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63yrs • M •
Bill Thompson is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I Think We Are Doomed |
I think we are doomed. I think Obama is going to win and I think the USA is going to suffer in many painful ways. Oh sure, I like Obama. I think it is great that a black guy is going to be president. But the honeymoon is going to be short. Here, let me explain. He is like John Kennedy and he is like Jimmy Carter. That is a bad thing. Kennedy did not really know when and how to go to war and he got us in a mess in Vietnam. Carter was a passifist and that lead to more conflict. Jimmy Carter was a great guy. Everyone thought that his passifism would lead to peace. Everyone was WRONG. Everyone thought Regan was going to be a horrible president. Everyone thought his military build up would lead to war. Everyone was wrong. Everyone thinks Obama is going to be wonderful. I think everyone is wrong. I think we are doomed.
43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Squarepants is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
With the potential collapse of the dollar and the ever expanding influence of the Chinese, Russians and EU plus tension bettween Iran and Israel. Iran being an ally to Russia and other contries around the world wanting to buy oil in Euros.
47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Bill your history and your natural bias is skewing facts within your point. The doom was already present, I laugh at comments like these because they always leave out Bush, the biggest American Presidential doom bringer to date. Just like McCain, "Obama wants to create another Trillion dollars worth of government spending." But not McCain, who just helped authorize a trillion dollar bail out that has nearly doubled in size already. But surely Obama is the concern, not the blatant hypocricy of McCain. And why no mention of Clinton, is no one like him, nor he like any other? Or is he just too much like and linked to the shrub of which we do not speak? Your point of doom is an accurate concern, your point of Obama is not. He is no worse or inherently different than any other who have played the role of face of the nation as forces far more powerful and influential than he cause these wars, terrorism, and economic terrorism. Reagan was not a great president by any stretch, his attempts to be one were stopped cold by a bullet sent by a special messenger. The military build up under him did not result in an overt war, that is partially true, but the myriad of "secret wars" under him and many others more than makes up for it. So the USA has already been suffering in many painful ways, and Obama has had nothing to do with it, but Bush has, but he apparently doesn't warrant mention in your speach. Regardless of Obama or McCain, the USA is screwed untill its people, and indeed the people of the world wake up to overhauling governmental, political, financial, and military structures and policies just about everywhere. America cannot continue to survive on the blood of others, and even the amercan people, without consequence. Your fears being placed squarely on Obama or his expressed policies rather than the root issues of such coming doom is rediculous and actually counterprodutive to the point of helping to assure said doom. Blinded by ignorance and bias, when we swing out in anger we hit whatever we are aimed at by those who direct us from behind the curtain, turning us into tools of our own distruction.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
33yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Arcanum is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh c'mon. You had Bush and survived. I don't think Obama could be of a lower standard than Bush.
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"Some men are wise. Others are otherwise."
63yrs • M •
Bill Thompson is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Does it matter that Obama has Bill Ayres as a ghostwriter? If not, do you know who Bill Ayres is?
41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ayers is an extremely passionate human being. I'd love for him to help me write a book. This man will send us to our doom?
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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Bill, if it weren't for the fact that our own government foriegn policies are riddled with terrorism, then yes, it would matter. Did it matter that the Bush family has extreme Nazi ties leading to the implimentation of enough Nazi styled legislation to change the very fabric of America? Do you care about that at all? Or is the scary Obama monster all that matters to you? Does it matter to you that McCain was involved in corporate crime? And that is just what he was caught being a part of. Did it ever occur to you that they are both corrupt tools that are but two sides of the same coin, one heads towards communism the other towards fascism, both towards tyranny. Change the masses want and need will not come from cheerleading or fretting over a manipulated popularity contest. This charade is pathetic. Neither of these clowns are going to save us from doom, that is our job as the people. And the first step is to stand up to these people, not bow to them. Even to stand up beside them, in a fight for truth and justice, not to be a groupie and follow their lead blindly. Don't allow your fears of doom to make you help bring the doom.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking" [ Edited by Ironwood at
60yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that NATuralMan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
quote: I think Obama is going to win and I think the USA is going to suffer in many painful ways. Oh sure, I like Obama. I think it is great that a black guy is going to be president. But the honeymoon is going to be short. Here, let me explain. He is like John Kennedy and he is like Jimmy Carter. That is a bad thing. Kennedy did not really know when and how to go to war and he got us in a mess in Vietnam. Carter was a passifist and that lead to more conflict. Jimmy Carter was a great guy. Everyone thought that his passifism would lead to peace. Everyone was WRONG. Everyone thought Regan was going to be a horrible president. Everyone thought his military build up would lead to war. Everyone was wrong. Everyone thinks Obama is going to be wonderful. I think everyone is wrong. I think we are doomed.
Unemployment - Highest during Republican Administrations. Employment - Lowest during Republican Administrations. National Deficit - Highest during Republican Administrations. National Debt - Highest during Republican Administrations. Consumer Confidence/Spending - Lowest during Republican Administrations. Wars of Convinience - Two during this Republican Administration. Bush and the neocon infested Republican party have driven this Nation into the ground. 4 more years of the same would simply bury us. Bush, and McSame, have no real concept of foriegn diplomacy, and both fully support the same policies, like war, borrow and spend, and trickle down, that has helped to tank our economy. I don't like Obama any more than you do, and I'm not voting for either candidate, but we simply cannot have another term of neocons in power.
40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Bill, it appears you are a fox monkey simply repeating the bias viewpoints and incorrect, 'facts' from said network. Believing that voting democrat (I say this because no matter whom the nominee is, your opinion will be whatever Fox News is) will in some way put us in a further decline as a world superpower only supports this. Every republican goes to war believing this strengthens our economy, it doesn't. The Clinton administration figured out that treating the country as if it were at war by increasing government taxing and spending, and putting our economy into an unbelievable surplus. This occurs because the, 'Trickle Down effect' doesn't work. However, giving the poor money and watching the money flow upward does. Also, believing that this, 'wealth redistribution' Obama wants to enact for our economy won't work again are forgetting the past 8 years the wealthy has had incredible tax cuts. Obama's plan is the counter work of the Bush administrations flawed policies. Russia is in an economic surplus, why? Well a few years ago they decided to increase taxes, government spending, and do it again. I'd say those were good results. Also, Democrats handle diplomacy better. It's a fact we need the E.U. Russia and China to shape the world into a better place. Republicans look for trouble, I would call the three said powers idiots for doing business with Corporate or Republican America. And from what I see, they don't and for good reason. Unfortunately, I say this confidently and with great worry that people like you will only hear what they want to hear. Individuals of your nature cheer for the referee when they call foul on the opposing team, however cry out when the ref acts accordingly to your own.
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"The more you learn, the less you know."
32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ParallelShabba is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't think Obama is going to be that bad I mean Bush was a fool and made some truly ridculous decisions I don't think anyb ody could go as low as Bush but then again witht he current state of the world this could all go down the drain very fast and the world may be heading for a dark time but only time will tell
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"If you try to fix violence with violence you do nothing but create violence"
47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Shabba, Time has already told, take it as a blessing so you may yourself not waste time in doing something about it. Obama's cabinet picks and policies have already shown that he is part of the problem, not a solution. Don't let him take your ability to protect yourself and your freedom from him and others like him. And for god's sake, don't let him tell you that the people are the problem over the system of addictive corruption. Yes, we need to wake up and stop the nonsense, but if we are all in jail or dead, who will be able to help you stop the insanity once YOU finally wake up.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ParallelShabba is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hy hey calm down I was just thinking out loud but you raise some good points Obamas views and speeches are nonsense and down right stupid its ott and he is without a doubt part of the problem as with other politicians such as gordon brown who seems to have done nothing at all, obama will most probably screw things up by doing what politicians usually do eityher nothing or the wrong things entirely
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"If you try to fix violence with violence you do nothing but create violence"
35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that gazbollokface is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Not as bad as the George Bushisms! The amount of Bullshit that Jackass spewed forth out of his wordhole made me wonder if all Americans wanted him dead as well! He made the entire country look somewhat retarded on public and international television! now, lets mock Gordon (not elected Prime Minister) Brown! What a Jackass!
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"People like me hate people like you!"
32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that ParallelShabba is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yeah George W Bush screwed things up more than any other moron in this world I wonder if its in his nature to turn the whole world into one big war
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"If you try to fix violence with violence you do nothing but create violence"