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what is your theory on life? - Page 5

User Thread
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is my overall philosophical view,

All things in relegion or philosophy starts out with a similar base. This is a fact. Proabley the only fact of all facts that are certain. And of course most of you already know what it is.
"The only thing that can be known for certain, is nothing at all."
Thus we have abosultely no base for any partiualer view on which to stand. So we search for something that we can know not for certain, but for something that is irrelevant if we are wrong. This is the self awarness theory. I know I exist. I do not know for certain that anyone else does. So I know I exist. But how do I know for certian. If I did not exist then that would mean that some how some way I am being decevied. But if I am being deceived then I exist. You can not tell something it exist if it does not, because there is nothing there to tell. So then if I don't exist then it is irrelevant.
So I exist, I am a being that knows nothing, and as I learn I learn that there is even more that I don't know. So what can I do day to day that would in a sense be the wisest thing to do, if I have no proof for any philosophy of which to model my life.
This come down to not faith but hope. Faith is beleiving with out proof, and I find this ignorant. How can a God ask me to beleive in him if he gives me no proof. I't s like the duck arugment. If a man shows you a shoe box and tells you there is a duck in it , but he won't show it to you, nore will he let you shake the box or even touch it. Logical you would think that their probaley isn't a duck.
So all I can do is have hope, but hope in what. Well to decide this we must ask our selfs what is the end of all ends. What is the greatest state of being. The answer to that is Godhood. To know all and to be all. To be as God is all that really matters. All else will fade away and all happiness that comes with objects will die out. To be like God.
We have no proof that one day we will be like God. All we can do is hope. And I will tell you this. If we are denied God hood in the end as a whole (entire species) then it is not we that are wrong, but what ever refuses us our enlightenment. You ask me what right do we have to be like God.
If a dog had a soul and we as man refused it a place in our society in every aspect than it would be us that was wrong. Once you know that you are below a level of enlightenment than in titles you to further enlightnment. I'ts as easy as the rich not letting to poor join in their games. I hope that the enity that is above us in enilightment ( if one exist) will let us one day join him. Then we will be done.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Brilliant. Hope.

I enjoy your philosophy much, and i thoroughly believe in what your saying. Hopefuly, your right lol

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Cujo0424 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I have to side with some of the opinions of Ekimup and Jev combined. As do the minds of all philosophers (young and old), I acquire little bits and pieces of different concepts and put them together to form what I see as a logical explanation of our existance. Though I haven't been able to come to a solid conclusion to my complete philosophy of existance, I think I'm close.
But I'd like to address something that Jev mentioned on the first page of the forum. Jev, you said that everything in life is a chain. I think that I have a similar philosophy, but I'm not sure.
I believe that "Pulp Fiction" is an excellent example. All of out lives come together in one way or another. One of my philosophies is that as time goes on, this chain is curving. Eventually, the ends of this chain will meet. When the ends of the chain meet, I don't know if it could cause the apocolypse or if it could reveal to us the meaning of life and the universe, or what.
Now, to say that this chain is curving and that both ends will meet is to say that it will form a circle. A circle being the only thing that has no beginning, middle, or end.
Does this mean history will start all over?
Will it all collapse?
Following the idea that it will never end, and perhaps start all over again, lets say that not all things have a proper beginning middle and end.
"Final Destination," for example. When the teenagers got off of the plain, they were supposed to die and they cheated death. They no longer have a proper ending. If they live on after their time to die, they change everything, which brings us to the philosophy of the butterfly effect in which the tiniest thing can effect the outturn of the universe.
What if a little girl is killed by mistake and she was going to grow up to cure cancer? What then?
When I say I doubt some of the concepts in the bible, I say it because I don't think God could have planned everything that's happened, and that's going to happen.
Now, should there be a plan that is currently controlling everything that's happening, I think that your philosophy, Ekimup, that everything has an origin, will be correct.

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""Scared is not the right word...I'm frightened of it..."---Love & Death"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I enjoy compliments and those who concur with me. Only because believe it or not, i do work extremely hard to come up with the things i do. Although I feel its wrong to enjoy these things, i cant help that i do.

Thanks to all that provided an alternate argument, and to those who helped me see what they were attempting to say.

Conway,wraith,Cujo...God bless homieslol

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that sleepingwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"Life is such sweet sorrow."
[  Edited by sleepingwraith at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
..existence is a state.

to exist, is to be in existence. The present, is all that exists.

past-exist "ED"

future-"WILL" exist.

none of these things are exist, or existence. they include the word exist, but only in reference to after or before.

Although words are used for communication and interpretation. Your interpretation is flawed. When the future begins "playing it self out"..and is wheeled into the now, it then becomes the present. Past and future are terms used for reference. Time is a word used for reference. Existence is perpetual, along with the present.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
hi i'm new here, i've been reading some of your posts and i'm so happy that there are people like me out there

ok ekimup, since you mentioned about the past and the future let me just say that i've been amazed with time ever since i saw back to the future my mind used to race when i watched it. i mean i would be thinking about it all day.
I came to realize that there is no present there is only past and future. what i've already typed a minute ago is no longer present it is past and what i will type even in one billionth of a second is the future (perpetual)

Some people waste time but what is wasting time. do we not all waste time. If we are talking about wasting time then i guess i am wasting time right now.

see when we say that we are wasting time all we really mean is that we could be doing something else right with the time that we are "wasting"

**Time can either bring about satisfaction or dissatisfaction.**
this is why so many people are miserable cuz they either dont have enough time or too much... regret branches of dissatisfaction.. then again time will also heal your regret making you happy again.

im sorry if im not making myself clear but my minds racing mayb im just tired.. i wish i could say more but i have no time..lol

plz respond

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
[  Edited by analytical29 at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ok, im sorry to crush your time traveling dreams...

but your making references to both future and present. Regardless of even the tiniest measurement you use.

one Bazillioth of a second ago...does not exist. One Kajillionth of a milla second in the future, hasnt happened yet.

so right NOW. is now. Im typing right now...right now. your reading this word, exactly...NOW.

you can predict. But not predetermine. Your comp might blow up by the time you reach my next sentence...or you may finish this post. but the only thing that exists is you, right now, reading these words, along with every other existing thing in this moment doing what it is doing...right NOW.

Points in "time" are reference. A chart designed by man to help manage his outcome, and work from the present. using our memories, also, as reference to the past.(which does not exist.)

..only now.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lol.... i really wanted to travel thro. time

i couldn't sleep

but honestly, i understand what you are saying.. lets agree on the present.. but what do u think about the whole wasting time the way you want to waste time thing?

and do u think that there is something deeper in it all?


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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well, some believe we're part of a giant catachism. that we all work toward something greater. Or we all fit like peices of a puzzle. And if this theory is correct, then no you cant really waste time. There are ways to make the best of the "time" you have, but i dont know about anything deeper. Like i said. time is a word we created to use as reference. To geta grasp on past present and future. Nothing more.

There are theories about space being folded, which would save time. Make traveling faster. there are theories about blackholes capturing time. but i dont believe this, because time is a word. Just because a black hole consumes nearly everything around it, i seriously doubt it can swallow events that have already happened...and events that havent happened.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
YEA! black holes,..... now i accept the fact that you dont belive you can fold the universe cuz i dont think you can either but you can not forget that there may be superior intelligence that could geometrically figure things that we humans couldn't even begin to understand in a million years from now or even relate to..

your telling me that in the whole entire universe that there is no chance that beings billions upon zillions more advanced than us could not exsist thus coming up w/ such ways of time travel?

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
pertaining to that might help the whole idea of this chat "the meaning of life"

now dont get me wrong im not saying that there couldn't be a god does it say that god only created life on earth (and remember everything is theortically impossible till proven possible, look at the man on the moon early civilizations would have never thought we would step foot on it)

mayb hypothetically speaking and im putting science and god together to solve all problems.. god created more life than just us and when we die on earth heaven is just another dimension of our very own universe zillions of light years away.. mayb life on earth is a test for our next life.. and to understand the meaning of life on earth we have to understand more about time.. where we are going and or coming from..

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
[  Edited by analytical29 at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You abolutely right, there could be another dimension where we all live as giant cucumbers! or squash!!

..i cant prove your theory wrong either.

but its easy to grab things out of the blue like that. Ofcourse is possible for any of the things you said... to be true.

i wasnt meaning to mock you, i was only making a point.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
maybe you should take your posts into the science area. Or science fiction/theory. this thread is mainly for theories on the life that brings us together. We switch ideas, and attempt to come to a common ground.

You do have a different way of thinking...which can be a good thing. but it just doesnt seem to pertain to this thread.

btw, i already set an understanding theory. maybe if you want to go back and read it...it might enlighten you? maybe ...idk.

"mayb life on earth is a test for our next life.. and to understand the meaning of life on earth we have to understand more about time.. where we are going and or coming from.".

Time is a word, to help us bring into focus what we dont understand...

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i'll be sure to check out your thread.

.."in gate"?

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
what is your theory on life? - Page 5
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