Tagged > What is emotional freedom technique |
27 Posts • 17665 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Mr ASG, this is the last public post to you before I reply to your PM you sent me. But I want this to be on public record about where I was coming from when I said what I said.
First off,... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62334 Views Jokes & Games |
Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands
'Are you magically delicious or just angry and drunk? This beer is black- did a leprechaun crap in it?'
'Can I get a side of Freedom Fri... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
Sorry, I'm kind of all over the place here. Anyway.
Doesn't this obviously display that I have incorrect mechanisms in my brain that make me feel bad and hence prevent me from insulting s... |
Video Game History & Wishes
3 Posts • 3672 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I saw this incredible documentary last night all about the history of Video games- it was quite fascinating. Games have changed a whole lot and they seem to continue too all the time.
It seems though... |
PhotographyExperimenting with Post Processing Images
5 Posts • 4108 Views Art Forum |
I like these images very much, especially "Rise". I too am like you in discovering the joys of post processing. I only got a digital camera about three years ago, just a simple automatic and... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14841 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"We live in a time similar to nazi germany where everyone outside of Germany new Hitler was a raving lunatic, and some people in Germany also knew he was a raving lunatic, but for some reason, mo... |
GovernmentFive Reality Checks For Democrats
12 Posts • 4531 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Since when did morals only equate to religion?"
That's exactly something I've been specifically curious about, seems to me just an underlying "belief" that is natural... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5867 Views Psychology Forum |
I will preface this by saying I'm a very good looking man... tall, blonde hair, strong jaw, bodybuilder physique, great symmetry to boot... I've had women on many occasions ask if I was a mo... |
GovernmentWhy Today's "Conservatives" Cannot
12 Posts • 3779 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Conservatives cannot win because the enemy to which they are opposed is a revolutionary enemy - an enemy with revolutionary goals and guided by a revolutionary way of life.
The advantage has always... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hi Wooly Bully,
I'm sure you already know about this link, but people new to VHEMT may not.
http://www.vhemt.org/m otto.htm
The values of the Voluntary Human Extincti... |
Common FAQ's
21 Posts • 35113 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
CC members have the freedom to upload and view large high resolution images in forums. If you want to view the real size of an image that has been posted in a forum or a user's photo album,
sim... |
two questions
21 Posts • 8243 Views Philosophy Forum |
i don't profess to be any sort of expert on the subject, but i do enjoy philosophy immensely.
i love the fact that almost all philosophical questions don't have "right" or &quo... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49755 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I was told of a place I can call home with out prying eyes watching my every move,
I've been looking for it sometime now.
Side to side I move,
Digging left and right without finding a way out.... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You can't win a rigged election. Both sides claimed it rigged, go figure.
not true. you must be reading the new york times...
And besides, no matter what anyone thinks or says, if Bush is... |
How is body and mind one?
4 Posts • 2655 Views Philosophy Forum |
First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling.
What are the emotions? The primary emotions are happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. The seconda... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41106 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Favorite comic hero...scratch Superman, Batman, Flash, ....Hulk is a bit cool. Fom X-Men, I like Storm and Xavier. Spiderman's ok. Wonder Woman!:D Oh yeah, she rocks, but she's dressed up li... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
yes yes, again i agree Mia. there are people out there who develope a sense of pride in their country, for americans i think many of them realize how much freedom they have, and they also understand t... |
16 Posts • 6188 Views Talk Talk |
You bring me to my point in this thread Shade, I think that one of the freedoms that are diminishing are right to own gun freedoms. Freedoms are being taken away on that ridicules pretense there more... |
My Life SUCKS.......
15 Posts • 8722 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks so much you guyz for all of your support.
Joey is soooooo excited. Which helps, but still. We spent the day at the park yesterday discussing alot of stuff.
I still feel upset/confused ab... |
RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14511 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Through recent experiences it has come to my attention that my views upon sex compared to others is showing quite a contrast. Naiveity I know lol. My general concept was that you had men who sex was j... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25124 Views Religion Forum |
Another reason we have higher prices at the pump, is the fact america needs the oil refined, so it does not emit the dangerous fumes.*roll*
But, even as Jimmy Carter may be christian, Bush is stil... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67570 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that a society free of our biggest current barrier would be the key to the future of logicall human development and evolution . But people are still way too locked up in the box by years of do... |
Do you hate the French?
1 Posts • 3045 Views Talk Talk |
As posted on theword. News & Political Debate Forum
__________________________ ________________
started by Thelonious Monk
After this war on terrorism has split the US and our allies, m... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33462 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
They're just pussies who think the government will save them. Happens every time.
They give their power and rights and responsibilities to the government who then comes to resent the fact that... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
Well my reason for joining the military, (Army) was at the time because my life seemed to have hit a dead end. To me it was a fast way to get out of where I was at the time. I wanted to leave my shit... |