this was put forth in another thread but the original command to go forth & witness the Truth Of GOD => a being (perhaps the highest form of life) exists a spiritual being without out physical form but a definite (personality) person.
The axiom being that those who truthfully worship God, seek GOD => the True God doesn't change form just man's perception of the form.
Man's need to give form to GOD, is it his need to comprehend or is it his desire to be [treated as] God?
A Wise Christian once taught me, All gifts of the Spirit come from GOD; To be used to serve GOD. You are judged by that which you judge; man makes distinction between worship & service so It is put forth in the Two Commandments . . . 1) To GOD's glory 2) do you serve [share with] each other. That the workman is worthy his wage [share] to meet the need; not the greed.