13 Posts • 7111 Views Philosophy Forum |
the desire is in our nature, it is described by the bible as the absolute nagativity in man... EVA , the faimous apple and the snake and the idiot ADAM that was in love wit... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67570 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here are a few spins on the old idea...
We did not always have a money/barter system, and have still managed to get to where we are today...
Other life-forms appear to be able to go through lif... |
SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3618 Views Philosophy Forum |
the EU is unreachable and implacable for us brit's. they aren't responsible for all the problems in towns such as mine but foreign labour is cheap in england and so employers would sooner em... |
1 Posts • 3728 Views Jokes & Games |
Attention fellow dreamers, humans, and aliens! This is your friend Karissa AKA Star Girl...
I am an aspiring radio announcer, one day I will be famous...like Angie Martinez, Big Boy, Carson Daly, L... |
Random QuestionsFirst kiss.
37 Posts • 9244 Views Talk Talk |
my first kiss was something out of a dream.
it all started on a cold winter night when a bunch of my friends and i went out sledding. And then we all went back to "his" house.
It was so... |
37 Posts • 11777 Views Psychology Forum |
well, i cant interpret your dream, but from the looks of it it may be somewhat archetypal, considering it had strong meaning to you and that it occured on your birthday(which could mean it is a symbol... |
258 Posts • 67428 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I Think I Gave The Wrong Impression
im terrible, im hopeless
im fucked and i know it
i cant seem to stop all my pain
im a bastard and an ass-hole
im wrong and im a big joke
and i cant seem to... |
Something to do with life.
2 Posts • 2308 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Anything written here is dedicated to anyone who can relate.
Sometime in winter 08',
My friends have foresaken me... JP has become malicious. The trailer park is no longer benign. My home is... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7206 Views Psychology Forum |
If you know what you want to do then that is great. When there is we something we really want, then in pursuing it we naturally start addressing the the insecurities and negativity... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42417 Views Religion Forum |
Moreso - I believe what I was told in dream - It was the false god who created us (body and soul). But God will take us and remake us as if we were a ball of clay. (Jesus most likely is a part of that... |
1 Posts • 3083 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
by Robert Davidson
And They Thought She Had Missed Out On Love.
They called her an old maid
Said Maud never had the chance to test her virtue
Said she was like a pressed... |
Alternative BeliefsDisprove my beliefs.
4 Posts • 2971 Views Religion Forum |
This is my first post on any site related to this idea I have had for quite some time now. You can take from this what you will, but it won't matter.
I have been borderline atheist for a few y... |
AstronomyEarth From Outer Space
8 Posts • 7797 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Some facts about our planet Earth:
• Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
• Earth formed 4.54 billion years ago.
• Life formed on Earth 3.6 billion years ago
• Approxima... |
What is a slave and what is a prisoner? (rough notes)
1 Posts • 1938 Views Talk Talk |
What is a slave and what is a prisoner? (rough notes)
I was born into slavery. And fought my way up to prisoner!
The slave obeys. The slave subjugates his will to that of an other or others. The... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16277 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Another distant scream...
Another shattered dream.
Lost another bet...
Another cigarette.
The world's only getting stupider...
Mother nature's crying, but no one hears her.
"Go... |
PoetryYOUR poems
4 Posts • 3605 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is song is utterly and completely ME. I relate to every part of it. Besides, like, having a spouse and children and stuff. And the fact that I'm female.
The Final Cut (Pink Floyd))
Thr... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51573 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've often wondered about reincarnation as yourself, in which you just relive your life continuously until the end of time. Though I have come to the conclusion that there is no real conclusion.... |
4 Posts • 3598 Views Jokes & Games |
True story, I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was... |
Emotions & FeelingsExpressing And Experiencing Spirituality
7 Posts • 3784 Views Psychology Forum |
Look into the law of attraction and power of intention.
You have powers beyond your wildest dreams.
There is a spirit world that you can interact with and do already every time you dream or see... |
Religion & HumanityThe Politics Of Religion
11 Posts • 3679 Views Religion Forum |
Indeed, we need to keep in mind that these people were raised in endless blood money and no nothing of the plight of the little man, let alone the life of the honest man.
I loved the original post... |
1 Posts • 2750 Views Talk Talk |
So, im new to this whole thing.... but sought it out because I need advice or more so understanding/opinions. I have been strugling with the issue of judgements being placed on superficial ideas... i.... |
3 Posts • 2976 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can someone please help me explain this? Last night my family and I stayed at a nice hotel in south GA on the way back from Flordia. I go to sleep around 11, and its seems no less than 5 minutes after... |
DreamsDream Song
4 Posts • 2998 Views Psychology Forum |
Once about two years ago I had a series of dreams taking place at the Chateau Rouge Hotel during Prohibition, and in this hotel the air is always hazy, the men wear suits and fedoras and the ladies we... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThought and Reality
26 Posts • 7618 Views Philosophy Forum |
Reality is relative to each individual, through countless conversations with others - you couldn't say it was an "illusion." What is an illusion, anyway? Good old Webster states:
a o... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9970 Views Psychology Forum |
Everybody has illusions… It would appear the mentally ill have these illusions at more times or at more significant (or even important) moments in time…
Dreams are a source of illusionÃ... |