let us not ommit or exclude, marginalize and or supress anything in our dialectic
"...and in the image of god made He them both, male and female and called THEIR name adam"
emphasis added
Adam later names her "Eve" and while God is assigning the Sin to Adam we end up in a world where Eve is blamed but technically according to the verbage she is not guilty...
I never under stood how the KEEPER of the Garden, the protector and all, could be given the laws of the land from the god, put to sleep, and there after......
a woman is created, YET NO WHERE IN THE TEXT
does Adam pass on the law to the woman from among him....
later in the garden
God pulls them both on the carpet, before the man, as it were
and by verbage GOD describes the error as
and gives out the so.called original bias
which Man, in his infancy and blatancy
blames on woman for known history
Even when God asked him, "What is this thing you have done?"
Adam's response is
which is to exactly
Man in a nutshell.. lol
this lack of responsiblity among men of the Judeo Christian Faiths, guides the principles' application in our society
Poor guy...
In My World, of Faith, Woman is God...
the X, Chromosome
is 3 times as large as the y
in a combination towards
procreation there are
3 times as many X chromosomes
it only takes ONE of them to be 75 percent larger than the y or male chromosome...
She is considered,( in my faith), the Second Self or the
First Reflection of GOD...
That's why she mirrors the universe...
And all that comes by way of the womb does as well
75 percent water on Planet Earth
25 percent Earth on the Planet
75 Percent to 80 percent Water based life, as a human
25 Percent Solid, Stone or Bone
9 planets to completion in the womb
9 months to the birth of baby.... you know what i mean
9 Major Systems, physically, lungs digestive tracts, liver... etc
with one major sytem to rule them.. The Brain, which holds them in the circumference of its gravity or leaning or knowledge
like the planets held in orbit by the Sun the One ring that rules them all
biologically the woman provides 3 times as much
and the
majority of the genetic material for human life and its potentials of "blah blah blah"
eye color to personality
She is the basis
Male directs, or writes upon the X chromosome, guiding it into eventual form
She is the Mother of Civilization, the first teacher of the children
of Jesus
Is his Mother....
My culture is Matriarchal
perhaps this should be your driving force
Encourage the Men of your cultural expression, to study learn and apply the knowledge of the human family from the perspective of the woman.
She is the second self of god, as I've been taught
To ignore her after misinterpretation, from Genesis
well, I like to set my children up for success... not failure
Knowledge gives birth, even after being outdated.... get after these guys in the right way and you'll be secured as my own daughter....
who's 6
and can tell the diff between a centered human male
and a status quo "man" from parts unknown,,,,
plus I wouldn't tell this to most guys, normally..... they don't unfuck themselves
as a rule
women love the TRUTH
She knows that the TRUTH is always in her favor.... maybe by instinct, nature.... who knows how.... it's been my experience...
for instance, we'll be able to tell how much influence and or experience a fella' has had with women of maturity by their responses...
fun to watch
good luck Princess.