Why must I love her
Queen in the court of my thoughts
My heart plays the fool
Though I am the o... |
5 Posts 14356 Views |
I've written a series of cantos based on William Shakespeare's sonnets.
I believe my can... |
2 Posts 5994 Views |
This delicate night, delicious audible seduction.
Sounds I hear now...
Gentle rain drumbeat on... |
1 Posts 3684 Views |
(I just want to add this because I'm new to the forum and not sure how it will be received. Thi... |
4 Posts 4971 Views |
toxic night that crawled into a sunset sublime,
a walk home by misty canal,
two week stubble, amph... |
1 Posts 3070 Views |
Hey everyone. This is a really random requets. I am performing in a 24 hour improv night. I have to... |
5 Posts 4306 Views |
Canto 7
by Wolf Larsen
Ho! In the orient when the infectious light
Lifts up all his syphilis roa... |
1 Posts 3146 Views |
Canto 6
by Wolf Larsen
Let 6,000,000 tirades raaage before your face!
Because in you lives the su... |
1 Posts 3470 Views |
Canto 4
by Wolf Larsen
Ugly loveliness, why do you collapse like a hungry angry moon?
Upon peanut... |
1 Posts 3264 Views |
In the shadow of time
he stands. A simple glimmer
of his mind resonates
through time, inspi... |
2 Posts 3167 Views |
A beauty as true as light
beside me, simply float on sky
The droplets slowly slides down
then pou... |
2 Posts 3292 Views |
We're all alone
Looking for some place that will care
Care about our sufferings,
Care about... |
1 Posts 2208 Views |
This poem I have written as the Earth time has been changed to one second more on the 30th of June 2... |
4 Posts 2947 Views |
She had a smile that could wipe away the world
Her hands radiated love with every wave
He thought... |
13 Posts 6947 Views |
Brainwashed Crazy Fanatical Bible-Thumping Holier-than-Thou Loony-Tooners Shoving Their Religion Dow... |
1 Posts 2916 Views |
Their Crimes
a Neo-SocialistRealist poem by Wolf Larsen
They invented the atomic bomb
They te... |
1 Posts 2586 Views |
My Neighbor's Dog for President!
A Neo-SocialistRealist poem by Wolf Larsen
So come Novembe... |
1 Posts 2130 Views |
'Hey, You Got Some Spare Change Mr. President?'
A Neo-SocialRealist poem by Wolf Larsen
It... |
1 Posts 2323 Views |
Wolf Larsen gives a speech at the Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop-ist Convention
"Boing -... |
1 Posts 2528 Views |
Dong Dong Dong!
A poem by Wolf Larsen
She was as reversed as a gh-jik-lomp!
Flew like a used ti... |
1 Posts 2711 Views |
A Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop-ist Manifesto
by Wolf Larsen
1) Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Zi... |
3 Posts 2823 Views |
Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop
a poem by Wolf Larsen
Woooooooooow! Heeeeeeeeey!
Oh my schnoc... |
1 Posts 2411 Views |
beautiful whispers
the dreamers ensnared
reflect the reflected
the mirror reveals
needing an ans... |
1 Posts 2021 Views |
I'm Really Tired
you can sleep while your standing
and luagh 'cuase im new
write down... |
258 Posts 67570 Views |
A poem by Wolf Larsen
You watch as thousands of ceiling people begin cuttin... |
1 Posts 2390 Views |