"Fellow" Lovers of Knowledge:
I implore you. Why? Why? All I ask is for a little portion of my share of the pie of Les Benefit du Les Doubt. I maintain and allege that I can make The Art Film.
http://univoltaire.cjb.net my humble site will bear me out and expose the truth of this -- and yet -- can you believe it lovers-O-knowledge? I can't get one -- not one -- actress, actor, weathergirl or other wannabe with whom to make my legitimate, no sex, no nude, art films -- the literature-O-matic fllm... I was BORN to make these -- these -- objaaaay d'art(s)-O-motionmon(t).....
It's -- is it me???? It's them, right?
I would raise the hemlock, only I have been at my Epicurus again; and he says, nah!
I'm offering SAG scale, I mean.... [!!!????Hello????!!!!] Who am I? That guy who made Heaven's Gate, or what? I mean I'll go one-on-one with the world. I am perseverance itself. But sometimes I just have to grip my rubber room's walls and matriculate inna inneresting stentorian condition, "Whatzamatta U. !?!!?!"
Very nonplussed,
We remain,
All of us in here,