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Tagged > Emotions
 32yrs • M
Existence does not exist
 33yrs • M
Shh! No words, only emotions.
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9663 Views
Philosophy Forum
Its so unreasonable to proclaim one emotion as a basis for all others, because emotions play off of other emotions. Take into account that there are millions of feelings one can observe. If you try to...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhy Are You Angry
25 Posts • 6637 Views
Psychology Forum
i did not say that ungrateful people who create drama piss me off. i simply stated an observation. its the fact that these types of people exsist that angers me. i disagree about your comment on em...
 39yrs • M
Emotions are for the weak minded, so cry me a river build a bridge and get over it.
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsExplaining your emotions
13 Posts • 3657 Views
Psychology Forum
I know wholly sees emotions as chemcials, and many do, but I believe in that only up to an extent. To fully believe that all of our emotions are involuntarily produced by chemicals in our brain totall...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9663 Views
Philosophy Forum
"why must we balance, why not take something as raw as emotion at face value." Certain emotions may not be balanced yet I think that most emotions can be connected with an opposing emotio...
 46yrs • M
what is right changes with time and changing situations
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15105 Views
Psychology Forum
Is not stress a set of emotions? How is it the enemy of emotions? Can emotions have enemies? Please clarify this for me.
49 Posts • 13316 Views
Philosophy Forum
AND EMOTIONS ARE BAD BECAUSE THEY MAKE YOU KILL YOUSELF! AND KILLING YOUSELF IS BAD BECAUSE IT CAUSES SORROW! Which is an emotion... I get it! If we have no emotion, nothing bad can happen! (nothing g...
49 Posts • 13316 Views
Philosophy Forum
Emotions: emotions are you, and you control yourself so emotions control you and there is nothing you can do about it! Just try practing log and common sense before using the animal instinct of smashi...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat is existence?
29 Posts • 15369 Views
Philosophy Forum
To exist you have to live your life as a human being, expressing your emotions in various ways. But to be human, you need to have emotions. We call ourselves 'human' because we believe that we do have...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15105 Views
Psychology Forum
Today I was thinking about if it would be better to have no emotions whatsoever and be creaures of logic, or if it better to have emotions and all that comes with them. I asked several of my classmate...
THREAD What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3426 Views
Philosophy Forum
I would also like to make a statement about the section titled EMOTIONS! It is a bit contradictory to me that you think all science (scientists), view emotions as problems!!! You also go into stating...
 31yrs • M
love your neighboor as you love yourself
49 Posts • 13316 Views
Philosophy Forum
there is nothing 'unnatural' about all this, in fact it is the opposite. There's no harm in emotions, and suppressing or 'controlling' them will result in difficulties. the pr...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7039 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe the key to inner peace and broadening the mind's horizons lie in removing ones emotions. The problem with humans is that we rely too greatly on emotions and forget our instincts which h...
 37yrs • F
Why do they call them suicide "victims"? What are they victims of? Themselves? Their environment? Their emotions? It's the ones left behind that suffer. The dead exist beyond suffering.
 37yrs • F
Why do they call them suicide "victims\"? What are they victims of? Themselves? Their environment? Their emotions? It\'s the ones left behind that suffer. The dead exist beyond suffering.
 41yrs • M
Situations impinge , emotions flow. With time time impedes the flow.
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26385 Views
Psychology Forum
it has been said that there are two types of pain, according to the abc emotional disturbance theory, there is physcial pain and emotional pain, physical pain comes from an exterior force like getting...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10041 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes ironwood you must have the idea of enlightened beings aloof sitting on a throne, with no emotions or with very little emotions. like if having emotions and concerns is the proof that something is...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhy Are You Angry
25 Posts • 6637 Views
Psychology Forum
i agree that emotions can be useful, but only if we understand them. i think that people tend to identify with their emotions. that is, rather than recognizing them for what they are we mistake them f...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAre Break-Ups Worse For Guys Than Girls?
26 Posts • 9857 Views
Psychology Forum
Now how would you answer a question like that? Is there a way to measure emotional pain? Maybe guys feel worse, but don't show their emotions. Maybe girls feel less but like to exaggerate t...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9663 Views
Philosophy Forum
if all your emotions are equal in worth, fantastic. but that doesn't mean that everyone elses is. I presume you don't exactly understand the meaning of 'balance'. Over the course...
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