The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return. - Ambition
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what is your theory on life? - Page 4

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yes conway, that was my point. To learn from mistakes. I also stated happiness and sadness are of equal importance.

..and that it was foolish to incorporate one over the other in a philosophy of life.

Sadness is expressed more than any other emotion, through Songs, poems,

Everyone can understand sadness, and what a great deal it is,its what brought us back to reality.

Children arent raised being read stories about death, sadness, or loss...and if they are, the message is hidden under a line of poetry, Or arrangment of words in a nursery rhyme.

Sadness is our painful realization.

Happiness and joy are understood..practically since conception. We may not yet know the word for it, but we do feel it. We are raised on it. We dont feel traditional loss yet, or betrayal.

Its like you were born into a world that told you; "life is one big playground". Forever and enternally happy...
But the first experience of loss, or regret. or shame,
Showed there was different.

If we were raised on sadness, ..and happiness was the realization, happiness would be as expressed today as sadness. Everyone would know it as the one thing, that brought everyone back to the truth.

Im not saying sadness doesnt contribute, but its not the underlying cause.

i know we both agree.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Lynnz is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i believe we are put on this earth to learn and spread our knowledge. This helps pave the way for evolutiion and for generations ahead of us. Being human is only half of our lives for we wouldnt have an afterlife for nothing. From the day we are born, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. The only thing that keeps us from being successful in our lives is us. God put us here to make a difference in the world and live our lifes for him for he is the one who truly decides our fate. As we get older, we will draw sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. As the saying goes "Don't forget yesterday but live for today because you never know what tomorrow can bring or take away"

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"Keep your mind open so your thoughts are free to explore"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey everybody. uh, i've been thinking and stuff. So like, i dont know if this post will be a waste of space...or if its something you guys would like to i think i'll just post. Enjoy!

As time passes, people begin developing their own ability to think. They draw conclusions from the world around them using their own perspectives. They're no longer by-products of nature, They're capable human-beings, with an ability to make conscious choices based on their knowledge alone. Anything we've obtained and accepted, up to this point, was out of pure ignorance and necessity.

Maybe it was chemicals in the brain at a certain age, or some kind of opposition we had to life. But something changed us in a way that wont just effect our lives, but the way in which we perceive it.

The way of the world, as most understand it, is unjust and unfair. Our qualities of life never seem to be good enough. We're always angry at the world and sometimes at ourselves. We don't understand why things have to be the way they are. We get frustrated because we feel we have no control. But in all truth, we have as much control as we allow ourselves to have.

There are a number of things that contribute to a persons life. Some people have grown to accept this fact, and can coincide with it. Others cannot. Some refuse to believe that the reason we get upset, is because we don't understand. That what we lack is truth, and the understanding that follows.

There are many definitions of truth, but all are just interpretations of 'what is', and this is the definition of truth. Truth is, whether we believe it, whether we see it, or whether we know its there. It exists. Truth is, what is.

With time, people begin to see the truth. How its always there, and by allowing themselves to see it, they permit themselves to have a better understanding of the world they live in. We can see nothing more than our perspective..

There are many techniques used in discovering truth. One of the most commonly used by man, is science. Science is based on logic and reasoning, it can be supported with evidence, or by theory. All science starts with a question; 'Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, How?' Any number of these questions, have been designed specifically, to break down and map out...the truth. Basically, we're attempting to represent truth in a way in which can be understood.

Logic and reason are based on the make-up, of only half the human brain. Asking questions separates truth into smaller portions, so that we can be fed them in hope of gaining a better understanding. Our minds couldn't absorb truth in its entirety, so it's broken down piece by piece, re-worked using half of the brain, and pieced back together to give a logical explanation. There in lies our problem.

Our problem started with the separation. Dividing truth into what 'we' think is a more logical, manageable, piece of a puzzle. Which is the reason we can come up with 'logical' explanations. Once we've separated truth, it no longer is truth. It becomes an interpretation of the human-mind, based solely on logic and reasoning. It's like looking for pearls with a metal detector. The map we've drawn-out to help us get a better understanding of the truth, is a map based on the logic and reasoning of the human brain. Attempting to shape the truth to fit a mold that we've created, will result in complete and udder distortion of the truth. A mold created by the very minds that didn't understand truth in the first place. Science is an attempt for our frail minds to get a grasp on what otherwise, couldn't be understood without the help of words, formulas, or definitions. In this world, we're limited in our ability to express ourselves completely with others. We only communicate using our words and our symbols. That is the only use we have for them. We label the 'sun', the moon and the stars. We sum up our 'universe' one word. We give definitions using logic and reason. Truth exists whether we see it or not. Whether we know its there, or whether we believe in it. Whether we decide to give it a name, or can prove it to be there. The best truths lie somewhere else, in a place where the physical eye cant see or the physical hand cant touch. A place where truth isn't deprived of its significance, by the use of a label or single word. There is no formula needed to understand it because it simply is, understood. This is the way of all truth.

People will tell you to; ' put it in perspective.' assuming that the only way to do this, is by making it small enough to fit inside our little human minds, making it more managable or comprehensive. Which is not true. In order to this successfully, you'd have to broaden your perspective...understanding that truth is what is, and you cant see what is, by changing it into something it's not. Understanding isn't drawn solely from logic and reasoning. Understanding comes from many things. Logic and reasoning are just tools. They're as important as anything else, but limiting truth to the acumen of the human brain could be catastrophic. Truth is not, and cannot be limited. Any attempts to do so would lead to, or be a result of, the narrowing of perception. Which in turn, only limits itself.

There are many reasons why our perception is narrowed. Society is one of them. We're crippled by the way our society works. Its almost like they're trying to prevent individual thought. Its during the age in which we begin making conscious choices based on our reasoning alone...that we're put into public schools. We're taught formulas, and definitions, rules and guidelines, social skills and discipline. Not only to protect ourselves...but others as well. We're growing more and more oblivious to the way in which we're being controlled. We're being conditioned and maintained, maybe for the better. But schools don't condition you to face problems within yourself. You know your math, you know your reading, you know writing and science. But what you don't know is, why your raised on fairytales and fantasies when theses resemble nothing like the world you live in. Why isn't everyone happy? Why do people do bad things? This can be a rude awakening for us all, and it forces us to ask; Who, what, when, where, why and how all this is.

From the start, we're told that our lives are under a looking glass. That if we don't do the right thing, then we suffer the consequences.. good or bad. Which is correct, but this is not how it's conveyed.

Hell is of this world...We're taught about the devil and god, characters that have been drawn out. Used to simplify the two sides of what we perceive to be, of this world... good and evil. Symbolism used to convey a message to a child, who cannot yet think for himself.

Others were deprived of any form of a higher power. Whether the parents are agnostic, or atheists. Whether they believe in other religions, or reincarnation. Whatever the reason, the child will grow to realize that there are some things that cant be explained using just logic and reason. There are many combinations of any possibility. Some people go through life without any ideas, of any kind. Others cant see anything past their own eyes. Fully convinced that their limited perception, is an accurate portrayal of the world they live in. Some have grown too comfortable allowing others to think for themselves. Some begin to feel empty. Others continue blindly, limited only by their choices. We are raised on beliefs, many of which get proven wrong with our realization of the truth. This is what forces us to find our own path.

Philosophy and science have been shunned upon by all forms of religion. I believe one of the main reasons this is, is because it reveals more truth than is already visible. Truth is meant to be infinite. Although theories and philosophies are just shots in the dark, they tend to hit some rather vulnerable spots in what is known as truth . Life is what we make it, the infinites of our desires and dreams is what make life worth living. The truth is, that life wont be robbed of its excellence. Not with a word, or a single meaning. Life is to be lived, and no one believes this until they take the trip, and experience it for themselves. Then you'll understand. We didn't know why life was meant to be lived. It's an obviously true statement, but its not the truth that bothers us, its whether or not we understand it. The reason that life is to be lived, is because its truth, and truth is all there is. Our attempts to contain it and bring it into focus, only bring us right back where we started.

A wise man considers anything to be possible, an enlightened one knows it to be. There's no reason to shun obvious philosophies anymore. We understand how the conclusion was reached. We've been blessed to enjoy life and all of it, infinitely. If it wasn't infinite, we'd never be given another chance to live. We can ponder all we want, take the this trip as many times as we'd like...and still have infinity to look forward to. In the end, we just want to live. In the only moment that exists. Which is here and now with the truth. because that's all there is.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
[  Edited by ekimup at   ]
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that sleepingwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"Life is such sweet sorrow."
[  Edited by sleepingwraith at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
...wraith, what is the boulder nonsense you speak of? and this "im suppose to...crap? Wraith, there are things that are...simply because they are. We do do..what we're suppose to, because its all we can do. But nothing can be pre determined. You crazy ass boulder you.

Choice has no cause.. and you havent stated why it has a cause..or if it even does. Past and future were, and will become the present..but do not exist. They will, or have contributed ..but only contribute now as predictions and memories.

If we're bolders, and life is the action of "tumbling down a hill" bolders have an ability to end their "tumbling down the hill?" or life? no they dont. these are inanimate objects.You cant use inanimate objects to represent a person that has an ability to choose. Life is a choice...and you have the ability to end it, or continue with it.

oh, and when you say the change of direction is choice, and its only because you "have" to do it ... then that kinda doesnt make it choice, does it.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 38yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that niners69sgirl is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i believe i evolved and its all my moms fault she kept tellin me when i was little i acted like a monkey swingin from trees n eatin dirt lol ....yeah i was a tomboy

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"sonrisa siesta y fiesta ...if ya wanna know don't be afraid to ask i only bite on days that end in y"
 37yrs • F •
Darksword is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

I write this solely as I am a far more eloquent and understandable writer than my brother, however the majority of these ideas are from him. I merely interpreted his theories, for I am too closely bound to my perception of physical reality to evoke more than a 'I don't know, religion is a weakness' answer when questioned. But I am trying.

All intelligent life (that which individuals respond uniquely to situations) has a soul. Plants, bacterium, and so forth, are here as sustenance to said intelligent life, and thus do not have souls. Life and death are one, for after death, the soul leaves to find a new body, on a different plane of existence. The body one is able to enter reflects the life lived in its most recent past life. This is a never-ending cycle, so there is no reaching a nirvana or perfect being. One can become an ant, human, or other creature with alien attributes on one of the different planes which we are unable to characterize. Said planes may exist solely in other dimensions, or in alternate universes. It is not imperative to switch planes for a new being, nor to change species. Needless to say, just as a newborn baby has minimal memories or pre-birth and birth soon lost, we are unable to remember past experiences. All of these ideas stem from the central concept: 'Boredom is Hell, Life and Chaos are Heaven'. There are an undistinguishable number of gods (around 100), nebulous beings of star-matter, however possessing traits of those with souls, and not omnipotent. They created the intelligent beings as a remedy for boredom in a blank universe, and observe from afar. With differing personalities and alignments, they sometimes start bloody conflicts or venture into the world (ex: Jesus, the 'saviors' in many religions) as Avatars. However, the creation of the world is unexplainable, one must extrapolate too far for rational thought.
If you believe something with all your heart/soul/etc., it will become a reality, but not necessarily a truth.
All life is perception.
You can't say that nothing matters in life, because it does. Existence itself is Heaven, sometimes things are bad, but by chance alone it will even out.
- Darksword
(by the teachings of Thorn)

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 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I have yet to finish your essay ekiump, it's been busy at work. However what I have read, all I have to say is it is possible to see life through more than one perspective. I do it all the time. I might say I want this, but I see that it hurts you. So I don't take it. I saw two sides of the story. The ability to see more than what just affects you is part of enlightnement. Sorry to say. Even you see more than one perspective.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ha..its funny that you refer to my posts as essays. I do consider them brilliant peices of work, from my limited perception. But brilliance is domesticate insanity.

And i'm not at all proud of my works.

The different perspectives you claim to see from, are just an alteration of your initial perception. Say, you see that someone is wearing no shoes..while walking on broken glass. You imagine yourself as them, wearing no think that it would be painful to walk across the broken glass. But what you dont see, are the caluses on their feet... which allow them to walk across the broken painlessly.

Perceptions can easily be altered by the things we percieve. But the things we dont, cannot be applied in the alteration. Many things contribute to the development of our mind, and our perceptions. Maybe being born in a stationwagon in the middle of night, could contribute to better nocturnal vision as we age.(speaking of physical brain and body.) Or we watch a show, between a certain age..contributing to our opinions of people, places, or things. Swaying us one way or another.

Perception is concrete. It cant always be trusted, but its all you have to work from.

(your example of not taking something)---->

If you dont take "this", or act on a want because you percieve that it may hurt me, you may be talking about shooting me..which physically, yes..would injure me or even kill me. But if your talking about robbing me, say you wouldnt follow through steeling my cellphone, assuming this would harm me. But what you didnt know, is that I have a GPS phone that can be tracked. I would track you, and you would go to jail. Only hurting yourself. Your "want" wouldnt have harmed me in anyway. So your reasoning for not following through is invalid, although you perceived it to be valid.

It was a made out of good moral conduct, which has saved you a lot of trouble.

Whatever it is you wanted, you can only assume how it will effect me..or someone else, using your limited perception.

perception isnt just seeing what effects you, its everything you percieve to be.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
By the way, i stumbled across a cause for choice.

Making my past theory .."choice has no cause" invalid.

The reason we make choices, is because we use logic and reasoning. But because we have evolved slightly faster than most creatures...most of our basic necessities are met, and we face different problems then other creatures.

We have the luxury of exploring our emotions and our minds, more so than any other creature.

Everything on earth has a sensory perception of
a "feel good" response. This can be qued by anything. Something that strikes our brains, and the chemical release of special endorphins.

We make choices, to initiate this "feel good" response. Now, we are logical and reasoning creatures, so now that we've been thinking more...we can see how nothing is unknown. Nothing is magical and sensational. Life has gotten dull, and the feel good response is lessened. So we conjur up love, god, or some kind of greater initiate the feel good response. We believe we are working toward something great, so to get this feel good response..we make choices based on the idea of the "something great." We make choices based on what we think, will make us feel better. We feel guilt, regret, shame, because something told us that a higher power was in order, and the choices we made, will leave us without the "feel good" response.

We are animals, controlled by our own desires.

We pursue love, and fidelity..believing its the best way to initiate a feel good response.

We pursue our dreams, and goals. Believing it initiates our feel good response. We do things, only because..we want the feel good response.

Whether we are addicted to superiority, inferiority, beauty, comfort, contentment, enlightenment.

People prefer food, food that tastes better. That initiates their feel good response. Art is the same way, some have no taste. Some want to be socially accepted..because society, initiates their feel good response.

Any supposed, self righteous only done because you would feel bad if you didnt follow through. We'd like to think we follow a higher code...which we do. But we cant fight being what we are. Which is human. An attempting to follow a higher code can bring success, or distress. Its the toss of the coin. Their is nothing meant to be. Nothing predetermined. Just a pack of animals, thriving on their feel good response. Or what they believe will give them that.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If what you say about perception is right than the human ablitity to judge things (percieve) is drastically reduced. When I see an actoer cry on film I become sad. Despite what he is crying about. Let's say he was crying over spilt milk (lol). And let's say that I had never spilt milk before. Your philosophy would state that because I have never experieneced this then I shouldn't cry. But I do. Why? Because I know what it is to be sad. Therefore, I can perceive what his experience is because I identify with the result that he had from that expereince. Thus I have learned not to spill milk because I know it will make me sad. If we could not perceive what other's perceive than we would never be able to learn from other's mistakes. I may have never robbed a store, but I won't simply because I know that if I do I while go to jail. But how do I know this if I have never done it? I perceived the experince from the robber and have chosen not to follow suit.
I thoroughly enjoyed the feel good response that you spoke of. It is very similar to my beleifs on sadness and happiness and their relations to one another.

Yes I beleive that your ideas are flawed. Reincarnation is a pretty philosophy, but you have no proof or logic on which to base your assumptions. You have no idea if what you say is right. Granted you may personally beleive they are rightt , but personal convitions do nothing for what is (truth) unless they can be proven or logically explained.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
In hindsight I have releaized that though I may cry over the spilt milk I still have not really experinced it thus it is not part of my over all percepiton. However if I am able to learn from it, then is it not as if I had expereinced it my self.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 37yrs • F •
Darksword is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Totally agree with you. Theyr'e not my ideas anyway (reference younger brother). Thanks for answering. I find your spilled milk analogy comical. However, i dont feel sad when others are sad(what humanity percieves as sorrow) even though "i know what it is to be sad". I'm not happy when others are happy, but i tend to act that way because that is what society expects. But yes, the learning is very true, but experiences can be portrayed in different lights.

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Conway, it is..the truth-that no you have not experienced this.

Bringing me back to blind faith. You choose not to do it..because its told that its bad or will lead to a bad thing.

You dont "not" do it, because you have experienced the scenario before, and understand what actions are done that result in the bad thing.

You do learn, but you lack the experience. Maybe you understand its concept, and you just dont want any negative results..r w/e.

But you only see it from where your at. And in most cases, the results are initiated by a physical force of some kind. Your not seeing this persons point of view, your placing yourself in their physical position...given what you understand. You dont know if their thinking of a dead brother or family member while their robbing the cashier. But you know that if you had magically ended up where they the moment of time. You would not do what their doing. Because they went to jail.

You just drew conclusions from what you percieve.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think I am wise enough to know when I am wrong. And in this case, after giveing it more consideration, I think that you are right. Perception is the collection of expereinces of an indivdual, say everything from A to Z is "Bob's" experinces or perception. Futhermore, we might be able to learn from Bob's mistakes, thus we see A through M or what have you. And A through M is all that is required to learn the specific lesson in question. We can see part's of Bob's experiences and learn from them, but we can never fully see Bob's perception because we can't see all of the equation, A through Z. This is sad if taken back into context. Simply said we can never fully know some one becuase all we are capable of seeing is part of their collection, but never the whole. However we can make educated logical guesses.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
what is your theory on life? - Page 4
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