SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9369 Views Philosophy Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |
EconomyThe Rise of Africa
1 Posts • 2553 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Call for Applications
The Rise of Africa
"Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent"
(Berlin, fr... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12761 Views Talk Talk |
Most women would think it more sexist to do things the way you are suggesting than to have a separate set of bands for men and women. It would be like letting fully able bodied and disabled athletes c... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3140 Views Talk Talk |
Now don't get me wrong… I can't say I like wrongdoers, but I find it hard to say I hate them…
“Why?â you may ask… Well, the way I see it people are ‘victims of c... |
Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5420 Views Psychology Forum |
From time to time in this post, I've inserted some jokes... just to keep it from being completely academic, boring or whatever...
not for the poster, but for others... this is important to her... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31798 Views Talk Talk |
"somehow i saw this as your ultimate conclusion Metal Giant."
Nope. Simply not eating meat is but a small step to our ultimate goal as a civilized society of higher thinking animals. My u... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
One has to factor in for greed. The world is ruled by the worst of us, always has been and always will be. Selfish men and women who would watch children starve to obtain a marble counter top. The sam... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12450 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly, I never said the message was lost. Several times even. Regardless, my point was often that the message is mired in taint.
This is along the same lines as all scriptures which deviate on key... |
Aesthetics & BeautyAesthetics
1 Posts • 2545 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't know about other people, but I'm a person who is very much emotionally influenced by the aesthetic appearance of their surroundings. For instance, travelling from the countryside to... |
HinduismSexism within Hinduism
6 Posts • 16361 Views Religion Forum |
Manusmriti - The Laws of Manu
The Manusmriti is an ancient Vedic book that contained verses that outlined the way people and society should conduct itself, both towards religious duties and general... |
Scholars in the Tank
1 Posts • 2651 Views Philosophy Forum |
Scholars in the Tank
Few top ranked scholars are going into government or academic professions; many are going into Think Tanks, which are supported by private interests that are guided often by i... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The first videos were difficult to follow
Understandable, given some unecessary technicalities that exist to convolute the subject, given an attempt to simplify those technicalities, and perhaps an... |
Life & DeathI feel pointless.
19 Posts • 7711 Views Philosophy Forum |
Life doesn't inherently have meaning. People tend to feel entitled to some reason being behind everything in existence but such is not the case. Then the perceived struggle to apply some form of... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13839 Views Talk Talk |
For those who argue against sparing pain, suffering, and death of non human animals, it would appear your main arguments consist of...
1. Everyone, or most everyone, does it and always have.
2.... |
Gender PsychologySex, Money, and why?
8 Posts • 3719 Views Psychology Forum |
I see that function and role prostitution has major has had its affects on any society.
[link]http://www.n ewworldencyclopedia.org/entry/ Prostitution[/link]
Prostitution is sometimes r... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36743 Views Philosophy Forum |
Then you should note that one IP address was from a msn kiosk and the other from where i work, which strangly enough is in telemarketing. As i said before these are all "possiblities" he may... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
HA HA HA..... It is pretty funny when it happens though!
DumbTeen wrote:
"True, we are different. But it seems (at least to me) that parts of us are so animal like to think we are different i... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12266 Views Religion Forum |
Not everyone's for that would be silly of me. ;)
But... |
Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7037 Views Religion Forum |
I have a tendency to dislike many religions I believe in complete open mindedness. Need i point out the contradiction? if you dislike religions, at all, you are not open minded. no one is open minded.... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
"... you do not have a right to not have JW's knock on your door or to have God stripped as our recognized ultimate Sovereign... It is obvious that when many citizens try to use their freedo... |
The Human Race
5 Posts • 4065 Views Philosophy Forum |
" From the way we masticate, which is strikingly similar that of an animal (and logically so)"
Well sure, we chew like cows.
"I find it somewhat amazing that the majority of us is n... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The problem with all governments I've seen much of is a system that allows corruption and greed within the governing power structure. I'm not against people working extra hard for more, but... |
SocietyExcerpt: A Young Marine Speaks Out
1 Posts • 2206 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A Young Marine Speaks Out
By Philip Martin
12/08/06 "Lew Rockwell" --- I'm sick and tired of this patriotic, nationalistic and fascist crap. I stood through a memorial service today... |
Quiz for Generation X
4 Posts • 2678 Views Talk Talk |
Cool I am in generation X does that make me cool. I thought of X - men when I opened this thread. Cool Im an x person.
Quiz (The Mind)
Current mood: hyper
1. Are you in control of your thoug... |