some thoughts about communication:
I think the average human speaks from a need to speak, and not from a need to be understood.
Again, speech and conversation with no regard to it's content gives us a whole lot more information about a person than the content of what s/he's saying. (i think it's more about topics than opinions)
But i do think most of our subjects are common subjects. and which form of language we use affects people's understanding more than the ideas themselves.
i do not deny that some abstraction in ideas is difficult to express, but I'm not focusing on this specific point at the moment.
i think fewer and simpler words are always easier to relate to.
common is a very valid term in terms of conversation mechanisms; as in using terms and references that might not be common to whom I'm speaking to will not get my point through.
Again, the art of communication is about the ability to adapt to the different knowledge diagrams that exist differently in everyone.
Again, confirming NicOfTime's thoughts on the subject.
more information will not be read unless the person is curious about the subject or initially curious about everything,
that is not enough without the ability to relate to the content of our messages.
My personal experience was that references are almost never commonly understood without interpretation, and almost never help us get our point through. Unless of course we are sure that the other person is knowledgeable of our references, or in other terms they are common knowledge to the public at hand.
I believe references lead to misinterpretations when misunderstood.
Of course if we are referencing something, we are not exactly referencing a few words, but a whole thought process that we understand and eventually got with the author to that realization.
Now a personal realization, since i never quote, is that if i don't refer to the theorem, no single person admits the theorem.
I find it entertaining
I'm a bit selfish in terms of sharing information.
Also English was my third language, so it might be just that
and no, i would not defend anyone who comments without full understanding of the post.
But i do think we should adapt our communication to our audience, in the end it's not something we do for ourselves, but for others (even if others listening is only a need for ourselves :: if we care about others understanding and not just hearing)
Oh, and about the mid life crisis thing.
I live by a quote which would be translated to:
"live everyday as if it's your last, live everyday as if you would live forever".
I think mid-life crisis came from routine along with a few other spices (or usually mild flavored things in our lives, things we do and we don't quiet understand why we do them)
Another thought which would be that death is no longer a common fact that we are reminded of everyday. which would lead us to postponing the thought of dying until eventually we are put face to face with it.
i think one of Man's biggest problem is denial.
Now in my initial culture, men (more than women) are "forced" into a lot of self-controlling thoughts, which lead to a whole lot more denial and/or deception in the end of it (no independent thinkers)
I think we spend all our childhood learning, and we spend all our adulthood un-learning what we doubted as we were kids and admitted without proper understanding (adolescence as well as childhood, as well as any age to be precise).
Again, i don't always understand how we never fully understand the choices we make or made. But i do believe that rethinking our decisions leads us to a less stressful life.
again a concept of belief is contradictory to the subject at hand