The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was conving the world he didn't exist. - Verbal Kant
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Tagged > Dark matter
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views
Religion Forum
from what i got from that, i wouldnt say i disagree with u dumbteen. but i must question the moral code we use today. what is it? we are legally allowed to kill people(capital punishment, abortion), h...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsAnger
10 Posts • 3154 Views
Psychology Forum
I feel that you make a good point about verbal abuse cause anger and often violence. I agree that often it is only the violence that we see but that is because it is much more noticeable. Suppose you...
THREAD guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6036 Views
Talk Talk seem sort of tainted, like maybe you were in love with someone and invested a lot in the relationship and they left not trieing to be mean, thats just how it seems to
19 Posts • 10749 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wind, I must ask you are you confusing sensuality with gender? I feel that there are strong reasons to associate gender with cultural influences but sexuality is a different matter. That being said ca...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFemale Superiority?
7 Posts • 3734 Views
Psychology Forum
Sometiimes what we think is better is really bad and sometimes it is good. So if woman wanted to take the superior side of things wouldn't they try there hardest to take that position? If woman...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20408 Views
Religion Forum
"How can you expect them to allow what is an attrocity in their minds, keep happening over and over again?" Listen, the people who abort are not Hitler. It's not the same thing, so t...
THREAD ChemistryHow do they know atoms exist?
18 Posts • 7392 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Doing an image search for "carbon bonding electron microscope" will allow you to an actual picture of atoms. It is the 1st image on yahoo image search, as well as google. Electron Micro...
THREAD Who pays for this forum ?
6 Posts • 6041 Views
Administrative Contact
haha I like a cup of chamomile myself :), I am not a big coffee drinker but there was this sort of indie movement that compared donating to their art by buying them a starbucks coffee for something th...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Hello everyone! I'm a 20 year old male from beautiful Sydney, Australia. I love my music, mostly punk, metal etc. basically anything rock. I also play guitar. I'm generally a pretty qu...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
Hello again Ironwood I can barely believe that you actually say the things you say, but let me see if I understand you. You think that I am a coward and "don't have the balls to stand up...
THREAD Drowning in despair
1 Posts • 2076 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I'm sinking, lower, deeper in despair I'm drowning, furthur, I'm running out of air I'm choking, breathless, this song-bird's lost her song I'm drifting, aimlessly but...
THREAD Negative...
15 Posts • 3714 Views
Philosophy Forum
Agree wholeheartedly with Decius. Repression is not a way out. It's just hiding. And waiting to be found. I speak from personal experience because repression once ruined me when I was stupid and...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25131 Views
Religion Forum
" It is like the "I think, therefore, I am." It is there, but nothing is thinking about it because nothing is living in it. " Yes that shows what I'm trying to say wonderfull...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
Okcity, from my perspective, being swept up into the God spirit is not very clear and concise to me. For all practical purposes, I suppose that if you look at the jewish perspective, they were awai...
17 Posts • 8494 Views
Art Forum
you should start a band again. your about the same age as my mate, martin. he's not gotten so old just yet that he has stopped being interested in music, i have another friend dave who still has...
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10654 Views
Philosophy Forum
Long thread -- long theory? They say that electro-magnetic energy 9radition exist beyond our means to measure? So how do they know that it continues to exist beyond our own infiniminticle particles o...
THREAD ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views
Religion Forum
Apostolic period (to~100) 33-36 crucifixion of Jesus 45-64 Missionary journeys of St Paul 49 The 1st christian council in Jerusalum 64 Persecution by Emperor Nero 70 Romans sack Jerusalem 94 Per...
THREAD Societyshaun hannity child molester
23 Posts • 36573 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"So far, I've only seen Decius delete my posts that disagreed with and constructively criticized his particular focus on 9/11 vis-a-vis conspiracy theory. While it is his authority as a site...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3402 Views
Psychology Forum
In my brief thread on my depression here on CC ( hread/89022/depression.htm) I mentioned that "when I get upset about something... I get upset about everything"....
THREAD From Where did it Come
1 Posts • 2346 Views
Philosophy Forum
Prior to there being anything, any matter, any height, depth, width, or time for reference, its pretty much impossible to imagine what was there. But something was. Even if that something was nothing...
THREAD PerceptionTypes of Perception…
6 Posts • 6566 Views
Psychology Forum
Well the story goes… I was looking for and trying to think of different kinds of perception… I came upon the ideas of sensory perception, and what I called intuitive perception…...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27645 Views
Religion Forum
"BUT what gets me is Muhammad lived by the sword, killed by the sword, and ambushed, and beheaded...." Trish, every single religion of the face of this earth has committed atrocities and...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I do not think indians are in any way better then us. They harm their environment like we do (they wiped out every large mammal on the American continent). The only difference is that they don't...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21993 Views
Religion Forum
Wow, I never would have guessed that posting my little equation, which was really more of a thread title abbreviation than an equation, on a “social awareness/religion” forum would be the...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12228 Views
Religion Forum
Fragile beliefs, insecure, paranoid, whatever! Could you possibly divert your oh so logical and cold mind to furthuring the study of science rather that pick at what people believe. This discussion wi...
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