I would rather have my ignorance than another man's knowledge, because I have so much more of it. - Mark Twain
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Tagged > Dark matter
 30yrs • M
no matter how dark it seems or how terrible the situation u can always count on finding a spark of light telling u which way to go
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
Well, like I said , not up on dark matter so not sure what it is suppose to be. You know you are welcome, glad I didn't offend. Looked in the Webster Dictionary of Science (copyright 1998) dark...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDark matter
6 Posts • 3626 Views
Science & Technology Forum
This film seems to question the scientific authority on how the universe was formed by the big bang because of the strange effects of dark matter and dark energy and the contradictions that this impli...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDark matter
6 Posts • 3626 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I would be interested to read what peoples' views are on this subject. What is dark matter? What does it mean in terms of the formation of the universe? Anything really that people want to throw...
 36yrs • M
Words dont matter unless we make them matter.
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuestion about the speed of light
15 Posts • 4576 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think Einstein was wrong, because i think that space-time itself is like matter with density. lit me give a good piece of evidence for my claim, dark matter and energy. dark matter is truly space-ti...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
cturtle why are you obsessed with this one line of the bible. The bible is so metaphorical that it can be interepreted any way you want it to (and given the number of different christian sects, differ...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7524 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Well this is it, you can make a measure of matter and the effects of forces but how do you make a measure of nothingness which in itself seems to dwarf infinity, light cant escape from a black hole ne...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDark matter
6 Posts • 3626 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Interesting link http://www.sciencedaily.com/re leases/2007/10/071001112906.ht m Just like stars get together in galaxies, the galaxies get together in clusters of galaxies of up to several thousand ga...
 48yrs • F
Those who matter don\\\'t mind and those that mind don\\\'t matter...
 48yrs • F
Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind...
 32yrs • M
u r never alone... u may think ur alone and no one is watching but there is always someone no matter wat. u r always watched
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8916 Views
Science & Technology Forum
But where does anti-matter and dark matter fit in to all this? I'm asking cturtle because you obviously have some interest and knowledge in all this particle physics stuff.
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30343 Views
Religion Forum
^^you're totally right....Simplicity and confusion coincide with each other. So does right and wrong, dark and light. But two things can never occupy the same territory, if so you never have a co...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9094 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In my view, everything is waves. At the point that we envision as the Big Bang (though I have an alternate theory on what that means) all energies are expanding in what could be called "omnidirec...
THREAD expanding universe: Red Shift
8 Posts • 3952 Views
Philosophy Forum
i don't know how to explain it, but that's what they've scientifically proven. Find the TTC What's New in Astornomy lectures from Berkely and watch all twelve. In order for the...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7524 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I cannot see the air with light traveling through it just the matter that is lit up, light from the sun travels across vacuos void space, so how dark would the void be that the light from the sun trav...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
"Dark matter (I think its called) has been discovered that passes right threw the earth. If I did a search I could find the links to these scientific studies." Dark matter is something in o...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWhere does the material from black holes go?
17 Posts • 9026 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Hmm . . . the problem being the statement of closure! To think a black hole would spit you in another space and time is immediately shot down even by the limited knowledge we have of black holes. Wit...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
I think therefore I am! I think? I stand with 1 foot planted into both worlds because they are one to me. Look at both sides to see the wonder that exist within thy! *lol* *sleepy* *clown* OkC...
THREAD RelationshipsPysical Attraction
20 Posts • 10015 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I'm probably immediately attracted by longer dark hair, soft eyes, and a nice smile. Breasts can matter but aren't usually a big deciding factor. Still, I find plenty of girls irrestible who...
 48yrs • F
mind over matter \"if you don\'t mind it doesn\'t matter\"
THREAD Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63822 Views
Philosophy Forum
Perhaps we all end up as dark matter!?
THREAD TechnologyLarge Hadron Collider
1 Posts • 3407 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Some of you may know about the hadron collider - an energy particle accelerator that scientists/physicists built to try to test a bunch of unknown things relating to physics and dark matter and the cr...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
OK by me, anyway. No one has to believe in GOD, dark matter or atoms, hell some people don't have any morals, if you want to, believe that too.
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