but what I know:
Though seas may rise and age-old mountains fall,
Within my love, you've no without at all.

Erm...the result of reading too much of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Coleridge's Rime (yes, spelled this way ^_^) and complications.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
What I'll Never Be - Page 4
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