Tagged > What is emotional freedom technique |
September 11
16 Posts • 5848 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"If this is a memorial thread, I choose to remember and remind that no justice has come of this."
NO JUSTICE? So invading Iraq and causing more innocent lives to be lost is not enough for... |
43 Posts • 9081 Views Talk Talk |
A thought just struck me, okay goth stemmed from punk, basically the goth were less violent more artistic and articulate individuals lets say more in touch with emotion, now the emo's are even more em... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15263 Views Religion Forum |
So many people in this world, just like you, pretend to be peace-loving, yet subscribe to and cling to beliefs that are so utterly harmful and destructive to the people around you.
Acting passive... |
27 Posts • 9961 Views Religion Forum |
Re-animated, NEVER assume.
And I dont attack unless attacked.
Calling me old..? Ya get what ya give.
I am young m'dear. Just have more time in for alot more research.
Wars are nothing new... |
Habits & BehaviorRepression?
2 Posts • 3053 Views Psychology Forum |
I have given a bit of thought to your post. I am sure you are refering to a intense often traumatic experience in life
I do not think that one fully gets over any thing and if so it would take a lo... |
War & TerrorismMadrid Bombings
18 Posts • 7074 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is not Europe's 9/11. As sad as this may seem, this is a near non-event in France (maybe just my region?).
The author struck me as very european. In any case, if Spain wants freedom from Is... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6705 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am trying to control myself cuz i know that no one should take anything including life to seriously cuz 10 out of 10 people will in fact die..lol
i heard someone say that.. but honestly even tho... |
The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9388 Views Psychology Forum |
With something that is almost completely unknown to you, unless you perceive that there is some clear way for you to go and obtain the evidence that it exists beyond evaluating your current experience... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7051 Views Philosophy Forum |
and I realized that anger was an extension of sadness, when I thought about it, of course I was mad, but I was more upset and hurt then I was mad. I dont know, way to strong of emotions that I have ev... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29265 Views Religion Forum |
I think there are four ties of existence, and they are emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Heart, body, mind, soul.
Also, they tie with okcitykid's order as in saying;
spirit, mind... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7983 Views Philosophy Forum |
To be reduced to nothing but a dice roll? To be a face on a body? To give in to the current? To lose the only thing that makes any of my wonderful existence possible?
Yes. It is my freedom and my a... |
Emotions & Feelingsdoes anyone else get like this?
1 Posts • 4434 Views Psychology Forum |
I’ve never posted anything like this online, I’ve never had councelling or been to the doctors or received therapy. I don’t talk about things like this but I just wanted to see if... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38014 Views Psychology Forum |
yes but then you would have to protect yourself form every other natural disaster and offenders. You can't protect yourself from everything. And to walk around living in fear is just as bad as wa... |
27 Posts • 17665 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
She was 12 - you telling me a 12 year old would rather be fucking an older guy than playing with her friends? And she wasn't manipulated?
What about the fact that it was an arranged marriage,... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
If people cannot accept the circumstances of having sex, then dont have it untill you are ready. that is the problem really, too much sex. hey you can take my point and squeeze it and call me backward... |
God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8892 Views Religion Forum |
If you're gonna say Chrisitan GOD sucks you got to also have to add in there that when muslims were enslaving blacks in the name of their GOD and selling them to Whites. There god sucks to. In In... |
SpiritualityPhysical Body: Blessing or Curse?
36 Posts • 8925 Views Religion Forum |
you are. aperently god wants us to prove oyrselves. he gave us the freedom of choice and wants to see what we do with it. if he is satisfied with what we've done wiht it we are allowed in. if not... |
Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5965 Views Psychology Forum |
I wouldnt cheat on my girlfriend for a few reasons. One being that it is too much of a risk in that she might leave me. Another is that I am really REALLY happy with our sex life. We do it a lot and i... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe Source of Guilt
6 Posts • 2445 Views Psychology Forum |
"You can't recognise yourself and live in harmony"
I find this to be a very interesting statement and I like the way you are thinking. Yes I believe you are right when you talk about t... |
DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10481 Views Psychology Forum |
What I do is try to dwell in the intense emotional periods. If I'm feeling particularly down then I'll jam some sad depressing music. It makes the rollercoaster ride more enjoyable for me. W... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27263 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Homosexuality is no more fruitless than non procreative hetero sex, nor is it any more deviant than non procreative sex, oral, anal, or general sex act, nor is it dangerous or unhealthy as an act.... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
perhaps a minor point but I have recieved unwanted e-mail & while spam is annoying factor, does it deserve the same rights of free speech? not having minors to contend with I didn't think muc... |
PoetryCheesy Poetry needed
5 Posts • 4295 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The sound of swallows echo in these halls
alone but never lonely
recognizing too many things at such a young age
is unnerving.
and comparing. yourself to too many people
youve never even met
a... |
impulses and the ego
10 Posts • 2423 Views Talk Talk |
Decius you said..."I have a great grasp of logic, and more than anything I feel the more logical I get the more free I become emotionally. My emotions are no longer in doubt or questioned when i... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17366 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
all goverments have there gd points and there bad points, communism: bad= takes away privatly owned bussnises good= abolishes alienation between social classes
democracy: bad=its hard to get things... |