Thot we went thru all of this....
Look, the time is near but not because of a certain leader or two, but the leaders are 'products' of their times.
For instance Nostradamus, altho many defeat his purpose, but evidence shows by both his predictions and his writings still with us, that indeed he was also part of God's plan to help us see what and when things are coming.
However, Nostradamus never pointed to Bush as the 3rd Anti Christ.
There were going to be three.
Napoleon, Hitler, and Osama. (The third would rise from the middle east)
Not only did he foretell these times, BUT so does the Bible.
You claim it is all ONE leaders fault we are at end times, I disagree.
The fact that abortion is part of our laws, the fact homosexuality is acceptable, the fact that nations slide ever closer to dismissing God....especially those nations who are free.
FREE THINKERS have multiplied. In fact we now have 850 million aethists, theists, and agnostics today.
Quite a number considering ....
Anyway, it is the WORLD at large responsible for the dissatisfaction of God.
He can either be mercy or anger. We look around, children killed by parents, molesters, murder abound, (Not to mention how famous they are too.), abortions, gay marriages, gay rights, gay tv shows, sex on at prime time.

, the lowest church attendance ever, in fact the very 'idea' how boring church is, or how 'man made' it is, we have had wars for eons, ......etc etc
BUT I believe I went into revelations ...did I do it in this forum??
Anyway, this has been evolving over the last century..
Technology is a wonderment, but it is also something distractive, keeping us from prayer...and from meditating on God.
Be honest, you cannot blame any one person for all the woes, but you can blame the world for its own woes. IT is te world that is in trouble.
You want to herald change...change comes from each individual.
The role now for christians is NOT placating those who disbelieve, but making an urgent call back to God.
THIS IS why I dont mince words...and this is why I believe Jesus did not mince words.
When asked anything directly he always gave a direct response.
It wasnt well received, so therefore I do what I can to follow His footsteps...AND NO I DO NOT BELIEVE I AM NOR EVER WILL LIKE HIM..But with so many thick heads today, I dont have time to placate and pretend to be 'sweet' as it is false, and Jesus said NOT to do that.
I dont insult anyone person...
BUT I am straight forward.
(UNless of course someone insults me.

What can I say, the humanness in me can be rretaliatory...sorry.