 38yrs • M • 
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Something like human |
I was something like human in the blue morning when you came to make it grey burning grass to ash melting flesh from fragile skeletons Mutating bird's chirps to missile screams changing green to black sunlight to radioactive glow in the twilight A flattened skyline a charred reminder an uninvited visitor from a distance unfathomable Just a flash a memory scarred into the side of my face something like human hamburger meat pounded soft and cured with flavors of war Gunpowder season and uranium salt sprinkled over your next great feast You, beast of conflict apothecary of disease, entered my home that once blue morning turned black and bloody with raping malice on your face and fingertips and fearless hate on your tongue Saliva spewing lips spraying acid in my mother's eyes molesting her DNA and leaving like hot fire in the dead wind a cloud of gas We boiled in the molten stew until our eyes ran red then grey then black Crippled spines shattered limbs bubbling brains Then the darkness subsided and a new light grew and my mind was free and my hungry eyes opened wide and my something like human was no longer inside.
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"The minute-winning days, like flies, buzz home to death, and every moment is a window on all time."