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The Matrix Is Real - Page 9

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 63yrs • M •
Candidate is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I am open to the possibility that the Matrix is real, but benevolent and not hostile to humanity.

We are all participating by choice in a "learning construct" -- a place where our true selves cannot be hurt or killed. The purpose of this benevolent Matrix is our "education" -- to assist in our progress.

Neuro-scientists have noted that our brains record every moment of our lives.
I believe it possible that we are collectively amassing a library of experience grappling with every possible dilemma and conflict. From these recordings we all will be able to learn for eons to come.

This seems to be a perspective which answers the age-old question, "If there is a God, why does he allow such terrible things to happen?" It is all for our learning of lessons we could not comprehend in any other way than to experience them either firsthand or through others.

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"There is no spoon."
[  Edited by Candidate at   ]
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"This seems to be a perspective which answers the age-old question, "If there is a God, why does he allow such terrible things to happen?" It is all for our learning of lessons we could not comprehend in any other way than to experience them either firsthand or through others."

I heard this many years ago and the more I have thought on the way the world is, the more it makes sense.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 38yrs • M •
intrickate is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Well let me tell you this. I've always been curious if there is some alternate reality that is controlling our very own existence. The fact is that the definition for "government" means to control. Did you know certain "work out " companies are using humans to power their electrical supplies? Did you know a couple in florida has voluntarily accepted to have a computer chip be placed in them so they can be governed and watched? The matrix is very real and shouldn't be joked around about. I didn't want to read more into it because I didnt want to believe. I believed that everything was going the way "I" wanted it. But the fact is you are either being controlled by God or the devil. And this country used to be founded on God. But has strayed from his morals and has become satins gravel pit. People need to open their eyes and untill then things will be under their control. You wanted proof, so there it is.

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