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Dreams - Page 3

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 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that kevosworld is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i dont know if you guys would be interested but i had this intense dream a while back and it still hunts me.

i saw my self in a green pasture with 3 unfimailar faces. then all of a sudden i shot up in the sky like a rocket. then my dream turned to first person. I started to travel the universe. it was really intense i was able to control myself and everything. Well i flew by serveral planets and all contained different settings and terrians. One was a dirt ball with a green patch of something and another was a fireball, black with fire shooting out. then i turned my head left and i saw something that scared me. i saw a fleet of these black ships. looked like an umbrilla. the front was pointy like a spear point then the shaft went to this umbrilla shaped mantel. then the shaft went out even more like an umbrella. at the back of it the shaft was a mace head looking thing. The texture of these ships were black mostly black complete with blood red veins.

what frightend me was that i only had 5 hours of sleep, and i woke up 3 hours in, then back to sleep to dream this up. i awoke totaly refreshed like i slept for 40 hours. never felt like that before. plus i woke up to my birthday.

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"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Wacko man. However, I don't think that all dreams men something, most of the time they are pretty meaningless.
Yes, in short, dreams reflect your desires and fears etc.

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that kevosworld is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This one meant something, i have never witnessed anthing like this before in my life... lol i hope i can continue my space oddyssey, for it is scary yet pleasently fulfilling.

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"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well if it does, then u are the best interpreter. Its prbably some abstract representation of something

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Windupnostril is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
well, i cant interpret your dream, but from the looks of it it may be somewhat archetypal, considering it had strong meaning to you and that it occured on your birthday(which could mean it is a symbolinc initiation into adulthood or something)
Here is one of several possible purely archetypal (i.e. no personal symbols) interpretations:

The field is your safehaven. It is ground, earth, cold hard reality--the serene nature kind of overplays the security associated with a firm basis on reality. we can see this from the general tendency for flying in dreams to mean a flying away from the firm ground of reality and giving up of a firm base to explore uncharted territories and uncertainties. this could be associated with unrealistic dreaming, giving in to intuitions, etc. basically all things that don't have a root in reality. exploring the cosmos of intuition and fantasy, you discover two planets: one is barren except for a small green plot, the other is blazing with fire. basically the one thing that both of these planets have in common is that they are uninhabitable (or at least less habitable than the serene pasture of your firm grounding in reality). planets are circular shaped objects, and archetypally circles tend to represent the whole self. these planets are states of being, both of them the only places of inhabitance to be found in the risky exploration of uncharted space(i.e., an uncertainty). the spot on the one planet probably represents growth. green is naturally the color of growth, and red is the color of passion, and fire symbolizes change and disruption. the first planet represents a state of immaturity(lack of complete growth) and the second represents self-destructive passion. these are the only things that you will find if you give into your intuitions and don't take your head out of the clouds. suddenly, you look to your left(left is the side of the unconscious and right of the consciousness) and see a fleet of black ships(black is the color of mystery, which could be associated with the strange and seemingly sinister intentions of the unconscious, to knock you off of your high-horse). the ships represent your unconscious trying to balance out your whole being, telling you that they are more fit to explore this uncharted territory than you are(they are specially designed for space travel) and they have found that there is nothing out there but barren and hostile environments. their goal is to put you in your place, back on earth, in the serene pasture that you know so well.

so, basically, using this interpretation example, completely void of personal symbolism(which im sure the dream is probably full of), your unconscious would be saying:
"you're a man now, it's time to face reality. the only future daydreaming and fantasizing will get you is one of self-destructive immaturity."

also, jung thought that the if the consciousness is wrong about something or "weighted down" by a particular mental outlook, the unconscious will try to balance it out by becoming equally weighted down in the opposite mental state. so, if your consciousness is too unstable and off in the clouds, then chances are your uncounscious is overexaggerating how you should actually behave. rather than becoming completely grounded, you should probably find a midway point and go that route.

i realize that i have not tried to give any symbolism to the three ambiguous faces, except that they are probably parts of the unconscious as well. im also sure that this interpretation is inadequate, but is just an example of what it could mean if it is completely archetypal(which most dreams are not). this is also a purely jungian interpretation, so as far as freudian wish-fullfilment goes, which require personal symbolism, i have no idea.
to get an accurate interpretation, you will probably have to do it yourself. i suggest the following reading material:
"the interpretation of dreams," by freud, "dreams," by jung, "man and his symbols," by jung.
hope this helps.

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"You are reading this."
[  Edited by Windupnostril at   ]
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that kevosworld is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
thank you very much Windup, i think i will read that after i am finished reading Catch-22.

I dont totaly agree with this statement.

"it's time to face reality. the only future daydreaming and fantasizing will get you is one of self-destructive immaturity"

Daydreaming and fantasizing is the key to many new ideas concerning the reality we live in. For all things were once a dream or a fantasy. Cars, computers, especial space travel were all once dreams. Plus I'd rather dream and fantasize then think about things that have already been thought of before.

thanks for the book recommendation

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"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"
 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Windupnostril is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
well, like i said, the subconscious is usually overblown in its statements, and the best path is generally the middle-path. also, this was just basically a sample of what one possible interpretation could look like. anyway, if you find a dream interpretation that fits your conscious feelings, chances are that it's wrong. this is because both freudian wish-fulfillments and jungian counter-balancing tend to oppose how we feel consciously. i suppose thats why these feelings are unconscious.

anyway, im not fit to interpret your dreams or anyone else's because for one thing, i don't know anything about you or your psychological state, and also i am not a bloody psychologist, i have merely read some books on dream interptretation and that is my only qualification. i just like trying to find symbolism, so that's pretty much the only reason i even wrote up that interpretation, and for a chance that it may tie in with any possible real situations.

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"You are reading this."
Dreams - Page 3
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