The Human Race
5 Posts • 4034 Views Philosophy Forum |
Consider what you said and its opposite, and then take both assumptions with lightheartedness, then unlearn both ideas so they are not fixed attitudes, I mean animal human mammal all just names for th... |
What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3402 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let's start off what "Life" is.
As we all know, plants came first, then the creatures showed on on planet earth.
Because of this, it would be logical to assume that creatures came... |
Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3754 Views Psychology Forum |
Where instinct ends and conditioning begins is only the point at which confusion on the original motivator enters the equation.
And though that confusion can be strong to the point of distorting r... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainRemoval from Working Memory...
12 Posts • 2803 Views Psychology Forum |
i think i drifted from the main point as i do always.
Anyway i doubt removal from working memory is something that can be controlled easily.
As in i can never take something out of my mind, i have... |
Child & Family PsychologyInescapable Human Emotion
27 Posts • 6633 Views Psychology Forum |
I've been thinking about this.
If the problem were secondary, then simply by being aware of my surroundings, ackownledging that I am capable of protective myself, have protected myself, and cont... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33652 Views Religion Forum |
How do you differentiate between what really is the conscience of the pure soul
What is the definition of a pure soul?
I can only speak in the contents of my life; I would define my self as a pu... |
Governmentdo you think the United Nations should....
17 Posts • 6904 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
we need to in the future finish the jobs we start
what job?!
War can't solve the problem. The war on terrorism appears to simply be the last desperate act of a west that has become so apa... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7364 Views Religion Forum |
"Universes without life are unobservavle, universe with tails are observable."
someday, human beings may look at another universe, one without life. then, a universe without life is obser... |
Alex Collier Interview: Warnings and Hope
1 Posts • 2101 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is a 1994 private interview of Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier, where he reveals very IMPORTANT stuff that we should aware of by now he predicts 9/11, talks about various ET races, the truth no... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16397 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hi, I recently joined , and just turned 15
Many People Have asked why did God Create Us Humans, Why did God create the Universe and so on. But we have to understand that incentive,reason,benefit et... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12082 Views Religion Forum |
Wrong, to the best of all of our knowledge we all live in exactly the same reality and universe, under the same structural laws and physics. Our perception or vision of them is irrelevant to its indep... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5937 Views Philosophy Forum |
But it only takes one to change.
It can take one instance and one person to start it, but it takes a society to change a society.
Large school shooting are one of the reasons i tend to think tha... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16115 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Broken Spirits
Peel back the covers don't you dare hide away
Don't let them be the ones to bring down your day
They want to make you feel the pain you deserve
Let you realise how much life hurts... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17608 Views Philosophy Forum |
Soul mates. The first time I heard that word was in a science fiction book in seventh grade. Hoping to find my soul mate, I wrote the word soul mate in the name given in the science fiction book, atta... |
33 Posts • 9974 Views Philosophy Forum |
Magic, I tend to agree with your cynicism regarding therapy and the following of spiritual gurus.
Also with your statement that in general neither meditation nor therapy are of any use. This is becau... |
The God paradox
3 Posts • 2223 Views Talk Talk |
I have always struggled with the concept of God. Even when I "worshiped" God I still found my self confozzled by the existance of God. I have noticed that every train of thought I had in reg... |
StoriesSimple Story
7 Posts • 4410 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Wow, I'm impressed at the response to my posting. Let's break it down.
MIA-Nowhere in there do I actually step out of the role of an empathic friend. Anything you have read into that is i... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
I surmise that the use of pigeonholing in this regard serves a very beneficial service in that it helps to "wedge" your empathy away from the other person.
Also, using insults can ofte... |
51 Posts • 19867 Views Philosophy Forum |
I once read that the human soul is composed of thousands of little "I"s that churn about and battle to be at the forefront of one's psuedo-consciousness. Some of these "I"s ha... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40567 Views Religion Forum |
I didn't "believe" at one point either, until I saw and FELT many things for myself. I din't want to remain ignorant all my life, so I seek the truth. Notice I said I see... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24786 Views Religion Forum |
The Christian notion that if you don't know/take god/jesus as your savior you burn in hell.
a lot of people, especially Christians themselves have this almost humorous misconception that peopl... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49305 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
What a fright.
They come down like vultures, distraught and confuse we pull away.
We're filled with fear.
They're leaving as the darkness pulls.
We grip hoping someone's there to hold... |
Movie ReviewCloverfield
10 Posts • 3498 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
What an incredible movie! I think JJ Abrams is a nice and cool guy, but I am not a huge fan of his work by any means... yet I found this movie highly engaging... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34608 Views Talk Talk |
In my opinion no, rap nor any other medium provokes violence, if the music tells people to go out and shoot people there is room for examination.
I tend to feel that passionate music or media can s... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 29956 Views Religion Forum |
You say people shouldn't have agreed upon places to meet but should agree to meet in the open as if the open is more holier than a specific place. Either way you are trying to contain God to a sp... |