Tagged > Individual truth |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11274 Views Talk Talk |
Durring my time in middle school we, the honors students, had the same math teacher for all three years. We grew together in the group of 20ish students in the class and most of us stay in contact. No... |
Life & DeathAre You in Shock?
1 Posts • 2671 Views Philosophy Forum |
There are five defined stages of dealing with one's death.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptence
Honest Self Critics are so hard to find... the... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Al Qaida is created by Pentagon and US Intelligence as a false flag target with which they squeeze money and power from people.
Quote, "Al Qaeda does not exist and never has
The... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9959 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The idea actually is fascinating. Imagine a firework display. In a firework display, just like thunder and lightning...you see the event before you hear it. Now if we wish to be pedantic the event act... |
SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7993 Views Philosophy Forum |
i should look for tht word definition but from what i guess here, u mean ultimately the lack of superior bounds
when u kill superiority then everything is the same inferiority the quatity of it ma... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70949 Views Psychology Forum |
The "complaint" itself is a rather shallow one; although many posters, fledgling philoshopers or not, are inherently shallow (as I believe every individual in the human race is attracted ((o... |
7 Posts • 4487 Views Religion Forum |
this was put forth in another thread but the original command to go forth & witness the Truth Of GOD => a being (perhaps the highest form of life) exists a spiritual being without out physical... |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views Talk Talk |
and besides if things get bad there are always more goons for hire to set things right....
Some say that is exactly why the borders are left so wide open in a time of such fear of "terrorism&q... |
GovernmentSo It's W - Not Jr.
14 Posts • 4017 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"You'll have to listen to the tapes - it definitely wasnt a threat. It was stated as if it was a mere fact thus he has no worries."
Indeed, but do you see what I'm saying, perha... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8825 Views Religion Forum |
" The Sioux religious leader Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa) has stated: peace . . . comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its power... |
Life & DeathWhere did 'mid-life crisis' come from?
7 Posts • 4100 Views Philosophy Forum |
If the bomb is an extension of the fist, then internet forums would be an extension of the mouth?
It actually makes perfect sense that the most active forum posters are the lousiest readers. If the... |
33 Posts • 10057 Views Philosophy Forum |
All irrelevant.
Life is what it is, experiences are what they are, and they are what we make them too.
You may claim to know that there is no one or no thing, but you have no knowledge of this "... |
whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7621 Views Talk Talk |
thanks guys,
yeha i get what your saying Mia about there not beign such a thing as a bad friend. i thnk we are kinda close friends. i know hse would be there for me bu i can rely on her. awhile ago... |
to believe or not to belive
21 Posts • 8307 Views Philosophy Forum |
In order for one to see meaning in life without lying to themselves and believing in some giant head in the sky watching over us, one must realize that all of human kind is one giant life form. If you... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views Philosophy Forum |
PS- I am happy with or without a monogamous relationship. I don't like flings anymore. They are a waste of my time. I don't think this has anything to do with how the world has shaped my per... |
Is It Me??? It's Them, Right?
3 Posts • 3625 Views Jokes & Games |
"Fellow" Lovers of Knowledge:
I implore you. Why? Why? All I ask is for a little portion of my share of the pie of Les Benefit du Les Doubt. I maintain and allege that I can make The Art... |
SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9684 Views Religion Forum |
afraid of accepting new factors that may alter the validity of their assumptions...In other words it's the desperate refuge of closed minded idiots.
Actually I think it is the paranormalists (... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15266 Views Religion Forum |
To start I would say that you are asking an invalid question. There is no root to disbelief. Disbelief is merely the absence of belief and belief must be learned from observation. Observations such as... |
SocietyAre we all blind
9 Posts • 3029 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the executive and legastative branch should take the brunt but one man has set himslf as chief; the person who should take the glory an the bashing.
lol ...for a change i really can say ith high ce... |
Selflessness vs. Selfishness
14 Posts • 15653 Views Philosophy Forum |
being Selfless does not mean making everyone else happy. it means doing what is best for them. An example is taking a bologna edge strip piece thing (you guys know what im talking about) out of a chil... |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26733 Views Religion Forum |
I see what your saying OKcity.... I would come to that conclusion also; sometimes what we are taught comes from people who have half truth and speak from there own convictions and pass those perceptio... |
Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7373 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm thinking of a more black and white type scenario.
I must warn you though this pretty much in a sense is preaching and those that don't want to read it don't. This helps myself but whether... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views Religion Forum |
" Which is the foundation of all the good that we find in the world. Acceptance, truth, patience, freedom, trust, on and on. All of that as one unit is love. That goes beyond romantic love."... |
War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
But then again, who is going to invade who? Americans have been doing all the "invading" for over the last half century.
Great question, easy answer, two points, either we can "war&q... |
Physics & CosmologyWhere does the material from black holes go?
17 Posts • 9026 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hmm . . . the problem being the statement of closure!
To think a black hole would spit you in another space and time is immediately shot down even by the limited knowledge we have of black holes. Wit... |