110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
When you have my experiences you can let me know what conclusions you draw from them.
Don't be an ass, do not think your experiences so unique no one can relate.
Your conclusions are not yo... |
Free will
12 Posts • 3859 Views Philosophy Forum |
HI im mike heres my thoughts...
how about deterministic vs. probabilistic...
details*part icles control movement? mechanically, quantum particles, and their behavior is random...should freedom be a m... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12132 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Inclusive is the liberal mindset. "
Fuck this. Stop lumping us into groups like that. I refuse to be lumped together with the socialists. I stand for social justice and personal liberties... |
AnimalsThree reasons I hate Orcas (Killer Whales)
0 Posts • 6570 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Mmmm, well at the risk of dredging up some more ire…
I think such interesting things have risen out of this thread.
Attolia: you are so intelligent and I adore the things you say, are you RE... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Forgive me for sounding repetitive in my point, I referred to personal experience and seeing music and arts programs being cut and teacher's pay obviously sucking ass. These arts classes ar... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12225 Views Religion Forum |
how can I debate with someone who has no desire to listen to anyone else's point of view without attacking them?
You stop taking offense and stop worrying about if someone "attacks"... |
Random QuestionsQuestion for all with an open mind!
5 Posts • 4568 Views Talk Talk |
You said:" Hello everyone, I am very new to this site and I wish I joined a long time ago. I have a question that's been on my chest for a while and I really need to get it off my chest. Eve... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34215 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Are you questioning if public education was used to mobilize us for the first and second world wars? I can quote from books if you like? It was the focus of the 1917 National Education Conference. Pic... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5583 Views Religion Forum |
However, if a Christian does it because he fears going to hell, it is not freedom. He/she is not acting with personal choice. This is because the fear of going to hell does not give you the choice to... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You need to read up my friend :
"all goverments have there gd points and there bad points, communism: bad= takes away privatly owned bussnises good= abolishes alienation between social classes&q... |
Flash Tutorial
2 Posts • 2675 Views Jokes & Games |
I've made a tutorial on how to upload Flash games on to CaptainCynic.
Look at the numbers in the pictures and follow my instructions for each number.
Step 1(image 1): Go to Tools and then c... |
War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I too have to say I too like your dads attitude Tao.
(My grandfather was in WW2 and as 5 year old boy, my head filled with the glorious notions of war I was being taught in my sandpit, I used to as... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
yes two years is not too long in real time. but considering the fact that i have talked to this man more than i have spoken collectively to everyone else in the rest of my life, that two years is quit... |
Smokin for pain
5 Posts • 2563 Views Talk Talk |
The first is numbness from severed nerves. According to the neurologist they are repairing themseves at a record pace.
the only thing I could think of about this is that the marijuana really takes... |
About You / IntroductionsPeople!! baaah!
11 Posts • 3510 Views Talk Talk |
damn it I feel as though i am the only human here. I am horny i like to drink and i have friends who will use me if i let them. in fact me and my friends "use" each other. But i also have a... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9811 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Decius, very well put all around. I am a person who is lucky enough to believe that i have found my soul-mate. The first time i saw this girl i knew she would be mine. I was never anything but my comp... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12984 Views Religion Forum |
I understand exactly what you are saying. And hopefully soon you will too. *lol*
Sorry, I'm just in a good mood.
But if you can look beyond the religions at the messages
Dude, did you... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
First I wrote so little and to me it seemed you pulled it out of context and misunderstood everything I wrote.
As I explained I commented beyond your statements, as they were, as I stated, ambiguou... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Interestingly I had read this discussion earlier and chose to let it develope and see were it lead? I was in Miami when a young man was abducted and later found murdered. My native friend's, brot... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views Religion Forum |
"As the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion - ..."
I agree with that statement
"Therefore, although certainly an impor... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
I've never been an idealist, always a cynic, thus i always feel the need to run and hide when people use "i know that it's true in my heart" as backup for anything (nothing persona... |
I figuared out my disease
2 Posts • 3919 Views Talk Talk |
No matter how many times a hot woman walks by me it seems they don't even glance at me and pretend I dont exist or purposly try to avoid eye contact with me, and when they do make it I am too muc... |
Human Nature & EmotionMeaning of Life: Love?
11 Posts • 3844 Views Philosophy Forum |
As love can be loosely defined, I feel that by saying love is the meaning of life, you are in turn saying that the meaning of life is defined under your own terms. Therefore, the meaning of life canno... |
Movie ReviewTotal Eclipse
8 Posts • 6980 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
All Rimbaud Lovers will be taken by this movie. The cult of absinth, the libertine spirit, the starving artists, a real bohemian rhapsody. L.Di caprio really lived it up, but sometimes he wasn't... |
video games
7 Posts • 4175 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
with the small introduction of new gen consoles like the Nintendo DS and PSP it is clear that games still have a very long way to go before they reach their full potential.
in the next few years w... |