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Systemic Theory
3 Posts • 6624 Views Philosophy Forum |
Three types of thought:
Systemic Thought - The free association of ideas outside of the logical systems and tendencies of nature.
Sub-Systemic Thought - Hard wired instints or instructions, exis... |
Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8539 Views Psychology Forum |
CodeWarrior- The inside joke is not the insecurity, it is the thing that exploits the insecureity.
The insecureity is the fear that you are fearing... I'm not wording this right, but maybe that... |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs nothing something?
51 Posts • 24799 Views Philosophy Forum |
aight this is where the crazy part comes out.....
see you said that nothing is impossible in a dream...when your reality is a dream...i'm talking about a REAL dream.... see the concept of the... |
War & TerrorismThe Zarqawi Invitation
4 Posts • 2811 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
412. Zarqawi hoax (6/10/06)
1. Zarqawi was dead two years ago.
He was revived by Pentagon and intelligence because they need an excuse to remain in Iraq. They need a puppet enemy image for Iraq... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20493 Views Psychology Forum |
Evil is from the Devil ! But the Bible also says that it is man's
inherent nature --but if you want to break it down - God created the Heaven and the Angels - and Satan was the leader of praise... |
Writing AdviceTricks of the trade: things to consider when writing
10 Posts • 3262 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Okay this thread is spawned from a discussion between chained wings and myself over the speech aspect of his story about vampires. We were discussing how a big problem in lots of fiction is a tendency... |
Free Will
33 Posts • 9496 Views Philosophy Forum |
"But this one's no good becuse your travelling back into time would itself chanbge those EXACT circumstances; the only way would to become independent of everything; is this possible?"... |
110 Posts • 24269 Views Religion Forum |
id hate to say that christians are suffering from bible dependence
Doesn't matter if you would hate to say it, it is true for some but not all.
There are many reasonable Christians in exist... |
Waking the Sheeple. A tribute to Alex Jones.
33 Posts • 9897 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Then there is the other usage, from the Neocon thinktank Project for a New American Century.
A 'core mission' for the transformed U.S. military is to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneou... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5576 Views Religion Forum |
yes my friend He did. I was a medium size drug dealer who was out of control. I got saved in the first few days of being incarcerated. So i really wasnt sure of what to expect. I m not sure if you und... |
Do we live a 'lie of character'?
2 Posts • 2553 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do we live a 'lie of character'?
Those who know say that Kierkegaard (circa 1840) was a psychoanalyst without fear of being laughed at because he knew that the scoffers are uninformed. Few sapiens... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7204 Views Psychology Forum |
If you know what you want to do then that is great. When there is we something we really want, then in pursuing it we naturally start addressing the the insecurities and negativity... |
13 Posts • 4599 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was listening to a radio show with a name I will not mention for certain reasons, but this is the conversation. The woman is a proclaimed liberal while the man is a proclaimed conservative.
Her-I... |
PoetryLast of the good memorys and smiles of summer
5 Posts • 2775 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I got a postcard from you, it read your having good times without me and your new friends know how to live. I knew that somehow our petty little dreams wouldn't go far.
Faithfullness in fairy ta... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15135 Views Philosophy Forum |
well how do you know you control the mind? theres no physical evidence for it, i mean. the brain acts according to how the environment and genetics programs it to act, like a super advanced computer.... |
30 Posts • 16463 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05)
To collaborate the September plot, Feds activates H.A. again. Ten days ago, I received a new notice which said,
"Enclosed you will find new proce... |
Lord of this world
10 Posts • 2513 Views Talk Talk |
Free surgeries for women and men for getting their tubes tied. Too many stupid people who hardly care for themselves produce 3, 4, 5 or more children. Look around and see all the people pushing their... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
But tell me what makes homosexuality ok?
What makes it not?
Its ok because...
1. It does exist (and we don't know why, but we don't know why we exist either), and it exists under th... |
What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3428 Views Philosophy Forum |
As we all know, plants came first, then the creatures showed on on planet earth.
Because of this, it would be logical to assume that creatures came from plants.
This is faulty logic. Just becau... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85856 Views Science & Technology Forum |
7 December 2012
Earth at Night
Image Credit : NASA, NOAA NGDC, Suomi-NPP, Earth Observatory,
Data and Processing: Chris Elvidge and Robert Simmon
This remarkably complete view of Earth at nigh... |
Something like human
1 Posts • 2167 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I was something like human
in the blue morning
when you came
to make it grey
burning grass to ash
melting flesh from fragile
Mutating bird's chirps to
missile screams
changi... |
Conscious and Sub-Consciouswhy do i over think?
3 Posts • 6077 Views Psychology Forum |
Perhaps it would help if you were to keep in mind that the journey your own feet take you on is every bit as noteworthy and deserving of respect as the journeys that other people take. When you encoun... |
Please read
15 Posts • 3593 Views Philosophy Forum |
--------------------yess- the wordiness is quite unbecoming. I had the concept but it was too large for me to fully interpret into sufficient wording.(at the time...i was trying to go to bed.-so) i un... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39599 Views Philosophy Forum |
Offhand before I forget, as I am partway through your tome lol.
Judgement is the primary sin if any.
Your pespective on your hooker point is way too limited and biased.
Can a hooker be happy?... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19101 Views Religion Forum |
I think the only thing we can all be really sure about, is that no one knows exactly what happened.
About two thousand years ago, something happened in the middle east that appearantly was worthy... |