83 Posts • 20546 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanx for the compliment 730, but I have to admit that this idea of the subjectivity of space and time has been talked about for centuries, although only vaguely touched upon. Kant was closest when he... |
1 Posts • 2896 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A Gothic Horror Story
by Robert Davidson
I have killed myself
and today I attend my own funeral -
But last night I went down to the morgue
and there identified... |
33 Posts • 10055 Views Philosophy Forum |
Magic, I tend to agree with your cynicism regarding therapy and the following of spiritual gurus.
Also with your statement that in general neither meditation nor therapy are of any use. This is becau... |
DrugsThat Kinda Trips Me Out Man....
3 Posts • 2736 Views Psychology Forum |
Share something you've written while under the influence. An idea, a rant, a poem, or just a song you listened to. Share something that really hit you, and really got you going.
The influence... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13193 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm a vet, enlist yourself, I know that does nothing to answer anything.
You tend to get two sides from them as well, but that they know nothing of the policy and truth, as soldiers have no ne... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8622 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
All you need to do is scream at the top of your lungs and break all these mirrors. I wonder what narcissus would think of that. All this anger and hate, where does it come from? Was it heartbreak? No... |
13 Posts • 4008 Views Talk Talk |
the problem is when i tell people why i want to do this, it makes me sound insane. not in a creepy killer way, its not that i am doing this so i can kill people.
its just that i can't even exp... |
SocietyIdeas on education
9 Posts • 3645 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Such an awesome post, really helps to clarify the subject in my mind to a greater degree.
It is an overwhelming thought that ultimately, it is as you say, we do need to do a whole restructure of th... |
Society & SociologyFree Will
16 Posts • 5556 Views Psychology Forum |
An interesting subject, which many have discussed, discussions which have led to nothing but more arguments. Here's a thought
Every living sentinent being must have some form of free will. If... |
God in ReligionWho created God
3 Posts • 3878 Views Religion Forum |
God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or th... |
I am looking for help with a survey for my philoso
7 Posts • 3458 Views Philosophy Forum |
Age – 40 something
Religion – Celtic Reconstructionist/pagan
Do you believe in a soul? -Aye
If yes where do you believe the soul resides? –
The soul, a part of the spirit self tied to... |
Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10652 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hi all I know I'm new to all these posts and they are dated September and I'm writing this in December, so maybe one of you will get to it in 2007.
Anyway I have loved reading a... |
Habits & BehaviorDifferentiating between Positive and Negative Reactions
0 Posts • 402 Views Psychology Forum |
What is with the trend of dodged points of relevance and slanted self defensive lectures?
For numerical sake, I'll focus on 7)
First, what the hell do you think people are trying so hard to... |
SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
There is no other organism that has been more biologically advanced than the species homeo sapiens.
It is speculative because neither you nor any living or dead scientist or researcher knows that... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hmm, I don't know what to say about feeling helplessness about a situation. I can see how people may come to feel that way, putting their efforts behind something and having it fail and backfire.... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9612 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Ha, where am I?
And where do i go from here, mr z told me not to start the sentance with and, hmmmmmmmmmmmm okay sir. I know what torments me so much, its that i have not come to terms with that life... |
ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7413 Views Religion Forum |
"So, yes, you did indeed state that they could not. Which means some people are born into darkness and some into light. Which means, some people are predetermined servants of satan and some are s... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21066 Views Religion Forum |
Conclusion: I noted the apparent bend in straw was always toward the surface of the container & independent of location of source. At first I had assumed that the surface discussed in the theory o... |
About You / IntroductionsHonest Unbridled Passion
2 Posts • 2610 Views Talk Talk |
I am so content right now.
I am so happy with choices I've made, paths I've braved, experiences and results that have come.
I had my first fully lucid dream experience, though brief, last... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15611 Views Religion Forum |
I am reading I believe this and I believe that. But really all that is being stated is opinion, and unqualified at that. How can an opinion on such an esoteric topic be qualified anyway? Who could pos... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7983 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am enjoying this conversation.
Firstly I would really like to clear up a misunderstanding. That was not my tone saying "hoping." You assumed negatively of me instead of assuming that I... |
Reality & MetaphysicsMy Current Understanding/GTF off of your computer (My Theory)
1 Posts • 2867 Views Philosophy Forum |
First off i would like to add that I am a very unorganized free-typer...what you read may be awkward or uncomfortable to read because it's not in a format. Just read it with a "Free Mind&quo... |
Why do people "care" about what others d
1 Posts • 2952 Views Philosophy Forum |
What i dont understand is why a person, can believe so strongly in something or against something, that they will go though extrodinary lengths to makesure noone does it, or everyone believes it? im m... |
13 Posts • 4600 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You speak of the circumstances I was referring to, see, to advocate that you don't believe in killing then to kill is one thing, to say you don't like others killing especially for certain r... |
1 Posts • 2710 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Night Your Landlady Came To Your Room
by Robert Davidson
A loose gown in which her flesh swam free
Your eyes resting diffidently, the full white breasts
The sh... |