SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6849 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Yeah Europe has a good idea, but there are problems brewiing. Germany is losing jobs to Poland and the Baltic states. (Source: NPR)"
No biggy, Europe NEEDS young blood. The population is g... |
Is Wal Mart Good For America?
7 Posts • 3478 Views Talk Talk |
http://radio.indymedia.org/upl oads/frontline_-_is_walmart_go od_for_america__1of5_.wmv
h ttp://radio.indymedia.org/uplo ads/frontline_-_is_walmart_goo d_for_america__2of5_.wmv
ht tp://radio.indymedia... |
SocietyI Think We Are Doomed
14 Posts • 3415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bill, it appears you are a fox monkey simply repeating the bias viewpoints and incorrect, 'facts' from said network. Believing that voting democrat (I say this because no matter whom the nominee is, y... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You are condoning and encouraging acts of violence against the U.S. government and it's employees. As a Canadian that's pretty dangerous hate speech you are spreading. YOU would never do any... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
616. Feds, a robber (12/16/09)
Rare people know that the operation fund for FBI and DEA comes from the wealth of "criminal case", from the property and the money they confiscated from &qu... |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dugbug - I've nothing to add to what you said! :)
"Bush made the right choice, and for the right reasons."
Bush said the USA went in there for SECURITY, because biological, chemical... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21784 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I say jealous, frustrated and way too dependent."
Now imagine how the arabs, consistently beaten, conquered, ethnically cleansed, puppeteered and humiliated feel.
"Therefore, I expec... |
GovernmentThe Profits of Genocide
1 Posts • 4436 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dear Senator Nelson,
So that you better understand my position on China and its state owned trading companies, I am sending you in confidence the copyrighted Chapter 2
of my forthcoming book below... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10019 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)
People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is the reason for Iran war. That is only right on Israel's part. For US part, it is petro-dollar.... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13586 Views Religion Forum |
The lie is in the thinking we have today, under the GUISE of free thinking. I think we arre talking about different things . . .
1) if they had truly taught the way as life to live rather than His b... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30367 Views Religion Forum |
Was Nostradamus really specific enough in his description of this antichrist for us to know that Osama bin Laden is meant? YES, he was. I won't claim that he was mentioned by name, although some... |
SocietyWrite To Your Senators and Congressman
3 Posts • 2614 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If you go to the following address: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/is sues/alert/?alertid=9233036&am p;type=CO
You can compose a letter to your Congressmen and Senators about how you feel about the curren... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41008 Views Religion Forum |
"from what i got from that, i wouldnt say i disagree with u dumbteen. but i must question the moral code we use today. what is it? we are legally allowed to kill people(capital punishment, aborti... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90803 Views Psychology Forum |
22. Fluorescent lamp killing (1)
In about 1992, Flea market administration installed fluorescent lamp in our container storage room. After I had experience of microwave radiation I thought there m... |
ChristianityGive Thanks, it makes you feel good..
3 Posts • 3196 Views Religion Forum |
i am thankfull for Fight Club.
i am thankfull that i live in a country like america, land of limited freedom, and home of selective bravery, instead of a place like niceragua. where toilest dont exi... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14071 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes I have read resolution 1441. You are correct in that it does not stipulate that the US can go it alone. Powell went be fore the UN security council and UN approval was not obtained. The US led coa... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
615. Gold rush in the end of the year (12/5/2009)
In early September, in #609, I predicted that "Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. ..... The price of t... |
ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6472 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Really? Obama not fit? Surly not as fit to lead as George W. Bush Jr. who has done wonders to America. Finding those WMD in Iraq proved how honest, noble and true we are as the USA. Putting our econom... |
GovernmentBush VS Kerry 2004 : The Real Issues
2 Posts • 2796 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This post is going to focus on the real issues at stake when you vote in a few days time. We're not going to look at their military records (or lack of thereof), we're not going to look at &... |
Generation Gaps - Believer / Non-believer?
12 Posts • 2985 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sure not a prob -
For the Bible readers especially will get it this way I'll state -
When the people all spoke one language on the Earth, (in the Story not so unlike today)
They got kin... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10019 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)
The planed action date of this March and April plot will be around 4/4 to 4/8, when N. Korea will launch a ballistic missile which is coincidence with... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107410 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I dunno if you guys realize this, but marijuana has been around since religion. Most religions in India some way incorporate marijuana, and China was the first place in the world to use it and record... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20409 Views Religion Forum |
One cannot ascertain whether it is Jesus or Hitler that we may be destroying....
Except in the case of cloned embryo....
One could make an argument that a Hitler Clone is a genius... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32181 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If the government created aids what benefits did they get out of this? Regulate human population isn't something that governments are generally concerned with(except China).
Um, no. You are... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7315 Views Religion Forum |
"Did you happen to glance at the inevitable consequences I outlined from your want of socialization? Do you realize the excessive burden everyone has to bear because you don't think... |