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Problems with God

User Thread
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that fireangel is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Problems with God
When you are having the worst time of your life, nothing is going in your favor, and all you can do is think, "Why would God do this?", is it okay to be mad at him? I don't deny his existence in any way, but it seems like he is attacking me for no apparent I wrong to be upset with him? I feel like he has turned his back on me, almost as if nothing that I do will make him happy and end the suffering that I'm undergoing, so I've stopped doing pretty much everything but attending church. I've become tired of living by his rules when my good behavior gets me nowhere. Any insperational advice is much appreciated!

thanx much


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 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zyphon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm not much for Christianity buy my mom is more Christian than any person you would ever find. I have seen church members who break collar bones doing things that should have killed them yet somehow they did not die. They go to the hospital with a broken collar bone the doctor says he will have to operate.

Then the next morning he comes in takes an X-ray and no broken collar bone.

I have seen and heard things at my church that will bewilder anyone. Except for those who believe.

When the doctor called his family they came and told him that they had called everyone in the church and they had come to pray for him at his house that night.

I can't say that God is not real but I have prayed gone to church and tried to talk to him yet all I ever hear is my own voice in my head. Yet i realize he/it/all/god is all that lets many people go on. My mom has gone through tons of jobs all because she believes in God. Now it has paid out. She has a good job, she can still go to church, and be happy.

I guess i would say "God will put you through challenges, whether you stick with him or not determines whether you truly believe or not"

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"sad is the heart that loves. its usually broken"
 52yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The Lord is with you

The Lord is with you when you are mighty in word and deed,
The Lord is with you when all listen and everyone takes heed,
The Lord is with you when you are confident and what you do can make you proud,
The Lord is with you when you are flying higher than the clouds,
The Lord is with you when your enemies are quaking in their shoes
and all you seem to do is win, you never seem to lose,
The Lord is with you when you're praising him for all he's done for you and yours,
when everything goes right for you and he's opening all the right doors.

But the Lord is also with you when your weaknesses control your every move,
The Lord is with you when you're running and have everything to prove,
The Lord is with you when you're lower than you ever think you've been,
The Lord is with you when all doubt you and trouble is all you've seen,
The Lord is with you when you're running and fighting for your life,
The Devil's on your shoulder and he's twisting in the knife,
And all God is asking is that you listen carefully,
he's there inside a whisper, he's there inside a dream,
He's where you don't expect to find him where he's never been before,
just tell him how you're feeling that you need him even more,
and he will quietly caress you and build you up again,
He will heal your broken body and take away the pain,
He will soothe your raw emotions and restore your faith,
All you need to do is ask him and trust in him today.


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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
fireangel, you only need look at the above post. Nice Sorceress, very impressive.

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""No words""
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zyphon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yeah dont listen to what i said just go with sorceress.
Nicely put!

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"sad is the heart that loves. its usually broken"
 40yrs • F •
Lhstar07 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Why do you even think there IS a god? And even if there was, why do you think its the Christian god you've been praying to?
Most likely, there isnt a god and youre wasting your time with prayers.
When life throws tough stuff at you, take it and make it into something better. Be stronger. You control your life and you wake up each morning and decide if its going to be a good or bad day. Dont let this "god" decide your destiny. you have total control.

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"Fill Whats Empty, Empty Whats Full."
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zyphon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yes you do have control of your life. I dont pray to any gods or worship anything. I'm happy BUT it is human nature in times of stress to resort to calling on an all powerfull being to help us. Maybe by believing that there is someone out there helping us we tend to fell better. That and keeps people usually in a nice mood.

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"sad is the heart that loves. its usually broken"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Lhstar07, quite right, and an intelligent post. And you're smart; but zyphon understands something here beyond being smart. I'd just like to add though that there is something extra to you; its just going to take a long time to determine what that is.

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""No words""
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that gildon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
And that something extra is the soul right?

I absolutely believe in the soul, I believe in spirituality. I believe that religion isn't necessarily important.

It took a while for me to find my soul. But once I found it I knew it was there, inside me. I'd had gone through rough patches in my life up to that point. My soul was a little blackened with pains, fears, anxieties. That blackness was clouding my thinking as well. My mind was corrupted by my wounded soul.

Healing the soul just takes time and care. It wasn't religion that healed me, nor a womans love or family & friends. What healed me was first realizing that I was a spiritual person. Then I found my soul. The soul is worn over skin and bone. The soul is invisible. I can't see my soul. But I can imagine it. Imagination is a wonderful tool. My mind was the key to opening my soul. Once I found my soul, I imagined it in my mind. Remember my mind was corrupted but as soon as I started to imagine my soul my mind began to heal. Once my mind was healed I could then better take care of my soul. Now that I have my mind cleaned off and my soul out of the lost-and-found box I feel fresh.

Heart beats blood into us it isn't a reservoir of feeling. Our brains tell us what we feel, our spirits are us.

Our spirit is life, raw living energy. Our brain is the engine, gives us function with communication and action. Our body is the vessel, allowing us to act and communicate. Without a body we are still spirit, raw energy. Without a spirit we are only a body.

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"The thief is the heart, the world is in his pocket."
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zyphon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
so you agree with the view of
"to combine heart and soul is to become one with thy self"
"One compliments the other and togther they are one"

Those might sound a little confused but thats my view of things.
I agree that having a sould does not essentually mean that you are religious just that you believe there is more to you than the physicall part.

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"sad is the heart that loves. its usually broken"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that KGB is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
My advice is to keep praying and keep doing everything you've stopped doing. God hears all our prayers whether we get the answer we want or not. The thing to remember is that this world is passing. We are put here to help everyone we can in every way we can and God gives us no challenge He knows is too large for us to handle. Remember when you pray to pray for what God wants and not what you want because that can (even unintentionally) become selfish. God knows what is best for us at each stage of our life and whatever problems or hardships we face in this life will pass quickly. For a few years we have to suffer the imperfection of being dissevered from His holy presence, but eternal rest is awaiting us in Heaven when those few years have passed.

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"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that gildon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Beautifully put KGB. God seems like the only answer. When pain is way too tough God makes sense.

I'm a rebel by nature. Everyone at times seems against me. Myself and God are the only true friends. God is the only one that cares about my pains.

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"The thief is the heart, the world is in his pocket."
 34yrs • F •
demie is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Exactly what i think !
if all these bad things happen do that mean god is doin it or what or is the devil i get kinda confused to be honest why ?
an then sumtimes goo thngs happen does that mean its god doin them an if any thing wouldnt god wana be horrible to us because us ppl killed him
so yeh i duno bout god

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"i love my bf as much as i love games XD"
 33yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that xloobyloox is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
whow ! ok i just read this post and there are some replies where people are trying to sway your thoughts....but um...ok think of it this bf is getting the shittest of luck every single day.... his mum wont stop shouting at him and he cant get a job...which sucks cos he really needs one... but think of this ok... and keep in mind that im not a full holy thankful whatchamacallit christian.. i dont choose to have a religion...i just learn from every different one... if you think things are going bad for you...i dont think its 'God' that you should be blaming or thinking that hes not liking you or something.... sometimes peoples lives are jus tlike that....not everyone gets a perfect life and its not because god wants you to have a bad time and be upset.... i think that maybe he wants you to learn from it.... get something out of it... so you can know a lesson in life....not everyday of your life is gonna be running through fields naked with a smile on your face... just try and find a point to whats happening to you...try and find something that maybe you would learn from it... idk .... just think .... its not that im saying you deserve bad things....its just maybe hes teaching you something...about yourself or something....idk what im getting at lmao...


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"Why kill the bumblebee when your the pain in the ass?"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that fireangel is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i appreciate all the comments. I thank you all for choosing to post on such a controversial subject but i must say that even in all my doubt, I never doubted the existence of God. I think that what needs to be understood here is that God exists, what is the point of a soul if it just disappears into the air after the body dies? Why would an old soul have to find a new baby's body to have a new shell just so that it could go through learning everything all over again? That doesn't make sense. In all questions of existence, God is the best and only logical answer. I don't believe in God because He's someone to run to or to blame my problems on. I don't have a lack of affection in my life. The christian God is that same as the muslim God, just a different name, different prophets. Most religions are based around the same almight God, but there are different traditions and different beliefs about that God. As for everything else, I no longer have a problem with God. I am praying again and I realize that my anxiety was of my own doing. I did blame someone and it was the wrong being. I thank you all for your support and i encourage you to, even if you don't get an answer, start praying. Pray for yourself, pray for a loved one, pray for God, thank him for your life, thank him for his love, and thank him for his forgiveness when you have doubted him. I'm not saying to necessarily stop everything and become a priest, that is a vocation for a select few, but try to get in touch with your creator, I don't care if you don't believe in him, pretend, believe, just give it a shot, what could it hurt?

thank you all, and peace


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Problems with God
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