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God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57878 Views Religion Forum |
Man (the generic term) struggles to define god (or God) within the limits of our knowledge and experience. Centuries ago man feared God as a supreme power and judge, who meted out rewards (good) and p... |
GovernmentA Constitutional Duty: IMPEACH IN 2007.
13 Posts • 3238 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's why we the people need to speak up and let all of them know we are going to hold them all accountable, current office, or those past who were party to these crimes, democrat, republican, i... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5970 Views Religion Forum |
This is a thread I promised to write over the weekend and only followed through on now...
"Jesus Thou Son of David..."
"Seed of David..."
There are several qualifications... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5576 Views Religion Forum |
Yes the freedom is psychological and spiritual.
Now i should tell you that being a follower of Christ wont make you feel guilty all the time. Let me ask you do you think that there is a good guilt an... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7416 Views Religion Forum |
"i'm not sure i follow. you're saying that since life is nesasary to observe the universe the universe has to have life and hence is probable? that may be completely wrong, but i didnt... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7308 Views Religion Forum |
Christian Churches asks for 10% of your income before taxes. Just imagine if we all put in 10% more money into trust worthy people what could happen.
They would become untrustworthy as they have ev... |
258 Posts • 67397 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is the last apology I'll ever say at all.
I'm sorry you never believed me. At least not in honest eyes.
And I'm holding on to empathy. Well why should I feel at all?... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainMind Clear, Attention and Continuance Exercise…
1 Posts • 2437 Views Psychology Forum |
There is a technique I came up with, which is really an adaptation of other techniques I have been shown in the past, or just learnt naturally…
The first technique is that of clearing the min... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6579 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
LEFTWOOD: Your opinion regarding that "frame of mind" I can only accept. I had not dared to say it because it is always unpleasant and indecent to criticise some stranger for things you may... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28621 Views Philosophy Forum |
sometimes war is necessary for the good of the whole.
Yes, when more people are saved then killed.
Supposedly we went to Iraq because of 9/11. I think in 9/11 three thousand died. Now we know th... |
35 Posts • 14267 Views Philosophy Forum |
First I will pose the theory (A theory, but not necessarily my personal belief.), followed by it's reasoning...
Everything that is to occur is completely pre-determined, and (though not yet fe... |
SocietyEducation Part ll
8 Posts • 3284 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
question 1. what is going to substitute the income that sports generate, and obviousley you know about school so we both know its ALOT.
2. sports serve as a huge deferment in the vegetation of our ki... |
Your Authentic Music thread
14 Posts • 3154 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This thread links an idea (borrowed from Wyote) together with the ‘Write on the Subject of your Authentic Self' thread.
Music is perhaps the greatest art and one of the finest ways of express... |
Physics & CosmologyQuestion about the speed of light
15 Posts • 4572 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Here's on for y'all. What about in a black hole? If the escape velocity of a black hole is greater than the speed of light, what happens to objects that have mass which are trapped in the pu... |
A question about adulthood
3 Posts • 2263 Views Talk Talk |
I've held the idea for a long time now, that adults don't truly grow out of childhood activities. It occurred to me while I was walking in a park at night and realized that I was still drawn... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57878 Views Religion Forum |
DUGBUG says:
<<Why did god make a law about gravity, about respiration, why did he make us have to breath, if he is powerful then why did he do it? How come we evolved? Why do we need energy?... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7308 Views Religion Forum |
Elimination of government so the strong thrive sounds a bit like elitism to me.
No one gets a free-ride unless by the mutual consent of all the parties involved.
If the people, the masses, prope... |
ElectionsTonights Debate
24 Posts • 5503 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When watching the debate, I saw more of the same from John McCain. I can't believe that this topic is even up for debate. The republicans have been pulling this shit in countries across the world... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21289 Views Psychology Forum |
this is genius. ive been searching for something like this for so long. it almost seems like a more in depth journal. i have a couple questions and im lazy and i hope u dont mind the fact that i only... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27085 Views Talk Talk |
ehhh......mine doesn't really make sense when you break it down, which makes it more like slang.
Pent up - enclosed, restrained from willful movement
Entropy - A study of chaos as related to... |
Government3 Amendments to the Constitution
4 Posts • 2146 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We need a Right to Life Amendment to stop arbitrary abortion. 46 million unborn babies have been slaughtered since 1973 in an American Holocaust. It is national suicide and it must stop.
And then a... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views Religion Forum |
I have a fairly old bible, so I do not have that 'added feature' you refer to.
I also do NOT use the King James Version, nor the New World Translation.
It would depend on the bibles '... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9965 Views Psychology Forum |
For a 1000 new thoughts, 999 of those will be illusions.
Sure, its great to look for that 1, but dont forget that 999 is still much bigger than 1. Genius and insanity go hand in hand, and nothing c... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29194 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He's often not even fulfilled that promise.Just what is the need & what is wanted or desired?
Would that include giving an oppurtunity to share or to help others? Jesus healed a person, aft... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40979 Views Religion Forum |
"the devil was an angel that he created"
I am definitely not one to ask about religious beliefs as I don't subscribe to any one belief and don't know much of the stories within th... |