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what is your theory on life? - Page 15

User Thread
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that 730 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey wraith...I kinda disagree on one thing tho...i think there is wrong, but it's not as exaggerated as everybody makes it out to's all confusion, and confusion spawns action, and action can be hurtful...and anything which is confusing, to the self is a Wrong.......I guess that's where the silence factor comes into play with all of this....cuz if no words were said, in this world where acceptance and understanding is so minimal then confusion wouldn't be such a big factor... everything's all love tho........and y'all understand as much as is needed....makes me understand more what learning is!...

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"Being is not knowing!"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that sleepingwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"Life is such sweet sorrow."
[  Edited by sleepingwraith at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. waste my time oh soo much.

another "re-worded question and statement.

its doesnt matter what your attempting to get across... its attempting it via words/speech.

thoughts, ideas..etc.

so excluding thought from that statement did not invalidate my point.


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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that sleepingwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"Life is such sweet sorrow."
[  Edited by sleepingwraith at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
..90% of your post were my own words, and your egotistical response.

i do get upset..but not simply because you upset me, but because your non-productive ways delay progress in all forms of life. Its one thing to live your own way, but another to regurgitate your ignorant beliefs that your ego is based...on to another form of life.

you dont believe in right or how can you possibly have any intentions? Good ones at that.

Your intention is to have as much funn as possible before you die...and whether or not your offensive.. or right, bares no meaning with you.

your the exact same way as analytical..just a larger vocabulary along with better retainment skills..increasing your ego and limiting your perception.

the reason i apologized, was because i generalized egotism to be found in those within the forum..and that was wrong. Some of us are not so egotistical. And if i did infact completely overlook the words we use in making our points...i wouldnt be so inclined to continue making making mine. Or even reply to some of your gawdy, repititious posts.

you abuse your abilities, but you dont understand abuse..for you have no concept of right and wrong.

your really great. i do enjoy the civilized convo's we have...but sometimes you can completely go off subject. asking, and rephrasing already answered questions.

which in truth..would most certainly be a waste of time.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
..your correct somewhat. but as i stated..

"there are better ways to "utilize" time"

so if you wish to learn not dismiss me in light of your new found truth.

...that you know less than you give yourself credit for. *vomit

..i also didnt ask a question.. "your question wasnt reworded but quoted. via... ctrl c"

..but w/e. believe what you want.

you reword the question/statement that i have answered. taking my responses and creating their question...

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
[  Edited by ekimup at   ]
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
ekimup i already admitted my fault and apologized to you.. why do you have to bring me back into the picture?

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

really, the base of this debate was when you said the only way to waste time, is by not doing what you want with it. you made it clear that you can waste time, when infact you said to conway that you disagreed with this.

but other than that...there isnt anything much to it. srry again analytical.

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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
haha yeah it was kinda contradicting.. it's all good tho

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that sleepingwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"Life is such sweet sorrow."
[  Edited by sleepingwraith at   ]
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
How will he retaliate? hahahahaha (we should all listen to bob marley a little more) this is fun too tho.. calm intelligent philosphers going to war.. part 2!!

and action (that's you'r cue ekimup)

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ekimup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
wraith im through...

but just to humor you, i will do exactly as you do. To show you just how unbecoming and ridiculously irritating it is to copy and paste, only to make no point at all.(the only difference in what im there will be a point. i'll also try and refrain from using unecessary words to try and lengthen my sentences. Like when you make obvious, understood, and unimportant points...over, and again. )
"if you were indeed enlightend and egoless you would understand that there would be no reason for you to be apart of these forums because you would see there is no point for you to do it other than for you own satisfaction of which if trully egoless and enlightend you would not want."
well seen as i how i find some here to be less selfish and egotistical(more or less attempting to make progress, "something that which is considered to be a GOOD..thing) i find myself viewing the thoughts of others in complete aw. Knowing there are more knowledgable and wiser people than those i have thus far encountered within this forum. I'm not going to lie, i love seeing some of the things you people post. But i only put my 2-bits in, in order to assist in anyway possible. I also find myself encountering those who wont even give me the chance to say my peace. By not letting it sink-in before they begin making accusations. The reason you are a fool, is because you satisfy you self on an unconscious level(so to speak). I satisfy myself within a very strict moral standard of goodwill. I wont lash-out on anyone until they've done so on me. Even then i might refrain.

Also, i intend never to post again in this thread...unless my posts are strictly in accord to the bettering of someone deserving. The reason i can justly understand those who are because i understand there is a right and a wrong. Your correct, there is just life..but within it is a good and a bad. I can accept this out of selflessness, because i understand what it is to exist among the prideful..and it is most unpleasant.
"such assured words that mine are ignorant and yours irefutable.
very ego of you dear sir."

Once again, yours are ignorant because of your pride. I wasnt being egotistical..i was telling the truth. My words ARE NOT irrefutable..My "THEORIES" are irrefutable.Your pride limits your acceptance far beyond the necessary limits. A prideful interpretation with a limited absorbtion, of a person's perspective.. means nothing but what that person sees. It cannot be trusted as doctrine. Just as mine, cannot. I've stated this..and i've said to absorb what you want. Just dont accuse me..if you have not absorbed. The reason..ONCE AGAIN..why mine can be trusted over yours: would be my lack of pride.(not egotistical..but true:/

"assuming so much...
it is not that my intention is to have fun but to simply live and do as i feel is right.
and since your comprehension is so limited ill go ahead and nip part of what your thinking now in the bud.
when i say what i feel is right i do not admit there to being a universal right or wrong."
.. So the world is left subject to affliction of your standards
by gut instinct? Your ability to weigh choice and truth? Not very wise. Although you take into account other factors im sure, in deciding your .."feeling", the pride you have limits
the rational ratio.Ultimately, it will land you in a very irrational situation. your ego probably prevented you from grasping the concept of definite truth..along with the being of a best route in any destination/goal. Just because you dont see it, know it, or understand it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist or isnt there. believe so, would be very ego of you.
"and your little different than me. just a part of existance, a brain presented with a problem putting out a solution. once you trully are egoless i shant have to hear from you any more."

As i am little different than you, i tend to be disrupted when a part of existence cripples the rest of it, with its limits on perception. (chosen limits i might add). You shant have to hear from me again, sir -if your ego could somehow be stripped from your words,and lack the foolishness therein they lie.
"and to prove this ill challenge you, i say you have never reached nirvanna or any sort of real enlightenment and that you have a huge ego.
if im wrong that you will not reply to me ever again or defend yourself to any one else. thats what it meens to be egoless."
wow, you of all people i would expect to know the definition of ego and the suffix less. But it seems you do not.

ego-An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.
Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem.

(meaning of appropriate- To take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself)

My words, you desire to cast out of this forum, in order to "prove" your point, are not out of ego. My in
no way inflated.If ever it was, i couldnt come to justifying any of the things i've
said. I do not accept your challenge. Not because i think im
"superior" or because im egotistical, not because it contradicts your point of "purpose in opinion".
, not because its completely meaningless...and foolish..

But because not everyone is like you. Some people understand and are enlightened by truth..however much or however little leaves my mouth. Some enjoy reading the things i write.
i give a shit about the people who i could pssibly be helping in some way.
If i had an inflated ego, or any ego at all with my current knowledge and retaining abilities...i wouldnt have posted a single sentence on this forum. Or any forum for that matter,
where my opinion was openly read and presented.

Although it is not important...(again im only humoring you.) i have indeed reached a "nirvana". I have been immensly enlightened. But nirvana and enlightenment dont go hand-in-hand. Enlightenment is not necessarily good thing.

I also am confused, "if im wrong that you will not reply".
DId you mean "that"..or "than"?
"its not so much that i abuse my abilites its that i choose to do with them as i see fit not you, you are being quite a bitch believing that i should use my abilities as you see fit. once again get over yourself."
The term "bitch" is indeed something i'd expect you to use.
Its obvious you are not capable of being rational in any interpretion of yourself,or your perception. Its a delicate subject to talk of ones ego..especially to someone with an ego as large as yours. I've made this point over and choose to better only yourself. Maybe in need of defense, as a result of fear. Working unequivocally, like your ego. It was you who talked about building "self-esteem" with sand weights on your forearms(forgive me for not being specific.) Its is quite obvious that you have a "built" self-esteem"..or the concept of. It is known, for a know what builds self-esteem. It is known also, for a fact, that you have an inflated self-esteem as a result of your "iron fist/sand weight, pipe roll technique."

With this in mind, who are you,so egotistically inflated in create a just and truthful account of anothers goals? Desires? Abilities? Who are you to even know truth, let alone understand it? How could you possibly even begin to concieve truth, and its route in the best of our abilities?

...less than I. Less than any other selfless, attempted progresser in all walks. Less than any "egoless" person either of us know. You abuse your ability by "regurgitating your ideas and thoughts in an unjust interpretation of your perception." ..again. I Vomit.

"pretty much anything you can think of some one else has, so get off your original thought bs. all ive been doing is trying to keep your thoughts from going astray of truth. bringing to light things i feel you have missed."

..fair enough. I over-estimated your comprehension capabilities. I just believe that i've made my points clear, and yet i am asked once make the same point. I almost always present the same word for word statement, in re-clarifying my points. You make a statement, i oppose and give accounts backed by evidence.- you oppose- i give accounts backed by evidence. (account meaning; reason. evidence meaning; why it is reason)

Do make an attempt to absorb, as i do the same for you.

"dont speak of truth as if you know it.
in truth all we know is existance as i have said for quite some time now. but as i also have said before, i feel that you have forgotten this and it seems you used the word truth in full context in the preceding quote."
---- what is your point. may i once again tell you why you are not fit to make just..and true accusations of myself? Why it is foolish(especially of someone like you) to state i know nothing of truth? Please, the context i was using it in,was indeed..full. This is because i know it to be true. I understand my time is better utilized if I explained these concepts to someone a little less egotistical. But then again, i wouldnt have to explain the same concept.

Nevertheless, any attempted explaining of a concept to an
egotistically confined mind, is a waste of time.
"and that is but an opinion, which are of course, as any enlightened person should know, useless in universal truth and or constants."

But there are..better ways to utilize time. Regardless of whether we know it. We could currently be doing something greater at the better life or existence(or w/e our intended goal.). I could be out enjoying myself..or building my self-esteem. But instead im in here (pointlessly i might add) defending myself. Could this time be better utilized? Indeed it could be. But it is not.

"that is but an opinion." <---------------is this too, not an opinion?

..and as we all know, useless in universal truth and or constants.

I know know, how could you possibly know if time was better utilized elsewhere? You cant, but that doesnt mean it isnt.

( do thoroughly investigate what im trying to say- so that you might understand..and see you have no valid argument. )
"no i take your responses and try to show you error in them, but you believe your answer to be correct. which is why YOU are so sad. you dont take the time to look over your beliefs and statements.
im suprised you actually took the time to appologize for something even though you turned right around to being an ass again.

so as i have already announced.... if you trully are egoless than i wont have to waste my time talking to you any more"

No, you take my responses...and find what you believe to be errors. Everyone else who is open(less egotistical) understands the things i say. And if you feel i've overlooked anything..i return to you with full "more simplistic" responses.

you are indeed wasting your time talking with me. Your ego wont allow you to see the truth your capable of. (seeing)(having)

..again, seen as you lack the comprehension in review and overview. I initially apologized to those in the forum, whom i generalized as being egotistical. (Those who were infact not.)

..i again, became an ass to those egomaniacs, including yourself.


I have nothing personal against you, aside from your over expressed super ego. :/

Its unfortunate we have to wage a small war with words. But i hope maybe you can grow to see just how much of an "unlawful-ass" you can be. (compared to me just being an ass)

You are justified in no way. I will infact leave this forum..and i wont comment whatsoever. But if i see an egotist attack on an open, truthful post. I'll be forced to intervene. I apologize ONCE AGAIN. To those in this forum who take no part in mine and wraiths debate, and are forced to scan through these lengthy writings in order to get to the most current posts.

i would challenge wraith, by maybe taking a vote or poll, of who wants ekimup to leave. But im afraid i would be sinking to his level.


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"In this world, we are never lacking. Only losing what we have in hope of gaining what we dont."
[  Edited by ekimup at   ]
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that analytical29 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
wow I'm goin choose to stay out of this debate..

Will there be a round 3?
Come on plz this is like watching rocky

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""That's only the tip of the iceberg.""
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What in the hell is all of this? We all have "ego" problems. Me included. There is no such thing as one being worse then the other either. No one here is smarter or wiser. True on the human level of existencese one of us might be smarter, but when you think about the vastness of relaity and knowledge you will see that we are all pretty much on the same mark here. With maybe a hairs bit of diffrence in between one or two of us.
But to move on past this shit.
There is no evil or good. It is all relative to our existences. Which we know them to be uncomplete. Never the less we need some way to guide us. Honestly tell me if "bad things" make us no longer want to live in existense and "good thing's" make us want to live in it. And since we can not know anything why not do the things that make us want to live existence. With some commen sense of course.
Dear, anaylitacal. Yes I was mad at you, and it was because you were mad at me for posting "negative" results all the time. But that is no more than the other end of the ruler so to speak. There is good and there is sad. In other words, I am just trying to bring "balance to the force" LoL.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 40yrs • M •
ekimtrawets is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Hi everyone, new guy here, it sems that this is the place for egotistical banter! Let the fun begin!

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what is your theory on life? - Page 15
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