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User Thread
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I was listening to a radio show with a name I will not mention for certain reasons, but this is the conversation. The woman is a proclaimed liberal while the man is a proclaimed conservative.

Her-I don\'t believe in Thanksgiving beause it\'s the massacre of animals and I don\'t believe in kiling animals
Him-Really? I seem to remember during and after your pregnancy that you ate lots of chicken and burgers
Her-Well, I had a craving for it
Him-But you were eating it!!! How can you tell other people they shouldn\'t be eating meat when you yourself eat meat?
Her- Well...I don\'t agree with myself eating it.

Gahhh what a moron!!!

Here\'s the oother part that showcased her idiocy

Him-I seem to recall a time I sent you some live lobsters.
Her-Yes I remember that
Him-As already stated, you believe that killing animals should be illegal and should be punishable by law correct?
Her-Yes that\'s correct
Him-Well, explain the story of the lobsters
Her-No, I\'m not going to
Him-Ok fine, I will. Well, I sent her these live main lobsters through this site called Live Lob (he said something along those lines, the name isn\'t important) about 350 dollars wirth. Now this was in New York, in December. So upon getting these, she decides to \"set them free.\" So what she does is she goes to the local pond, chips away the ice in the pond because the water is so cold it\'s frozen solid, puts saltwater lobsters in a freshwater pond, and ALSO forgot to take the rubber band off their claws. So what happened to these lobsters is they slowly suffocated over several hours.
Her-Well, I didn\'t MEAN to kill them.
Him-But you DID! And you think killing animals should be against the law!
Her-Well, it\'s not right now, I just think killing animals shouldn\'t be legal.

There was some more conversation, but I was too busy laughing my ass off to pay attention.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Being against something that you are guilty of will make you sound this way, and just because many people do something and or agree with this something that they are doing, doesn't mean it is right to do it.

If tomorrow we developed a breakthrough in science that allowed us to understand animal languages and we found them to be intelligent being to whatever degree, there would be a much different outlook on the topic. (Having said that I want to point out that to have a language indicates intelligence, and so far all living creatures other than plants, thus far, have been determined to have ways of communicating within their species and even outside of them)

This kind of contradiction is rampant across our country and the world, the most relevant example, people want peace and for others to stop killing, and there aren't many who would disagree with this, so what do they do, they go out and kill to try to make it happen.

You know why you don't hear this idiocy enough, one, there are circumstances that complicate and make things far less simple than they appear, and another reason is because of political savvy, people try really hard not to sound like that even though they are 100% guilty of being like that.

There are vegans all across this country and abroad who could hold up the original animal argument without contradicting themselves, at least so strongly. If they fight for life of all things, then they are screwed.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yep, there are just hypocrites all over the place. But the one thing I don't agree too much with is you think if we shouldn't be killing each other and want peace, we shouldn't be going to wars. Well, I also want peace and happiness, but I believe the only way to make that a reality is to massacre all those who wish to stop that dream, even if that SOUNDS hypocritical it's not, I mean, if someone had a gun to the head of someone you loved, and you could stop them by say shooting them in the head, I'm guessing you would do it.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You speak of the circumstances I was referring to, see, to advocate that you don't believe in killing then to kill is one thing, to say you don't like others killing especially for certain reasons but that you are ok with you killing for perhaps certain reasons is another.

I didn't say anything about my personal beliefs, I think too much to believe much of anything to be certifiable fact or an unchangable belief. And I realize that even all our tiny minds put together can't even think of all the circumstances and outstide factors to anything. All things affect all things, to one degree or another, that means infinite circumstances and possibilities, that's why we try to find the most prevelant ones and go with that.

Your right, if my only option was to shoot this person to save a person I cared about, or an apparent victim I would, I would hope that if I did that it was because this person was in mortal danger and not just being threatened, but I cannot discern easily a persons intent, I can only see that a gun can kill and it is pointed threateningly.

It is a touchy subject, however, there are consequences to these actions too. Take how we turn good average citizens into killers by having them kill and be shot at. Then see what happens when these people go home, there is an alarming number of new violent deaths that tend to arise with the homecoming of righteous and brave soldiers, even recently in my town were accounts of newly returned vets and murder suicides, or just suicides.

Keep in mind also that a war could mean the death of a loved one or yourself, should you or they be enlisted or drafted.

You've heard that two wrongs don't make a right I'm sure. I've heard from various sources that thou shalt not kill, because I'm guessing it is considered wrong.

Out of curiosity, what do you think "all those who wish to stop that dream" do want. Do you think they just want bloody war till the end of earth or mankind? I don't know what they want or even just who "they" are, but I do know that just to kill or to avoid peace isn't the normal reason behind most killing or wars.

Keep in mind some are not satisfied with what america thinks of as peace either, and there is a history of this country to start shit too, not peaceful shit either. There is no righteous party involved in any killing by some standards, and you better be sure you know your facts when you decide someone is in need of being killed.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I've had excellent and terrible vegie burgers but they are not what are common either way, and tend to be even more expensive. I'm still not sure how they were actually vegetable burgers but the good ones were really good and I would be more than happy to replace meat, with vegie stuff that doesn't suck or demand a mortgage. That and only if I can get the optimimum nutritional value from not eating meat, because I'm not a fan of killing anything, even though I do directly, mainly bugs, and second handedly with my food.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Awaken, if you truly don't believe in killing animals, then don't eat meat. You cannot say you don't believe in eating meat WHILE eating meat, it just doesn't prove/do/say/stand for anything, all it is is being a big hypocrit.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Serious Underdawg, do you consider yourself perfectly consistent, and do you actually believe that people can't contradict themselves, you can' t mean physically because we do it all the time.

Besides, think of this, we know its obviously quite natural for any animals within nature to kill and eat other animals, the fact that we gain are able to live because of it makes that point too.

But is it necessary, do we have to? Thats a point of higher thinking and evolving from our natural past. Of taking the next steps as ascended beings, or perhaps just being better people.

Even religion will tell you that people are messed up and inconsistent in many ways, but that they are striving for something that is rationally, reasonably, morally better, more civilized.

Someone acting on instincts even though they claim that they would rather not is either a relapse or submission to extreme or just enough difficulty due to circumstance. This doesn't mean a person can't feel a certain way, and possibly even be right.

You watch, the day will come when all food is "artificially" created and it will be outlawed to harm animals other than possible population control if there are even any animals left for this argument to exist, maybe it'll be about cannibalism instead.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm not claiming to be perfect, I just don't believe in being a hypocrit. If i believe something is wrong, I will do my best not to do it. But if I continually do it does that truly mean it actually means something to me?

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"But if I continually do it does that truly mean it actually means something to me?"

Psychology would say that your exaclty right, you do not do anything in life that you do not gain from, its a simple fact.

And some of the easiest things to aquire and or abuse are often things that develop a stigma. Humans don't like to be dependant on anything, that is a form of control and weakness that provides possible life threating factors beyond their control.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Awakening, you are the one letting things I say get to you, and that is one thing I will not change for practically anything, and that is voicing my opinions

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You NICE person you!

Take that! Teach you a lesson.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If calling you a hypocrit hurts your feelings, I can't really help that. Hell, did you know that you being a women, not wearing a head covering, you would probably be offending the entire country of Saudi Arabia? Does that mean you are going to now put a blanket over your face? No. You can't help that that offends them, so you will do as you believe is permittable, just like me.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 39yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Astarte is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What the hell is going on in here?

UnderDawg: If you walked around with no covering on your head, you'd be arrested and detained until the US Embassy came to save your ass and then lecture you about reading your passport regarding the fact that when you are in a different country, you respect those laws because you are no longer on US territory.

So when you look at it that way, calling Awakening a hypocrite is pretty much you treading around on someone else's space and insulting them, and it isn't allowed because you aren't in your own space at the moment and you must respect the ideas and beliefs of others. How do you really know anyone's a hypocrite?

You don't. You can make an observation, yes, but you best be careful making the offensive ones if you don't know a person fully. Especially in the case of this thread, no one really expressed their beliefs fully enough that you'd understand them completely - you could have misunderstood them.


Anyway, I don't mind the hypocrisy. Especially a conscious hypocrite, like me haha I smoke, but I'm a biology major and I know very well it's the worst thing I could do and there are other ways of dealing with my psychotic life. Do I care? No. I'll give it up when I'm good and ready to.

And then we're all hypocrites according to the monotheistic religions, so everyone just take the back seat and chill out, yeah.

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"Milk, almonds and pistachios."
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