An Extreme Case of Culture Shock for Your Country!!!
2 Posts • 3176 Views Philosophy Forum |
To be honest, I going to make this clear, I'm writing this for a thesis paper on and in-depth study of the extreme effects of culture shock. Primarily, having to do with what would be an extreme case... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34654 Views Psychology Forum |
As I stated, this isn't about women - it's about people.
Obviously, and that is the fundamental point I agreed with as I stated.
However, unless women aren't people, and unless I&... |
SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6192 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Oh my, that was a good one, but never did i think you would have walked so blindly into it.
I can clear up my argument and validate my harsh words in a very simple way. Are you ready?
You state,... |
Give Michael Richards (Kramer) a break!
1 Posts • 1822 Views Talk Talk |
As most of you probably know our beloved friend Kramer shouted racial slurs at a heckler at his stand up comedy act. And I've just seen this go on and on and on in the news and I have a couple of... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70936 Views Psychology Forum |
My intentions we not to bash 'fat' people, but if thats the way you intrepret it, then so be it.
Well, there is no reason to give up already! If I have a different opinion than you, the... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12235 Views Psychology Forum |
Get inside your parents heads one on one with focus not being on anything personal, just find out who they are as people first. What is there philosophy on different specific aspects on life. If you c... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19625 Views Religion Forum |
I find it interesting that you would assume that a person must be mentally unhealthy in order to maintain a belief that you do not.
I find it rediculous how bad you are at avoiding perfectly goo... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32172 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worl d-us-canada-13700490
\Steri lisation: North Carolina grapples with legacy
By Daniel Nasaw
BBC News, Washington
Ms Riddick, now 57, suffered decades of depression a... |
1 Posts • 2611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is man's inhumanity to man avoidable?
Is moral sensitivity of people sufficient to protect world societies from mass murderers? Probably not. What else is essential? Elimination of extreme pov... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15219 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Human society is much more complex than a herd or a pack. A foal or a cub has only to learn how to forage or hunt and basic survival skills. A human has much more to learn. Humans are many times over... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34201 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Don't waste your hypocritical snobbery on me.
I never said you don't have a good and proper model for education. Now did I? No, I did not. Knock it off.
And quit acting like you are the on... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55427 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey everybody. uh, i've been thinking and stuff. So like, i dont know if this post will be a waste of space...or if its something you guys would like to read...so i think i'll just post. Enj... |
ChristianityXX XY XYZ?
7 Posts • 3728 Views Religion Forum |
let us not ommit or exclude, marginalize and or supress anything in our dialectic
"...and in the image of god made He them both, male and female and called THEIR name adam"
emphasis ad... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34201 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
awakendwraith, thank you! Yes, our government has spun completely out of control and many books have been written about this subject. One of the most important would be "Big Government" expl... |
27 Posts • 9959 Views Religion Forum |
Slavery is a form of payment, or employment to the 'owner' whom is owed a debt, or a slave may enslave themselves in order to have adaquate food and a place to reside.
To become enslaved... |
GovernmentBush Presidency a Budding Criminal Dictatorship?
25 Posts • 7071 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The End of America Outlines Path From Freedom To Dictatorship - Compares George Bush To Adolf Hitler
Naomi Wolf -
March 4, 2009
Although many people compared President Bush and his polic... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
homosexuals do not procreate..they do not concieve "offspring"..
Yes, they do. They either get artificially insemination or use a surrogate donor or carrier. It happens all the time for... |
Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6579 Views Psychology Forum |
women relate to women better in matters concerning the body
Well. I imagine disabled people feel the same way. That other disabled people can understand them in terms of bodily matters in ways the... |
17 Posts • 7572 Views Talk Talk |
Porn = Proof of Repressed Nature,
How many different faces do you see when you search porn? millions upon millions, all want money, or fame, or both or neither. Female sexual freedom amplified.... |
Has natural selection been aborted?
1 Posts • 1899 Views Philosophy Forum |
Has natural selection been aborted?
I would say that natural selection, i.e. evolution, has taken a dramatic turn since the birth of human consciousness. Natural selection produced the human specie... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
"Tell that to Abraham Lincoln and all freed slaves!'
Lincoln was a racist, what else would you call a man who attempted to pass laws in his home state excluding free blacks? He was politically... |
RE: pumpkinlove
12 Posts • 2831 Views Talk Talk |
I feel the need to apoligize. I admit that I was defending myself for no reason and that I was justifying your critisim as not mattering in an attempt to not get my feelings hurt.
Originally I wro... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5993 Views Philosophy Forum |
Iron, the writing's bad my fault. Theres only so much reading and such one can do to help this. Communicating thoughts is one of my weak points (Again I am trying to improve this).
&q... |
30 Posts • 9560 Views Talk Talk |
"I too respect your opinions and like them because your intent is good; but I still think you're stance could be better directed."
I'm willing to learn, I'm eager to change... |
GovernmentPlans for George W. Bush Presidential Library
29 Posts • 8667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Na, I wouldn't know, but thankfully you've been there to clear it all up.
What are you calling a conspiracy theory in referrence to the Bush history?
Nothing I've mentioned in thi... |