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Christianity is dead, now what ?

User Thread
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Brother Bob is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Christianity is dead, now what ?
To many of you I am an enigma or a joke, however I do know my place in society: "I am the past". You are the present and the future and must hold yourselves accountable.

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"What keeps man far from God, also keeps man far from man."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Brother Bob is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Does it matter what I think? For I am soon dead and by all popular accounts the cause.
You have given thought to your path and direction, is it actionable?
Does it have to be perfect?

"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly."

-- Robert H. Schuller

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"What keeps man far from God, also keeps man far from man."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

I agree with you 100% on every point.

1) We will only survive through co-operation
2) Co-operation is achieved through empathy and compassion
3) Freedoms must be universal, segregation must be eliminated


All doctrines that limit freedom must be abolished
All doctrines that segregate must be abolished
All doctrines that persecute must be abolished


Patriotism is bad
Prejudice against gays is bad
Sexual repression is bad
Criminalization of drugs is bad

And so on, and so on.

That's what.

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
God is in his own dimension where there is no time, space, or matter. He has no beginning. He has no end. Just as we as individuals dwell in our own imagination, which God created, God also dwells in his own imagination. nobody had to create God's imagination.

Satan gained access to our imagination when Adam acknowledged him in disobeying God.

When Jesus had a near death experience on the cross, God entered the heart of Jesus by the spirit of Elijah who had never died.

When Jesus died on Masada at 80yrs old, as the last Hasmonean King of Israel, God entered the hearts of the righteous. Through the eyes of the righteous he has been observing the evil and the good.

When the righteous see God, they will become like him for they will see him as he is.

God gets a bad rep. because of Christians. If you want to find God don't Go to church. Look into the hearts of the people the world has shit on. You're more likely to find God in prison in the hearts of people the world has pissed off, patiently waiting to reveal himself in his wrath against the self righteous.

God's " Truth " is hidden within the lies.
God is hiding in the darkness within the children of light.
God's " Truth " is about to be revealed.
There is soon to be a war between The Children of Light and The Children of Darkness.
This is when Satan will be cast out of the imaginations of the righteous and into the earth. The war between Satan and his angels, and Michael and his angels takes place in the imaginations of men after " The Truth " is revealed.

Did you happen to read my post ( Revelation Revealed )?

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Did you ever notice? in Revelation 4:1,2 John says,

After this I looked, and, behold a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as a trumpet talking with me; which said, come up hear.

And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

It does not say John went anywhere. It says immediately he was in the spirit. Heaven is not in any particular location. Heaven is in the spirit. The spirit is in us. We go back to the dust from which we came, and the spirit goes back to God who gave it.

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh hooray! The teacher's brother has come to save us all.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Have you noticed that all the Christians speak in tricky ways? I wonder why that is.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Brother Bob is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
1)We will only survive through co-operation
2) Co-operation is achieved through empathy and compassion
3) Freedoms must be universal, segregation must be eliminated

Agreed, wouldn't that be a wonderful world. Freedoms if you are talking about human rights.

All doctrines that limit freedom must be abolished

So do you mean anarchy? Do laws limit freedom? Do we need laws?
All doctrines that segregate must be abolished
Agreed, segregation has never worked, it only promotes ignorance and prejudice.
All doctrines that persecute must be abolished
What about persecuting the law breakers or are we still talking anarchy?


Patriotism is bad

Why is loving your country bad?

Prejudice against gays is bad

All prejudice is bad

Sexual repression is bad

What about pedophilia, bestiality, and incest?

Criminalization of drugs is bad

Agreed for possession, what about trafficking?

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"What keeps man far from God, also keeps man far from man."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Brother Bob is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Have you noticed that all the Christians speak in tricky ways? I wonder why that is.

Have you ever noticed that all the _________ speak in tricky ways? (feel free to fill in the blank with your prejudice) I wonder why that is?

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"What keeps man far from God, also keeps man far from man."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"feel free to fill in the blank with your ________ " ( feel free to fill in the blank with your generalizing, unwillingness to listen, and prejudice here)

I am literally doing the same thing you are. If you Refuse to see how it is the same, you are being childish. If you refuse to accept that you being childish is a possibility, you are not listening. If you are not listening, you are not being respectful.

Hows this for a prejudice, Most Christians are disrespectful. They show how they are disrespectful in many ways. Like pushing legislation and acting elitist.

Its literally the same thing. you are just throwing insults just like you did before. Its childish and anti-productive. You could have defended the allegation and shut me up correctly, but you chose to be childish.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Do you understand this statement?

Every answer produces a question, that if answered correctly, will reveal the truth hidden within the two.

That just came to me so I thought I would share.

A superficial view, a few labels, a bases on biased ideology, with even your best reasoning, is not likely to produce absolute truth.

Absolute truth is available to those who seek after it.

What is revelation? When all information received and processed comes into perfect alignment and produces a clear image that you can tangibly see, not just perceive.

When lies are replaced with truth and darkness is replaced by light, darkness is cast into outer darkness. Their will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Picture the process of defragging your computer system. Before the defrag process, the information the system has received is scattered throughout the system with spaces of unused memory scattered throughout. After the defrag process, the information within the system is stored in an efficient and precise order, compressed, and the empty gaps are moved into useable space.

Picture receiving revelation as the defrag of the mind, except, after the content of information is properly organized and the gaps are filled in, a complete new beautiful picture emerges.

Man has accumulated enough knowledge of information to receive revelation of ultimate truth. When the true light is revealed the righteous will see it and rejoice, but none of the wicked will understand.

Why is this? The righteous have chosen to accumulate the proper information in their heart, so their hearts will be able to see when the light of truth arises. Notice how understanding is tied to seeing?

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.


I agree with you 100% on every point.

1) We will only survive through co-operation
2) Co-operation is achieved through empathy and compassion
3) Freedoms must be universal, segregation must be eliminated


All doctrines that limit freedom must be abolished
All doctrines that segregate must be abolished
All doctrines that persecute must be abolished


Patriotism is bad
Prejudice against gays is bad
Sexual repression is bad
Criminalization of drugs is bad

And so on, and so on.

That's what.
____________________________________________________ Quote from Decius...............
You can't quote the bible whilst claiming to agree with my ideologies.

The bible, old testament, openly suggests God demands you put homosexuals to death.

That opposes many of the idealogies I stated, that you suggested you believe in.

The ideologies you state is what we would have, had knowledge of good and evil not entered the picture. Man would still abide in the innocence of his heart and mind.

After Satan gained access to the imaginations of man he perverted the imaginations of men. Notice knowledge of good and evil brought shame to Adam and Eve's nakedness? There was nothing wrong with their nakedness, there was something wrong with their shame.

At a superficial ( carnal ) level, you would see God and everything else in a different light which is no light at all. DARKNESS AND LIGHT CAN NOT DWELL IN THE SAME SPACE AT THE SAME TIME.

Light can not stand still in darkness, it can only pass through the darkness. But where is light going? Light began its' journey at the beginning of time, so transversly, light ends its' journey at the end of time.

You see how light is diffracted as it passes through a prism into its multicolor spectrum? In the same manor light is diffracted as it passes through the darkness of time.

God created the light of our reality. With a thought and a word, God separated light from light, pairs of energy began to form, welcome to the beginning of time and space.

As God, as a thought, began to separate light from light time and reality was set in motion.The opposite pairs of energy began to spin, equal pairs of opposite energy negative spin to create the darkness, positive spin to create the light ( matter ).

The positive spin energy attracted to the positive spin energy, ( light to light ), and could have easily melded together into one light, but, because the two energies could not occupy the same space at the same time, the negative spin energy surrounded the positive spin energy, creating a negative barrier that separated the positive spin energy from the positive spin energy. ( Sounds confusing but if you think about it's not really. )

The positive spin energy became confined as it had a continual attraction separated by the negative energy barrier. The positive spin energy became compressed into individual locations throughout the newly forming universe, thus causing a stretching of the negative energy.The stretching of the negative energy evenly cooled the newly forming universe and caused the darkness to become transparent.

So, now we can see, the positive spin energy condensed and compressed throughout the newly forming universe. The negative energy stretched across the entire universe and surrounding the positive spin energy.

So, our reality is a hologram created by the separation, condensing/compressing stretching and diffracting of one light of creation. All observable/detectable energy within reality travels in waves throughout the light of reality.

The tremendous amounts of energy condensing/compressing within individual locations throughout the newly forming universe
created tremendous pressure and heat causing nuclear fission reaction and ultimate explosions, releasing the energy/gases from within out into the surrounding space to ultimately form the stars and planets, leaving behind the super massive black holes found within the center of the galaxies.

So what does all of this have to do with the knowledge of good and evil? God breathed into Adam and the man Adam became a living soul. We do not have a soul, we are a soul, we have mind and body. When we experience death in this reality, the body returns to dust ( atoms ) and the spirit or conscience goes back to God who gave it. We experience physical reality through our six senses, five natural and one spiritual, six representing the completion of man.

If you could see what God sees and know what God knows you would see God and everything else within true light, or the light of truth.

If we look back through time with understanding, ( the mind of God through revelation ), we see God is dealing with ( evil imaginations ). God, through Israel, implemented laws, and destroyed cities and peoples, to regulate the power and spread of evil imaginations through time. All events and peoples culminate with this generation and the fulfillment/revealing of all things.

Children begin to loose their innocence as soon as we begin telling them this and that is wrong or bad. If we were raised in innocence and knowledge of good and evil was never introduced things that seem perverted or wrong now would never have became perverted or wrong.

So,Decius, back to your point. What you are describing will only come about after Satan is bound and the children of light are clothed in righteousness, we will no longer be naked and ashamed.

Love is God's essence, pleasure is God's playground, we are God's children. During this time of darkness God's light of truth will appear. Light will appear as darkness, darkness will appear as light, good will appear as evil, evil will appear as good. Satan will appear as an angel of light, his ministers as ministers of righteousness, and eventually the wicked will kill the righteous ( thinking ) they are doing God a service.

Trust me, nothing is as it seems.

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
[  Edited by VoiceInTheDark at   ]
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hello Decius, I hope this answers more questions than it creates.

Herein lies the problem. You see humanity, God, reality, even yourself, through the eyes of your own understanding and reasoning. As does everyone else.

My point was, God is the eyes of understanding, unless God ( Reveals ) the truth to all things how can we have understanding? If we only have a superficial vantage point, from which to view, the past, the present, and the future?

You must see yourself as the child that you are. We are all little children within. I see the child in you. You are cynical in your vane imagination, and you have hardened your heart against any opposing your views.

These are your good attributes, they are what formed you into the person that you are. This causes you to be a stone, not a cloud blown about by the wind. So how do you move the unmovable object?

On the surface we see people, we see generations, we see history, we see time as it is, and we have reason. You are now a child thrown into this generation. You do not know where you came from, who you are, or where you are going.

Welcome to this generation, it is the generation of the revealing. You are either a child of darkness or you are a child of light. So let's just say, as a child of light, you will see the light of truth as in is revealed.

God saw the imaginations of men, that they were only evil continually.
Satan perverted all things that where pure, When God reasoned with Abraham over the destroying of Sodom and Gamorah, Abraham came to the realization that these cities contained no righteous people. God told Abraham that he would not destroy the righteous with the wicked.

God could not allow evil imaginations to defile Israel or the land. The law was added because of the hardness of the hearts of men. What you are failing to realize is, evil imaginations are not real, in other words the people you are speaking of that God had put to death were not real, they were only evil imaginations.

Satan corrupted the imaginations of men, and polluted innocence. Evil imaginations in the old testament, children of darkness now, are only real in their own imaginations, and ours. Only the children of light are real and have life in them, In him was light, and the light was the life of men.
Quote from Decius

You believe we should wage a war against Satan while I believe we should use psychology and sociology to achieve psychological and sociological change?

No, Satan is the one who wages war, first against God's two witnesses, after we are killed, Satan scatters the power of the Holy People, and sets forth to destroy Israel. psychology and sociology are the creation and strength of the children of darkness, they are the image of their own imagination, you can not change them, they are Satan's brain child.

All of the points you mention that need to be abolished only exist because of darkness. Satan creates his illusion of evil and good within the minds of men. God will reveal the truth about evil and good within the hearts of the righteous when truth is revealed.

The doctrine or illusion of Christianity, and the doctrine or illusion of democracy both are supposed to represent freedom, both are built on foundations of lies, both bring to bondage and control/slavery.

The only thing that will establish a true and perfect Kingdom of freedom is perfect love through God, towards our brothers, the children of light/truth. Perfect love cast out all fear, inhibitions, and lies. Perfect love does no harm to his brother and is an open door
to innocence and perfection.

God is the very essence of love, God will perfect his love in us when the light of his love is revealed. What does it mean to, " Love your brother as yourself, for no man ever yet hated his own flesh "? Is this gay? God will bring all of his children ( the children of light ) back to the freedom of love and innocence, As his righteousness is revealed all of his children will be robed in it.

God hates evil, his wrath will be revealed in the children of wrath. All of the children are naked before God's righteousness. The children of darkness will be naked, ashamed, and guilty before the children of light, who will be robed in the liberty of righteousness.

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Yes, but the mystery that is yet to be revealed is who are the children that are worthy of such pure unconditional love, that they will receive the light of God's pure essence and truth?

Can you tell me anybody you know that you could trust with your unconditional love? A true brother? someone who is real and totally transparent?

They will be revealed as the eyes of their understanding are opened. We will know one another as the light of truth shines forth, and the transparency of the darkness becomes apparent

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that VoiceInTheDark is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Thank you for that Decius

But no sorry, you could not have landed further from my point. You totally do it yourself, that is my whole point. Why do I say everyone receives their reward according to their works.

What would you think if God opened up the heavens for you, and revealed to you, that for your seemingly short insignificant life, you did not know that you where of the ROYAL BLOOD, and within you flows RIGHTEOUS BLOOD. Would you not see yourself when I speak of The Children of Light?

Back to my point, people who are righteous do not think anything about it, it's just their nature. What they truly believe of God remains in their heart. The image we see of one another is an image of the madness of our collective minds.

A true brother has your back no mater what. A true brother is not a fake person, he is strait up and strait forward. A true brother is still there even if all you have to offer is your life full of disappointment and heartache.

A righteous man does not try to prove he is righteous, he most likely doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him. The majority of the words he speaks to God are, " I'm sorry I had to do that God, or I can't help how God feels about it but in my heart I feel it's the right thing to do.

A righteous man may be an outlaw or a Gangsta on the street. He can see right through you. He will give you respect if he feels you are worthy of respect. He has little or no tolerance for fake or stupid people.

A righteous man may be kicked aside into the shit hole of of life, overlooked by the self righteous, stopped caring when everyone else did.

God has saved back his wrath to reveal it to this generation. Like I have said before, if you want to see God, don't look in the churches, look in the streets, the prisons, and the shit holes of life. And don't expect to find warm and fuzzy God love, look to find a portion of Gods anger, which is leading to the revealing of God in his wrath towards the self righteous.

After the wicked find themselves face to face with gods pent up anger when it explodes in their faces, The royal blood of God will rein, and he will reveal the essence of his love to his children.

Did you know that God spoke in his word and said to the world, " I will laugh when your fear comes, I will mock at your calamity.

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"The whole world dwells in darkness"
Christianity is dead, now what ?
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