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 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I Hate Women |
Hello. I am a 30 something year old man who ha sbeen mistreated, abused, rejected, mocked, scorned, and hurt terrible by women all of his life. This has driven me from a bright, energetic, happy guy, to a bitter, hateful, angry, jaded, cynical man. I mean, the abuse and misery and heartache I have suffered at the hands of women! And what gets me is that they LOVE torturing me like this. Then, they end up dating, sleeping with, and loving stupid, uneducated, low-class, abusive jerks. Amazing. It only proves that women are truly, truly stupid, like mentally-retarded. It is even against biological urge and nature herself to seek out that which hurts you. Even freaking apes and dogs do not do that. Even a rat is smart enough to know to avoid things that hurt it, yet women actually seek out those things, thus proving that women are stupider than rats. I would love to find a woman to love, but it appears that women are simply evil beasts, incapable of human love.
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
So you are saying that my fiance doesn't love me? Not know me or her, you are saying that you know she doesnt love me?
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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Basically, yes. I am saying specifically that the chances are very high that she does not love you.
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
You are willfully ignorant, arrogant to the point of hurting yourself, mis-informed to the point of faith, the cause of your own problems and pain, and the only one capable of fixing any of it. You are soly at fault for what is and or has happend to you, and until you admit your folly, you will be un-happy. If you chose not to listen to me and ignore the information I have given, your life will not change. If you assume that you are wrong, attempt to prove yourself wrong at all costs, and then turn out right, you are a better scientist than me. You are... self-induced.
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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: So you are saying that my fiance doesn't love me? Not know me or her, you are saying that you know she doesnt love me?
He said nothing of the sort, if you were to infer any information that can be related to your egagement it would be that you are... quote: stupid, uneducated, low-class, abusive jerk
Since that is what, by his words, they... quote: end up dating, sleeping with, and loving
Why I have to point out such obvious things by repeating what one would have initially assumed you have already read is truly beyond me. Now, to in part address mr. Ihatewomen and Decius' remarks, I believe he is correct at the most fundamental level, however, due to his redress of wraith and likely his mood of the moment, much like my mood affecting this post, rather oppositely, I do fairly firmly believe he has coddled you to a degree far from deserved. He said it takes balls to admit such abuse, in a sense, he is, as usual, very correct. However, my take on this expression, is safe to say, a wee bit different, for many reasons based on other equally true perspectives. Firstly, your chosen moniker, Ihatewomen, especially in the face of your espoused abuse shows that you may very well want and desire said abuse. Secondly, to the very point made firstly, your continuation of "suffering" , though I would call it more choosing, said abuse for "years" is all on you. And finally, and far more importantly, though a culmination of all points, is that you hypocritically refer to "stupid" women's desire for abusive relationships and how retarded they are for such perpetual rediculousness all while in the same breath of expressing how you are doing exactly the same thing. It is for this reason that I do not share Decius' sympathy for you, which I will again suggest was brought about by his likely mood and desire to dump on wraith, because he is by no means stupid, his worst, very shared, foible being that he is human. I would have had much more sympathy for you had you said these things as a teenager or early twenty something, but as an adult just finishing the "young adult" phase you deserve every bit of abuse you bring upon yourself especially while you are still whining and blaming it on others. Disgusting. The very term and vision these women see in you when they simply treat you as you desire and deserve. Grow up.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
You're all communist morons who assume way too much. I asked him a qeustion and he responded, I gave him my assesment, which was, he is child who thinks childish things and has no respect for anyone, and does not think that he could be wrong. Tactful words will not affect him, so I told him as bluntly as possible how I feel. In no way what I did was childish, un-informed, or stupid, only interpreted so. I do not expect you to understand, nor do I care. I am done with this site, because the people on it are so god damn insecure that it prevents them from speaking to anyone in a normal way, partly because of their elitism... You guys are pathetic.
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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 35yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that CrypticTruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
check out this link thought this could lighten the mood and still could pertain to this disscission
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""Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" -oscar wilde"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: As I stated, this isn't about women - it's about people.
Obviously, and that is the fundamental point I agreed with as I stated. However, unless women aren't people, and unless I'm truly mistaken, his every visible attempt at expressing himself is against women, his name, his thread, hell, even his quote. But I have made no distinct focus on women myself. The only part I disagreed with you was the coddling, as he is expressing himself extremely childishly. A point I would be in agreement with wraith who I will address in a moment. Childishness in itself is not the issue however, if it were, I would have to spend much more time bashing myself as well. quote: Criticising anyone for coming to terms with their own pain is disgusting.
I don't feel he has or is coming to terms with his pain, I feel he is flaunting it, abusing it, and since having grown dependent upon it, perpetuating it and likely manifesting it himself rather than anyone actually abusing him as he so claims. You know very well that there is a point where he is likely creating these situations, probably abusing himself and others in the process, in order to garner sympathy. quote: But I think you approached this from the perspective of man versus woman instead of person versus person.
I would say I feel I approached it from himself vs. himself and himself vs. others. The woman aspect is fairly fundamentally irrelevant, as you have pointed out and I have agreed with. quote: most people probably die without ever coming to terms with most of the betrayals of their lives
Then he should feel lucky that someone is bothering to point out how he is betraying himself. The obvious and ultimate lesson he is in need of coming to terms with, which I submit, he has not. That is, if he truly wishes to "come to terms with his pain" and not just play the victim. And coddling him at this point in the way you have will give him a likely incorrect sense of justification for the blaming of others and ecourage his denial of who the real culprit is instead of facing up to the facts. quote: You are suggesting there is an age upon which a human is supposed to have come to terms with the contradictory nature of society
quote: There is no age limit
It is the adult relationship aspect that I also address that you have taken issue with. You may have missunderstood my meaning, age itself isn't the issue or overly relevant to my point, much as women were not, it was a point distinguishing abuse by the hands of people in posistions of authority outside of his control as opposed to situations where he has the power to stand up for himself but he chooses to play the victim and blame cards instead. And his point of "continual abuse" is what triggerred me further, very much allowing for the possibility of my premise. As well as the fun I had, and will now relive, through throwing his own rediculously hypocritical words back at him. As he states himself just how... quote: truly, truly stupid, like mentally-retarded
people are for... quote: dating, sleeping with, and loving stupid, uneducated, low-class, abusive jerks
as he has expressed himself doing... quote: all of his life
And even more amusing is his own shitting in his own mouth again by saying... quote: I am a 30 something year old man who ha sbeen mistreated, abused, rejected, mocked, scorned, and hurt terrible by women all of his life
when... quote: It is even against biological urge and nature herself to seek out that which hurts you. Even freaking apes and dogs do not do that. Even a rat is smart enough to know to avoid things that hurt it
Which is made relevant when I substitue one word when he says... quote: yet I actually seek out those things, thus proving that I are stupider than rats.
Which makes me laugh hysterically and is totally worth taking the time to reiterate for everyone's benefit. Some of this is indeed very speculative on my part to be sure, but it is so because he has not defined or discribed his "abuse". As most people who are truly abused do. I feel there is likely a very good reason for this, he's got nothing worth mentioning or that won't be torn to shreds instantly, especially by you. I take that term very seriously and get easily offended when someone abuses it in search for unwarranted sympathy. He may very well just need a friend and some self confidence and sympathy on that level, but claiming abuse and pointing the finger at anyone but himself is a clear indicator that he is deserving of my point. And if he is to grow, it must be addressed, and any true friend would have to take the burden of potential defiant retribution in attempt to do so. quote: If he had come in here explaining how betrayed he felt by Christianity you probably wouldn't be as harsh. But there is little difference. In fact, coming to terms with the fact that women are not white little powder puffs of joy and love is a harder reality to face because society doesn't openly criticize women as readily as it does Christianity.
If he came in throwing a temper tantrum with no indication of any personal responsibility I most certainly would, as I have. If he was making any expression of substance or "explaining" anything rather than just making vague disclaimers meant to validate his pity party, this would all be different. I think you have given him more credit than is due. I think that you have seen a situation and feeling of your own in his words and are actually talking to yourself more than him. This is due to your expressing a relatability to something real in you that he is not likely even wanting to hear, though he may feign interest and aggreement just to suck in your sympathy. At some point you would likely come to the ironic situation where he actually abuses you when you are genuinely exposing yourself in attempt to help him. At which point I would effectively have to bitch slap him. This point about my feeling a need to protect you is the other source of my strong expression on this matter. Though I by no means have any desire to emasculate you with my concern as you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. It's just that I care about you and won't stand for some douche bag potentially taking advantage of you. quote: You're all communist morons who assume way too much
Where did you come up with communist? This is rhetorical. And for the record, again, it was you who made an assumption from his words that you put in the form of a question. Which is what I addressed about your post. Even though his words can clearly be interpreted as you interpreted them. quote: In no way what I did was childish, un-informed, or stupid, only interpreted so.
In case my previous remark to you has any relevance in this quote, I will remind that it would be him making those interpretations that you took upon yourself when linking your personal situation to his impersonal words, not me. Again, like Decius, giving him credit where it was not due. Which of course he egged you on after the fact because he likes the attention. He is just looking to make others suffer, by his own abusive hands. And this is why he does not get a pass from me, even to the point of me taking a chance of potentially straining my relationships here by "correcting" a friend of mine and "defending" someone who has just called me an assumptive communist moron, elitist, and pathetic. For which I feel obliged to throw in a complimentary, go fuck yourself wraith, by the way. And if he truly wants to grow and come to terms with his pain, he will suck it up, take the honest, though harsh, criticism and continue the conversation like a big boy clone. No breath holding here, but I'll hold on to hope. And for the record Decius, the only thing I'm "correcting" you on, is that I don't think we are truly in disagreement at all, just a misunderstanding at best. So, I'm sorry I have to dissappoint you and your joy in your discovery. And if you weren't such a woman hater yourself, you would more easily see my point. I love ya man. 
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Decius: thank you! Wow, that is the best answer I have ever gotten. Instead of blaming me, you analyzed the problem, and I think you are probably right. Wow, thanks....that is a very helpful answer 
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I have to say, most of these replies are what I expected: blame me for the hurtful actions of women. Of course it has to be my fault, because it could never be true that women do actually seek abuse, right? Well, for years I was NOT cynical like this. I had a great, positive attitude. You know what? They still treated me like crap. So no, I am not "creating" these situations. Women are the wrong ones, not me.
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Hate, what you are correct about is that Decius is correct, what is unfortunate is that you don't understand what he is saying, even though you are expressing agreement and thanks. Stroking his ego does not show you have learned anything, and what is hilariously sad is the irony lost on you in his message to you. Just because he didn't say it bluntly, what you are missing within his response is that he too, whether he even realizes it or not, is indeed blaming you as well. For your part. Regardless of what started the cycle, regardless of any real and deservable blame for acts of others against you, which no one denied but rather focused on... YOUR PART. You are angry, you are cyclicly seeking abuse, you are no different than the women represented in either of your examples. quote: I have to say, most of these replies are what I expected: blame me for the hurtful actions of women.
All blame for their actions is theirs alone, all blame for your bitterness and hurt is your own. Some is justifiable, your display of hypocricy and lack of personal responsibility and childish behavior shows that you have surpassed the justifiable and now just want it to be true so you can have a pity party. You can correct people's perception by saying that you were just blowing hot air and that your extremes, though sound in basis, are but harsh words with little meaning. And before you don't even bother telling me that you think I don't know what I'm talking about, I'll tell you something that will be lost on you anyway for the sake of record. Agreeing with Decius shows that you were wrong in your initial statement and in all non attempts at rebuttal of mine. Because he is correcting you. What baffles me is your, and even Decius', focus on negativity and harshness in responses to your post. A post that is so negative and harsh that I couldn't hope to clarify that point any more than it does all by itself. And then you guys are suprised that negativity and harshness are found in response? Decius' points on Wraith about his harshness being defensive and meant to protect his fragile beliefs of his relationship are obvious in their well founded correctness. I still maintain that his issue with me is a missunderstanding, though I allow for the possibility that I could be wrong. A concept you would do well to look into. quote: Of course it has to be my fault, because it could never be true that women do actually seek abuse, right?
You fucking tool. Of course they can you hypocritical asshat. But apparently it could never be true that you could, right? quote: Well, for years I was NOT cynical like this. I had a great, positive attitude. You know what? They still treated me like crap. So no, I am not "creating" these situations.
What part of you having a positive attitude alleviates all possibility that you deserved and or desired, then and now, to be treated like shit. Let me help you, it doesn't. quote: Women are the wrong ones, not me.
quote: People are the problem, not women.
You can't have it both ways, you can't agree with him and then shoot down one of his main points. Well, without looking like a two faced retard that is. Because obviously you can, because you did. And just to have more fun with you, Decius can try to save you at this point if he likes, when you show a desire to grow and stop being so flagrantly rediculous and dismissive I'll speak to you more civily, not that you care. Untill then though, on with the fun for me. If women are the wrong one's and you are so blatantly wrong, does that make you a woman? Maybe your just angry because your a gay woman and women don't want anything to do with either. Oh, except to abuse you, of course. Maybe your Jesus, you can do no wrong it appears, and everyone seems out to get you, and they are all stuck blaming you when your obviously at no fault for anything, ever , anywhere. Perhaps you can, as god incarnate, help me emaculately concieve my head out of my ass so I can see clearly and be brought to the enlightenment you have come share with us in your journey to save the world by bashing your lesbian hate lovers. I just want to be healed too, from their deep penetrating wounds, likely caused by the innappropriately sharp butt plugs you ladies use to contain all the righteous hot air keeping your spineless abusive bodies upright. I have to thank you, its moments like these that I wonder who comes up with some of the shit that comes out of my proverbial mouth, man, whoever it is deserves a freakin award. So tell me, what part of your perfection do you think drives women to such abusive behavior against you, is it because their just jealous, I know I am, shit, I'm making an appointment for my sex change to be more like you right now. Once its done, I'll need instructions on how to get all that salt and sand in my vagina to be as angry as you. All right, I've got to go pray to my new shrine of you before I have to contradict all my sensibilities and learn how to be abusive to you once we start dating.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Ironwood? You have real problems with English grammar. I suggest that you begin your grammatical recovery by learning the definition of "complete sentence."
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: Ironwood? You have real problems with English grammar.
Probably. Do you think I speak so unintelligably that this is all you can respond to or understand? If so, you may have issues with comprehensive skills in far more severe need of addressing than my grammar. That or your just a pussy. quote: I suggest that you begin your grammatical recovery by learning the definition of "complete sentence."
Seeing as how even perfect grammar is not likely to get a worthwhile response from you, how about you begin by specifying what you are having such trouble understanding, and I will gladly attempt to clarify. No promises though, it appears I may be retarded. Come on, be a big girl and say something worth a shit for a change will ya. I'm honestly trying to have dialogue with you, but you seem to want nothing to do with anything that isn't what you want to hear. Enjoy your life of denial, one of many winning qualities that I'm sure have nothing to do with why women hate you. I'm gonna watch some sesame street, see if that helps, where did I put my dunce hat... Oh, I feel so schooled.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that wizardslogic is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I've learned that women pick up on signs in a relationship that tell them there may be some things wrong with the man they're involved with that they regard as "red flags." Oftentimes, it's insecurity manifest as, maybe, the need to please, constant clinginess, subdued expressions of jealousy, and so on and so on--pretty much a kind of pathetic persona that they desperately want to walk away from but cannot do it in a nice way; mostly because they don't want to endure the begging and pleading and tears. Of course, I'm not suggesting that this is the case with you IHW,
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"Each conscious mind is alone in the universe!"
 51yrs • M • 
ihatewomen is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I appreciate the reply, wizard. But in all fairness, I amnot desperate and clingy. If anything, I am jaded and unfeeling these days. Now I used to be idealistic. I really believed in love. I was funny, fun, etc. But even then, women treated me like dirt. fI really do not think I am the problem. I think women are the problem. I know all humans, women and men, can be real jerks, but it seems that in the romantic realm, women are the true villains. Just like men are the devils of war, women seem to be the devils of love.
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"Women are evil and deserve suffering."
I Hate Women |