video games
7 Posts • 4175 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
with the small introduction of new gen consoles like the Nintendo DS and PSP it is clear that games still have a very long way to go before they reach their full potential.
in the next few years w... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18066 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Regarding your WMD post. There are 2 WMD related reasons for attacking Iraq: self-defense, and because production of WMD is a violation of UN sanctions against Iraq. But the UN doesn't... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10019 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
585. A super 911 to justify Iran war (1/30/09)
To justify the Iraq war, the Inside Group activated a false flag terror attack in US: that's 911. To justify the coming Iran war, another false f... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think the Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. In which US dollars will rapidly devalued to a historical low. The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/oun... |
GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6224 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There are millions of people fighting against the imperilist economic powers and alot of them end up in jail or killed.
In 1973 there was a coup d'etat in Chile by General Pinochet.... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8575 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wolf look at you go. Alluding capitalism with Nazi "slave labor".
1. The majority of Jewish wealth obtained by the Nazi's was stolen. That money went directly to their army efforts.... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90803 Views Psychology Forum |
137. SARS, who opened the Pandora Box?
Who has the ability to activate a bio-attack? Russia, China, US..... But who has the motive this time on SARS crises?
1. Bush started an era of war and bio... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Who supplied "Al Qaida"?
Any resistence needs resource, from money to ammunition to human resource. Vietcon had the support from two big powers - Soviet and China.
Where did the suppo... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10019 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
599. Cut power supply and activate a terror attack (4/15/09)
Not only internet would have been attacked, telephone service would have been lost, power supply would have been cut too. Watch the date... |
War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3545 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is the American Legacy. This is our history. This is what we are ignorant of and need to do everything in our power not to be.
Even if you swear your life to attempting to disprove this infor... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He's often not even fulfilled that promise.Just what is the need & what is wanted or desired?
Would that include giving an oppurtunity to share or to help others? Jesus healed a person, aft... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The collapse of the dollar can be defined many ways. but the most important being its sheer worth within the national and global economy.
From the decline as the oil reserve standard, to the loss of... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89359 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Ok on a serious note now, if there was gonna be a WW3 it'll be in europe, but no doubt USA will get invovled in some way or another."
"My reasons behind this is,... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35957 Views Psychology Forum |
God! I hate ignorant people!*angry* *angry*
I have a Muslim friend who is the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met. I know a lot of Muslims and know a lot about their religion. I mean, Muslims... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90803 Views Psychology Forum |
12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)
When I talked about microwave killing, some readers asked if that is a mind control pulse wave. I went to the web site they gave me. The neuro-electrical magnet... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23910 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Look at the mere fact we do NOT have Osama Bun Laden. Where is he?
Since he is impossibly hidden from society, how can the weapons also be NOT hidden just as well. "
Weapons are big and w... |
SocietyExcerp: 13 Year old boyfriend gets nude pics of teacher
2 Posts • 7926 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In Tennessee a school teacher is given an additional 7 years in prison for sending her 13 year old boy friend nude pictures of herself. She's pretty good looking, the 13 year old I'm sure is... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15510 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I agree that population levels are a key component. Over population, even at the level we have now, stresses the environment and its resources. There is a correlation to high levels of populace and po... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Conclusion : rather democracy is a necessary transition once you become wealthy.*confused*
I agree with the part about the necessity of healthy economy & would extend it to any social organizati... |
Nature & GeographyA Compendium Of Fascinating Places On Earth
3 Posts • 18358 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Stone Forests
Jagged columns of tall rocks towering up to 90 meters (300 feet) high. These awesome terrains are a result of millions of years of travelling water (rain or groundwater) eroding away... |
LawThe Draft Law
11 Posts • 4417 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The draft SHOULD be reinstated. Actually I'd rather see ALL persons serve 2 years, male and female. It doesn't have to be training in armed agression, it could be some form of training that... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
623. Embedded program (1/31/2010)
Decade ago, I have read a news said that there was a secret team which design special program embedded in electronic chips so in emergency, Pentagon could activate... |
ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6545 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Cain is a self righteous asshole. He's everything bad about conservatives without any of the pro's. He isn't a true conservative. He's just a dick. also 9 9 9 is laughable. A grade... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
618. South East Asia financial crisis (12/26/09)
In May 1995, I came back to US. The stock market was at an unreasonable level with high P/E value. I view it as a trap for me. Of course, I would no... |
AnimalsAnimals Humans Kill For Facetious Reasons
2 Posts • 7146 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Sharks: Shark Fins For Soup
Every year tens of millions of sharks are killed just for their fins - according to studies, the numbers range from 26 to 73 million sharks per year. Shark finning involve... |