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The Matrix Is Real - Page 7

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the only thing that stops most religious people from killing themselves is the notion that in doing so it may prohibit them from entering a "good" afterlife. simply put, fear. unless of course you believe in reincarnation, in which case killing yourself may result in having to start all over again, which doesnt create as much fear, but does seem rather pointless.

suppose i tell you i have died. i know without a doubt but i have no way to prove it to you or anyone else. and the reason i dont kill myself immediately is because i value the time i have in this world... after all it is short lived by comparison to eternity. do you respect me? or think me to be insane?

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
you go in to these discusions under the influence your better than everyone else, and that you aere right.

Your whole post seems to tells us that you think you are better than us, so that would make you a 'b-rated hypocrit'

so you insult the people you are arguing against.

And this isn't insulting? "fuck you. your a b-rated hypocrit, and will never amount to anything accept a self-proclaimed whatever you say you are."

If you were really so smart you would explain things and not act like you are so much better than everyone else just because they do not agree with your theories.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the only thing that stops most religious people from killing themselves is the notion that in doing so it may prohibit them from entering a "good" afterlife. simply put, fear.

The only reason I do not kill myself (and gain quick enterance to heaven) is that I have an unaccomplished purpose to fullfill here. I do not fear life or death each come as they do and each have their own importance.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the post was me telling you that you aren't listening. you are waiting for your turn to talk. at least that is what it feels like. i insulted you to show you how stupid it sounds to the person you are insulting. and when did i act like i was better than you? if i came off that way i am very sorry, if i came off that way in my last post it was to give you some of your own medicine. but everytime i have tried to explain mt self, which was everytime up until i screamed at you, you have not listend. you haven't tried to understand, at least it does not feel that way, becuase you only ask qeustions that would disprove what i say, not help understand it. i would ask you more qeustions like thatbut because you share a popular beleif, i already know alot about it. on the other hand, your hand, you seemed completly stunned and confused at my theory, there is no right and wrong, and instead of inqiuring, you insulted me. adn if you remember, in school, if you didn't ask the teacher the right qeustions, you would not learn anything.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
becuase you only ask qeustions that would disprove what i say, not help understand it.

If my questions disprove what you say then how reliable is your theory? I ask to learn it is in my nature to challenge things to assess their stability. If you don't like people challenging your ideas then maybe you shouldn't share them.

you seemed completly stunned and confused at my theory, there is no right and wrong,

I was not stunned at the theory it is not an uncommon one but it isn't very reliable.

and when did i act like i was better than you?

You often acted as though because I did not blindly accept your words that must make me stupid. Just because I prefer to challenge theories before I accept them does not make me stupid or inferior to you.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 39yrs • M •
Shadow of Neo is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
what if i told you everything you are saying is true, what if there are more answers then questions in this world, what if i told you that over the last 48 hours i have spent making more sense of this world in my mind then i have made sense of what i thought this world was for the past 20 years of my life, what if i told you the one was truly out there, what if i told you it was him who wrote this message...what would you do, red or blue? there are still many questions but in my mind far to many questions have been answered to ignore this rise, this is a possiblity take it in stride and be careful for this path may lead to the Oracle

The largest discovery i have made that should put many christians at ease is that believing in the matrix does not go against christianity it parallels it perfectly but in reverse, you believe jesus has come, what if that belief was only injected into culture to be prepared for when the real dealings take place. this is only the beginning, i have more words then can be typed, spoken or even thought, i will be back, with or without a novel as questions i have answers...

be careful there are programs everywhere working for and against us, cell phones connected to intercoms to apartments are a worm, in fact cell phones were created as a program to help us, the movies themselves were injected on purpose as the beginning of the questions and answers, you've seen matrix revisted the crazy lady saying it is real...she may be crazy, but even crazy people can tell you if there awake or sleeping...i have to sort out my thoughts there is so much more that i have told my friends, that will remind me everything about what you see every day can be explained as being a part of the matrix, everything has purpose, you need to ask yourself what is your purpose, i have asked myself what my purpose is...i havent gotten an answer yet but i will soon, the coming 6th of december is an important date. global warming creates rain, i was on an "enlightenment" years ago, looking through a window in the rain, i saw the code i peered into it i became aware for seconds but pulled meself out at the very thought of it, 5 years later here i am, last night forced to become enlightened by something i vowed not to ever be influenced by again, and yet i did anyway, we work our bodies when young to sustain our minds when we get older, more power, sex is considered the ultimate achievment, perhapes because it creates the most heat and electrical signals throughout the brain...these are only a fraction of what i have come to find out about this world...the rabbit hole is deep...all those who have not yet avoid tattoos, its a judgement call but they are not a smart this to get i believe, everything text is most easily altered in the matrix, mere kilobits/bytes, messages via horoscopes through msn may in fact be messages sent to alert us, i recieved a message the morning that i became enlightened unaware that i would be that night, half awake i read my horoscope for libra, "take a step in a new direction - a more spiritual direction"...i did not remember until i told my friend about 5 years ago and the code i got right into it and suddenly relized what i was saying showed him my horoscop, more then likely simply altered or not, maybe a construct of the matrix, todays message from "msn" "there seems to be more at stake than you realize at first glance" that is word for word, check it yourself...the rabbit hole is too deep to grasp for some...understand you have already made the decision to take the blue or red pill...another thing, goths they are a construct as well, the few that have realized what the truth is and rebel against everthing this world is...when did we see a true outbreak of goths, around 97? before there were true goths, after there were copy cats that wanted to understand that rebellion of this world...i am not goth...those who are are more then likely bugged and do rememeber but have not told anyone what they have expeirienced for good reason...what are alien abductions...a bug session...i have answers for all thoase me crazy...does it really matter in a world of complete and utter ananimoty, sit back read what i have wrote with an open mind, question what i have said even, i wouldn't have it any other way...the truth is out there, will you grasp it and take hold, follow the little white rabbit...

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"The Matrix Has You..."
 47yrs • M •
NxO is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Oh for God's sake.

[I created an account because I wanted to add this short message, but I'm glad I did -- which is often the way it goes. Because I'm ordering at least three of the damn T-shirts I just saw. Nifty.]

Anyway. Think I'm crazy or not -- I really don't want to discuss it here, that's honestly not why I'm posting -- [and besides, that original 'The Matrix is Real' thread? I didn't actually write that. It was composed by someone with good intentions but not-so-great execution.... it comes across a little heavy-handed]... but at least, PLEASE don't confuse this guy here --

Shadow of Neo
Signed Up: 1:49 PM - 2nd of December, 2005 Last On: 2:29 PM - 2nd of December, 2005 --

with me. That's just fucked-up. *laughs.*

My spelling is far better, for one thing. And there are a lot of people out there with unique ways of trying to make what we're saying sound MORE insane. Mmmph. Goths. Right.


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""The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you.""
 47yrs • M •
NxO is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
...I came here because of the trackback links on my site admin panel, btw. It seems a little random, I realize that now.

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""The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you.""
 39yrs • M •
Shadow of Neo is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
As i said believe whatever you want to believe, there are only three sides to this question, those who believe, those who don't believe, and those who have an open mind about both sides...

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"The Matrix Has You..."
 47yrs • M •
NxO is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Thanks, but I don't have any 'questions'. We're doing what we're doing, which is a very specific group Purpose, not a "Enlightenment-in-Package" recycled whatever. To each their own... and please stop leaving me random messages, "dude", the page records IP addresses. Coincidence that I just had to deal with someone else trying to say nearly the same thing... to sell me a product.

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""The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you.""
 47yrs • M •
NxO is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Oromocto, NB, CA
videogames, movies, chatting, partying, sports...

And figuring out how to use a RAM player? *blinks* Definitely not me. I wouldn't think that partying leaves a lot of time for 'giving people answers'.... but I guess it depends on who and what you party WITH. Trouble is, any answers *I* ever got from partying were gone when the drugs wore off.

Actually, I haven't even smoked pot in something like five years, so that's not exactly true. But still. It applies to some friends of mine...

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""The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you.""
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
everthing that has thus far been said about the "matrix" being real or not real is irrelevant bull shit. This is my Logical reasoning.
"It doesn'm matter what "reality" is, because the 'truth' beknown it could be anything really. Matrix, or otherwise. The fact that reamains in all "reality's" is who, and what, is God. And why do we live in a reality at all.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 39yrs • M •
Shadow of Neo is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Then you should note that one IP address was from a msn kiosk and the other from where i work, which strangly enough is in telemarketing. As i said before these are all "possiblities" he may be the oracle he may not be i may be the one or i may not, i willing to deal with that "reality". The reality is that i am searching for something, and so should you be, not somebody to "flame" on a message board. And if this were the subject of choice on this thread then i would ask you why you feel it is neccessary to double post...about god...wouldn't you like to know you are worshipping god in the real world not from within a programmed reality. i never said i didn't believe there is a God, in fact i do believe there is a God, but i also believe that i may be imprisoned within a reality driven world much "like" the matrix, that may have it's own prophecies surrounding the rules of what you perceive i perceive a world that is closed source, people that believe one thing without cause or reason other then to defend their "beliefs" that they have founded on their parents beliefs, past experience, hopes and dreams, not on what is truly revolutionary. What is Truth...What is the Matrix, these questions are one in the same, but both are subject to open source...your reply was fueled by disbelief and previous expierience...most importantly closed mindedness, the use of personal information on this thread was to threaten me, i would not make that information available if i did not want it to be, unlike many people out there, i want to be found, risk and reward is involved, but personally i would rather regret taking action in a given situation, then not taking action...the choice is yours, all i ask is that you have an "open" mind...


730 are you a program?
i like your train of thought, there should be more minds like you comenting on this topic...

analytical29 i like your avatar, somewhat fitting don't you think

Wyote A metaphore...what if it isn't...

Summit "sleepingwraith: i like your 'reality' and 'existence' concept, however it has been established before though. Reality exists in the mind. There is no universal reality only individual reality. I have discussed this in quite a few 'reality', 'truth', 'existence', and 'consciousness' threads before."

Think a little deeper, is reality really relative? the more we can communicate without conflict or arguements, the faster we can communicate and also more efficiently. Thus our perception of reality will become more unified, so is the movie "the matrix" a way to divide our percetion of reality into yet another distracted tangent or to unify it further into something more people can agree on? The Internet is the best tool we have in communicating our thoughts to the masses...will it eventually help form our unified perception of reality?

etherealmeekle - "How do we interact with one another without a common reality?"

Good question...Isn't the internet a reality in and of itself?

sleepingwraith why aren't any of your posts showing, the resoponses to your posts are quite intruging

etherealmeekle and summityou two answered your own question without even realizing it, you were accessing eachothers realities through the same medium...the internet

summit - "As I said once before:
The world "out there", external reality, is a shared universe of common experience. It is the lowest common denominator of all our experience. We take it for granted and it supplies us with a common field of action. That is all it is. Your realm of personal "mind" is another sort of universe. You experience it every second 24/7. From your inner mind comes all meaning about everything in the "outer" universe. You may be influenced by the external world of common experience, but this inner universe exists, is very real, and is ultimately of more value than anything "out there". Why? Because what happens "out there" depends totally on what you do or what occurs with your own mind. Your personal universe is the only thing able of deciding value. What you perceive from the 'outer' universe is received and detected in your 'inner' reality."

But we are all programmed with the same source code or at least a variation of the same code. We are, for the most part an educated society, i see two people speaking of philosophies only dreamt of by the most historically significant prophets and philosophers. So in essence you two have significantly similar realities, but if one of you was
from an uneducated society your perception of these philosiphies would greatly differ. Hence education is the code in which we are all programmed and the only way to break our perception of our reality or programming is to grasp what our programming cannot decrypt. It's not a catch 22, or an impossiblity. It's accessing the essence of what the other is trying to regurgitate as their experience and perception of what they see their reality as. We are trying to decrypt the programming that another individual is explaining, accessing the individuals Open source in other words. Consider this, we are taught in school that when we see the color RED, it is the color red. We grow up "knowing" that that color, is red, we know what shade, tint and contrast of the perfect apple red is. Now consider this...I see RED, what if what i see as being RED, looks to you more like a tint of peach or green even, it wouldn't matter we were taught that that color we are looking at no matter the shade or contrast is infact RED. So i could be seeing a completely different spectrum of color then you and never know it because we were taught that what we see is in fact the color that it is no matter what our mind actually interprets...understanding our programming is the beginning to breaking out of it, matrix or not, the metaphor is true. Even so there may be an external influence injecting all forms of media with more truth then fiction...that in itself may be the point in question, i can admit the matrix may not be real, can you admit the matrix may be real? This is the open mindedness that i seek, this concept is what will truly free your mind.

analytical29 - "i think we are excited cause its something we didnt know.. and dont care if its true.. cause we are all fed up with this life"

Exactly. This is the second state of mind that will help free the masses. Understanding that we in fact have nothing to lose weather or not the matrix exists...weare driven for some unknown reason to make a yes or no decision out of fear that we are right or wrong, both possiblities are bleak, but either way its a pursuit of truth within your personal, imagined or unified reality.

What if life is in fact sped up, what if what we percieve as a years is in fact seconds, what if our liftime is only a matter of years. In essence we could percieve time at one speed and become accustomed to it in our minds. maybe death is our mind giving up to the matrix. when our bodies die in the movie "the matrix" where do they go? They died of natural causes...they are put in a casket and lowered into the ground...always six feet...sounds strange when you really step back and think about that why some religions are against burning the body?

Regarding being naive,

awakendwraith - "and how do you know all of this information. have you asked every single one of them NO. so stop redharring, and don't use numbers you cant prove because it completly discredits every word out of your mouth"

regarding numbers, christianity is one of the most popular beliefs in the world, and i use the world "belief" for a reason, christianity is not a religon, at it's most basic it is a "belief" that certain things happened to certain people in history that helped bring us to where we are at now spiritually and conciously. It is naive to say we have gotten here on our own, but it is equally naive to say we havent been left in the cold a few times...we choose our battles...

etherealmeekle - "If the matrix existed what would be the point of letting us create a movie about it? If the are so smart they would realise that too many people would believe it and begin a quest for escape. What possible reason would they have for trying to destroy their control?"

i should probably mention this but i am just now combing over this topic and picking out important points, and responding to them, once i had and epiphany i went searching, this was one of the first sites i found that was serious about the matrix and it's existence, hence the reason i posted here, because weather you like it or not, people will see this and say they saw somebody proffess believably or unbelievably to being The One. We all have the potential of being The One as someone said earlier, but someone coming out and saying it creates controversy...this gets the ball rolling, it may be a thread in a forum, on a web site, on the internet, on your computer; in your home, in your town, in your province or state, in your country, in your continent, in your world, in your solar system, in your star cluster, in your galaxy, in your universe...everything is subsequent to everything else you percieve, everything built up on everthing else. If i knew more about molecular anatomy i could microsubdivide existence to it's simplest for but you get the idea, macromultipling our existence will only lead to something larger then anyone could comprehend "vis-a-vis" the universe as an atom an atom as the universe, they are equally small yet equally large yet strangly equal in all aspects. equally complicated and equally simple. the point is "the matrix" movies may have been created as a freeing program by those in the real world, much like a hack, all they would have to do is give the right person the right idea and vision and they could create it. For all we know the wachoski brothers are mere pawns in a grand scheme to free us from the actual matrix, or just the creators of a "cult" classic that will be remembered in pop culture for years to come as being that one movie that actually challenged your's up to each of us to decide after all it is only our fate that we have control over

(*disco*) - "Take a look around you. Ignorance is everywhere. Do you think that the average human can grasp this concept and would so willingly...that the world could have been intelligently designed by another force (god, aliens)? Because GOD is the only widely accepted idea. Everyone else is obsessed conspiracy theory?

By creating a movie such as the Matrix you do not destroy the illusion of control. If it we live in the matrix then the movie was designed into it for a purpose...and you *think* that purpose is to destroy control...but most likely not.

The illusion of control is probably something totally different and more bizzare than you can grasp.

The idea of intelligent design, love and the meaning of life are all themes and part of the human condition....why do we exist?

There is only one way to LEAVE THE MATRIX. Have no fixed address and by extension no bills. By removing yourself from the credit system, government records and those kinds of things you can leave the reality of human life today. And thats the only way at present."

You raise some of the most valuable points i've read yet, i also enjoy your thoughts of intellegent design, i wish you had of expanded on the idea of intellegent design, you have quite an argument by that...

analytical29 - disco you talk like a crazy bastard who has lost his mind....

yes then we will be disconnected from everything cause we will be dead.. there is no escaping government if you wish to stay alive what you are saying would require us to commit suicide

Hence the control we wish to escape...sounds to much like a dependent system to be simply a way in which to control a group and per individual. Sounds like a program to me...that is a way to break out of the system artificially, but you only evade the system you are seeking to be free of, not truly being free...much like the amish they do this through passive use of working from the land, and if anybody does it well they do, and for that i respect them. If the matrix does exist, then they have found a way to escape it's control...only to yet again be in control because their beliefs deny change, so in essence they achieve the opposite of what they hope to...escape the control of a technological society...they are perhapes the most ironic social belief; if in fact the matrix does exist, but they get closer to what i believe then i am will to except within this goals are best met by being as close to technology as possible and in turn closer to those who can help to achieve the same goal...freedom from a world that i may or may not be able to see, hear, touch taste or smell...and that six sense that just doesn't seem to go away, the sense that says everything around me is...a little off...and that i'm a part of that surrounding willingly and also without choice. We were born into a world of "free will" by free will (our parents choosing to "conceive", by accident or on purpose), yet we did not have the free will as to choose our existence...contradiction of existence is what i find fascinating...

Wyote - "which is the point. in order to free ourselves from the world that has been pulled over our eyes, we must move beyond this realm. hence, entering the afterlife. at least this is one way to look at it. there are several others covered in philosphy as well as the movie itself.

im not saying any of this is or isnt real. what im saying is there is no way to know one way or another for certain. the exsistence of a matrix or matrix like concept is highly unprobable however."

I like your choice of mindedness in a world of closed source...

Wyote - the only thing that stops most religious people from killing themselves is the notion that in doing so it may prohibit them from entering a "good" afterlife. simply put, fear. unless of course you believe in reincarnation, in which case killing yourself may result in having to start all over again, which doesnt create as much fear, but does seem rather pointless.

suppose i tell you i have died. i know without a doubt but i have no way to prove it to you or anyone else. and the reason i dont kill myself immediately is because i value the time i have in this world... after all it is short lived by comparison to eternity. do you respect me? or think me to be insane?

Now this is indeed a gem...have you or havent you died? Your response will directly effect my perception of you and the repect you have gained by that statement, though if what you say is hypothetical, please treat it as such, being bold is one thing, being direct is completely another...

I am seemly anonymous though i know you exist, and you i, so my perception of you should matter even to the smallest degree, if it is a small degree then multiply that by the amount of posts you have made regarding this subject and use it to back up your statement or reinforce the point that you are or you are not reincarnated. More importantly though is the question of sanity, we all walk a fine line between a sound and an unsound mind...what do you truly believe?

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"The Matrix Has You..."
[  Edited by Shadow of Neo at   ]
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Shadow of Neo

You have entierly misread what I was trying to say. The question's in life should not be "what is reality", but rather "why is reality". That is the point of my refrence to God. Double posting some times becomes neccesary when one is trying to make a point.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 39yrs • M •
Shadow of Neo is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Sorry conway, i was actually refering to Nxo about the double posting. At any rate could you explain in a little more detail, regarding the question "why" I do in fact understand what you are saying, perhapes not in full but i do grasp the concept you are explianing. If we are in the matrix, once we get out the question will remain why are we here...

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"The Matrix Has You..."
The Matrix Is Real - Page 7
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