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Is It Me??? It's Them, Right?

User Thread
 76yrs • M •
CAugusteDupin is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Is It Me??? It's Them, Right?
"Fellow" Lovers of Knowledge:

I implore you. Why? Why? All I ask is for a little portion of my share of the pie of Les Benefit du Les Doubt. I maintain and allege that I can make The Art Film. my humble site will bear me out and expose the truth of this -- and yet -- can you believe it lovers-O-knowledge? I can't get one -- not one -- actress, actor, weathergirl or other wannabe with whom to make my legitimate, no sex, no nude, art films -- the literature-O-matic fllm... I was BORN to make these -- these -- objaaaay d'art(s)-O-motionmon(t).....

It's -- is it me???? It's them, right?

I would raise the hemlock, only I have been at my Epicurus again; and he says, nah!

I'm offering SAG scale, I mean.... [!!!????Hello????!!!!] Who am I? That guy who made Heaven's Gate, or what? I mean I'll go one-on-one with the world. I am perseverance itself. But sometimes I just have to grip my rubber room's walls and matriculate inna inneresting stentorian condition, "Whatzamatta U. !?!!?!"

Very nonplussed,
We remain,
All of us in here,

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"Nemo me impune lacessit!"
 45yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wesdawgy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"I'd like to say something profound....."SOMETHING PROFOUND""
 40yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that JetPlane is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I've been in 8 "no sex, no nudes" art films to date.

Most actors need money for their work just as anyone else. I was approached by a director to make 1 and through his connections got jobs 7 other times. I was paid pretty well.

Possible problems: You look like a pervert that might rape girls in the backroom instead of taking them into a film studio, are offering no money, or are not offering anything that's a sure bet.

Do you have other people working on this project with you? If you don't, it looks suspicious. Do you have good equipment? If you don't, it looks suspicious that you either don't have enough money to pay the actors, or that you're lying.

Think of your appearance. Think of what you're possibly doing when approaching or soliciting for actors.

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"\"Like maple syrup, Canada\' evil oozes.\"-<i>Canadian Bacon</i>"
Is It Me??? It's Them, Right?
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