If you go to the following address:
http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/issues/alert/?alertid=9233036&type=CO You can compose a letter to your Congressmen and Senators about how you feel about the current situation. I have done this and below is a copy of what I wrote. For some of you who might find it difficult to find the right words, you can copy my letter, whole or in part and use it as you may. Of course I will post this on my blog, and if you come up with something really catchy or powerful, send it to me and I will add that to this post.
The Iraq study group suggested that we sit down with Iran, Syria and al-Sadr.
Bush has decided to ignore this and instead, escalate. Against the better judgment of Rank and File, and even John McCain has reservations that we will not be able to escalate this enough to win.
What we keep hearing is that we can't lose. Can't lose what? Oil contracts?
The Iraqi's want us out of there, they know what is best for them and we don't have a right to their oil. This is just wrong.
Instead of turning enemies into cooperative neighbors, instead we will have more enemies.
Every human being has the right to eat and drink safe water. We have taken this from them and offered them Democracy and now tell them that their Democracy isn't good enough, we will do what we want anyways. Mr. Bush even tells us that our Democracy doesn't know any better.
al-Sadr says he will send our boys home in wooden coffins and in the end we will leave without our oil contracts leaving behind starving children who have grown up in fear with a hatred for the United States as possible future terrorists.
Stop this madness, as a responsible human being you must, as our representatives, you are required to serve the publics better interests.
Instead the White House serves the oil companies, defense contractors and Saudi Arabia who has profited greatly off of this. Even China who earns interest on the money they loan us for this. But the American people have already lost while being fed a lie that they must continue losing.
Roger The Okcitykid